Friday, September 11, 2009

You run for fun?

Thought provoking quote from The Ultra Marathon Man:

To most non-runners, running is at best boring and at worst terribly painful and senseless

I think this holds true for many things in life that people are passionate about, and especially so sports. After sitting in on a few lectures of a solo round the world sailer a few years ago, I could not for the life of me imagine how someone would find pleasure in completing that task. To me it sounded at best miserable, and at worst a serious risk of life.

Undoubtedly even the most motivated, dedicated athletes sometimes have self-doubt, or struggle for motivation, but generally are driven towards the greater goal because they love what they are doing.

I think this comes from people not understanding that everyone is stimulated by different things. How could someone who goes to church every Sunday morning possibly understand why someone would want to spend the same time fishing many kilometers off the coast, or cycling through the hills? Next time you are driving to church past a group of cyclists and think to yourself “why the hell would someone want to dress up in that ridiculous skin tight lycra, sit on a uncomfortalbe seat and cycle for a few hours out in the cold”, you should  accept that they could also be asking some similar questions of you!


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