Monday, March 22, 2010

A moment on the lips

Some amount of this undertaking is going to center around food. I am currently obsessed with food. Anyone who is “dieting” is, and I’m in the more serious aspect of dieting, i.e. literally trying to change the way I eat. Every nutrition guru worth their salt says it– It’s not a temporary endeavor; it’s an all-out life change.

I’m 36 years old and probably in the fight for my life. I’m not overweight, or chubby, or plump. I am medically obese. I may even be categorized as “morbidly obese” but that’s just splitting hairs. I’m fat. I’ve been following the Weight Watchers program for the last 12 weeks and have successfully lost 35 pounds. I have one hundred and six pounds to go to reach my goal weight. Even then, I’ll still be 20 pounds heavier than the normal BMI range for my height, but the BMI chart can suck it. Women my height in the upper end of the “Normal” BMI range are built like very athletic bikini models. It’s never gonna happen here.

So, I’m changing the way I eat. I’ve stopped eating fast food for the most part… a grilled  Chik-fil-a sandwich once in a blue moon isn’t gonna kill me.  I’m actually eating the recommended fruits, veg, whole grain and dairy amounts that the food pyramid draws out for us. I’ve taken on the challenge of cutting out 99% of processed food (I keep one “healthy choice” entrée in the freezer for lunch emergencies) and anything containing high fructose corn syrup (Harder than you can ever imagine).  I’m trying to buy organic goods, where a lower fat option isn’t a choice. And, honestly, I’m loving it.

Food has always been a focal point for me. I’m sure this is some sort of eating disorder. But if I’m going to be obsessed about what I’m eating, I’m going to go forward being obsessed with the eating the right things. Tonight I am making red beans and rice from scratch for the first time. Before, we always opened up a box of Zatarains and enjoyed it in 25 minutes or less. This is now a dish that has to be prepped the night before. But it’s mine. I know every ingredient and how that ingredient is beneficial to me. And that is more satisfying than anything that ever came out of a box.

A big part of this new-found zeal came from the book “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan. I was already on my journey of trying to attain a healthy weight when I ran across this little book. It’s a quick read, and lays out a lot of common sense ideas in an amusing thoughtful way. I highly recommend it for anyone who is trying to think differently about what they eat.

Find it here:


How to survive the weekend

It is usually the weekend that we tend to forget about our long-term plans as we usually have a change of routine.  The main thing to remember is that the weekend needs to form part of our lifestyle change.  You can still go out and enjoy life but you need to plan how you will cope if you over indulge.

The main key is to continue to fill in your diary sheet during the weekend.  It acts as a great conscience.  Try and spend some time planning your meals for the coming week, remembering to compensate for any nights out where you may have over indulged.  The weekend is also a time to try and do some more exercise; start to make it part of your weekly routine.

If you are tempted by a takeaway try and make a good choice.  the attached leaflet explains some ways to limit the damage to your new lifestyle by selecting the best takeaway option. 

Healthy takeaways

Survive the weekend

Why not try making your own chicken curry at the weekend rather than going for a takeaway.  It will have fewer calories and will help to keep you on track.

Chicken curry


Friday, March 19, 2010

Free Exercise of the week to increase muscular strength, back arms and gluts definition

Free Exercise of the week


From a lying down position, forehead on the floor always and hold both weights (light weights)  in both hands, side of  the dumbbell touching the floor. Raise opposite arm and leg up. You should raise it just few inches off the floor (2 or 3). Alternate left arm and right leg and right arm and left leg. This is one rep. Do it 15 times (Make sure you are allowed to exercise)

Please send me your comments!

This exercise is:

Good for the Brain: You need to concentrate in postural alignment, balance, core stabilization. Cross lateral movement: When you raise the left arm and right leg you are forcing both brain hemispheres to communicate and work together.

Left, right brain hemisphere, coordination (basal ganglia, cerebellum)

Good for your body:

back of your arms (triceps,teres minor, lattisimus dorsis, rhomboids) legs (gluts, hamstrings)

For more exercises CLICK HERE

Fitness Book

Release Date: December 2010



21,169 Steps

Today I dropped my car off for repair.  Because I wasn’t able to get to the gym beforehand, I decided to walk/run home from the shop.  However, I realized I needed to go to Target, as well.  Oh, and I wanted to stop by the mall.  So much to do so off I went.  I REALLY underestimated the distance to the Target on Sepulveda.  It took me 2 HOURS TO GET THERE!  By the time I did my shopping and started back home, I was wiped out. 

Onward I trudged, however. There was no other option.  When I was within 6 blocks of the mall, which was on my way home, my back was killing me and I was questioning whether I could make it the rest of the way home.

I arrived at the mall looking and feeling pretty bedraggled.  Luckily, my friend Jennifer was able to pick me up from there.  All in all, I spent 4 hours walking which amounted to  21,169 steps. – and it was only 1pm!  I definitely didn’t miss my workout and the calories burned reflect the effort…

Yesterday’s Results:

Calories Consumed:  1347

Calories Burned:  3755


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Use Your Subconscious Will Power and Change Your Life

Have you ever met someone who was nice and slim and could eat everything they wanted?  You know the type – people with perfect metabolism.  I have – my Mother and my older Sister – they could eat sweets every day and not gain an ounce.  I felt like just from watching them I gained the weight instead – don’t you hate people like that?  I once saw my older Sister lose 10 pounds in one week in front of my eyes even though she was eating more and more due to a stressful situation our family was going through.  She would eat the richest chocolate cakes that she could find, drink sodas or fattening milkshakes and not gain an ounce.  I am not one of those lucky people.

Unfortunately for me I inherited my Father’s metabolism and through out my life I’ve had the problem of either being in shape, being overweight or have had to exercise for long periods of time to burn what I ate through out each day.  That’s no way of living your day-to-day life, worrying constantly about “food”. 

In my high school years I was close to 25 pounds heavier than I am now and from then on my weight went up and down.  At the age of 32 I was almost 35 pounds heavier then I needed to be.  At 5’2” that’s too much weight to carry.  At some point I started running and working out with a Personal Trainer and although this was a very positive step I still didn’t lose all the weight that I needed.  I realized something was missing.

Later on I started attending a school to learn about Hypnosis to pursue a career in that field.  It was at that time that everything started to fell into place in many areas of my life including weight loss.  As I learned more I realized that I needed to change certain beliefs and behaviors about food and that Hypnosis was one of the keys that would finally unlock my success with weight loss and health. When I started using Hypnosis to help my clients lose weight, I realized that something else was missing.  Hypnosis helped with cravings and old habits but if I wanted to help my clients keep the weight off forever I needed to learn more about food. That’s when I realized that the final secret to unlock my success and my client’s success was to learn about Nutrition and so I did.  I learned that many of the foods from my Guatemalan upbringing were the culprits in my struggle with weight.  In my culture white rice, tortillas and breads are a daily staple.  After learning about what happens to these foods when I eat them and with the use of Hypnosis – at this time – I don’t feel the need to eat them anymore.

I am in shape now. I finally feel that I am in control of my food and what I eat at my meal times.  It took a while and lots of experimenting, dieting that didn’t work and finally understanding how my body reacts to the foods that I eat.  By using the word reacts I mean – I either nourish my body with healthy foods or I give foods to my body that will cause it to gain weight.  We need to eat to survive – what we don’t need is to eat out of stress or eat emotionally to make ourselves feel better.

Hypnosis is a gentle relaxation process by which a person can change behaviors at a much deeper level (I now call it our subconscious will power) instead of just using our conscious will power that is so overworked because of everything that has to control through our day-to-day living. 

We all know that progress is impossible without some kind of a change happening, whether is personal change, routine change, weather change, or any other kind of change.  So if you want to stop smoking, manage your stress better, have more focus and concentration, stop nail-biting, get rid of fears and phobias and stop any other condition that at this time is controlling your life please give us a call at (323)839-0325.  We offer you a Free Consultation and at that time we will be glad to explain in detail how we can tailor a program to fit your needs on the issue or issues you need to work on.

Name (required)

Email (required)


Text only. No markup allowed.


Weigh-in Wednesday, week 2

Against all odds, and four beers later (see, down one!) I’ve lost another kilo (2 lbs) this past week – woohoo! It feels great, and I’m most impressed with myself. People at work are commenting on it too, asking if I’ve lost weight, but I really don’t think it’s that big a difference yet. It’s just that some clothes look better and feel more comfortable again (though there are exceptions: swear to God, it feels like this bra is going to crack one of my ribs soon…).

Odd thing is that it feels like I can eat just about anything on this WW diet, what with the new “weekly bonus” system. But hell, I’m not complaining! So far it still seems to work :) So, grand total so far: -1,1 kg this week totals -3,5 kg, with 4 kg to go…


The Last Ten Pounds

One of my best friends implored me: “write about those last ten pounds!”  If somebody could just solve that, weight loss would be so much more successful.

I have been struggling with that assignment since that evening – over a delicious Italian meal, by the way.  Such a great question!  It is at the core of the diet challenge.

How do we lost those last ten pounds.  There is, obviously, no easy answer to that query.  I mean, accordingly to the US Government, two out of three Americans are either obese or overweight. That startling statistic is based on the BMI scale – which in itself is somewhat controversial.  But let’s not get bogged down in all these numbers.  The bottom line is what is a weight that you and your doctor think is healthy for you and possible to maintain?  Once you determine that, let the change begin.

If this were an easy answer, we wouldn’t need to spend BILLIONS to figure out how best to lost weight.  So, forgive me as I ramble a bit on this challenge.

This is what I have come to.  You lose the last ten pounds the same way you lose the first ten pounds.  There is actually a reason why those last pounds are so difficult to shed.  This from Fitness Magazine:

There’s a good reason so many of us hit the “final 10″ wall. In a word: biology. “All of us have a built-in mechanism that protects against starvation. When caloric intake falls below caloric expenditure, a series of metabolic and physiological responses kick in to preserve and replenish energy stores,” explains Barry Levin, MD, professor and vice chair of the department of neurology and neurosciences at the New Jersey Medical School in Newark. So when you first begin to shed pounds, your metabolic rate slows, your energy use becomes more efficient, and your brain starts sending SOS messages that you’re hungry. By the time you’re down to the last 10 pounds? Your body is fighting to recover and will hang on to every ounce tighter and tighter.

If you have used your weight loss journey as a time to relearn your bad eating habits, build up an exercise program, and embrace the day-to-day process needed to eat sensibly, the pounds will ultimately come off.

The object of a diet is not to lose weight.  Not to see those numbers go down on the scale.  That’s the flaw of quick-fix diets.   Forget the numbers, you want to end bad habits and build new ones.  If you have gotten to the final 10 and are frustrated, have a heart to heart with yourself.  Have you picked a goal that is realistic for you.  Forget the BMI, pay attention to how you feel, where you are carrying your fat, consider if this is a weight that you often get to and stay (your set point.) I have heard so many people, usually women, set a goal for the weight they weighed when they were 20 years old.  You might want to rethink that.

The bottom line is to get yourself to a healthy place.  Remember how you felt when you started your journey, how you were willing to give it all the time it takes?  It is normal to want to sprint to the finish line.  But, you’re not finished.  This is it, baby.  So you might as well keep on keepin’ on.  And, enjoy yourself.


Monday, March 15, 2010

In My Skin - Day 67

Weight:  186

Size:  14

Exercise:  Outdoor Bike-riding 4 or 5 miles

I’ve been feeling great on the exercise side of life!  We just finished (my Husband, 4 Boys and I) riding to the Mall for lunch at Grimalidi’s.  After we went a little further to the Circle K to hit up the Red Box for a few movies, then headed home.  It is such a beautiful day.  It must be 80, or just under outside.  I can see the brown glow starting to take over my skin.  Love Spring time!

Yesterday, Sunday, we went to the Aloha Festival, which was fantastic.  We loved walking while enjoying the wonderful food, drinks, vendor booth and entertainment.  It was a win-win all around and I didn’t gain a pound.  Thank goodness for the walking.  :)

The Friday before that I did 4 miles on the treadmill.

On Thursday of last week I did 3 miles.  This was the day after I did the KettleBell.  What was so funny is that I woke up so sore Thursday morning from that 20 minutes of KettleBell.  I loved it, but OUCH!  LOL!  I went to lunch with 2 girlfriends after the gym and when I went to stand up afterwards woooowwww!  My thighs and ass were like… I give, I give!  hahaha… I was laughing at myself so hard.  I am for sure going to do that KettleBell again this week once, or twice.



The Cheek Swab

The insides of my cheeks feel funny. Yep, I got my test.

My personal genetic test I got it in the mail last week, but the Scientist, who apparently knows the ins and outs of medical labs, suggested I wait until Monday to take it.

So take it I did!

I opened the tri-fold folder, filled out the consent form and signed away all responsibility and repercussions should anything go awry, filled out my contact sheet and proceeded to swab my cheeks. Two Swabby Sticks and a Biohazard

The swabby sticks looked a bit like mascara wands. I rinsed my mouth out with water and scratched my left cheek 20 times, then took the second mascara wand and scratched my right cheek 20 times. Then I let them both dry for 15 minutes. Once they were dry, I put them both into the biohazad envelope and sealed it up.

Now I just have to mail it off and wait. All in all, it was a simple process. They say seven to ten days for the results. Until then, we twiddle our thumbs.


Back to the grind!

Houston was such a fun weekend away! We finished off the weekend with the AIDS 5k walk. Here’s some shots. There was such a great turn out for this event, I was really impressed!!

And as soon as I landed back in Tulsa, it was back to the grind. With just a brief evening before the start of the work week, I spent time preparing. I made Yogurt Carrot Muffins to take for breakfast this week and Mediterranean Barley Salad to take for lunches. I sampled both, and yummmm! Feeling ready for the week now! And trust me, grocery shopping and meal planning was the last thing I wanted to do after a weekend getaway, but success entails planning and if that’s what you gotta do…that’s what you gotta do! And come tomorrow morning, I’ll be really glad I did ;)

Yogurt Carrot Muffins adapted from Cupcakes in Paris

3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour + 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
2/3 cup agave syrup
2 cups grated carrots
1/4 cup canola oil (was out of applesauce)
2 beaten eggs
½ cup plain Greek yogurt (non fat)
¾ cup chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 325°F.  Mix the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda and salt into a large bowl. Stir in the agave syrup and carrots.

Beat in the oil, eggs and yogurt and stir in the walnuts. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin pan. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool the muffins in the pan for 15 minutes.

Yield: 12 large muffins

Nutrition Information (per muffin): 162 calories; 4.9 g. fat; 35.8 mg. cholesterol; 136 mg. sodium; 26.5 g. carbohydrate; 2.5 g. fiber; 3.6 g. protein

Mediterranean Barley Salad from Cooking Light

2 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup uncooked pearl barley
1 1/2 tsp grated lemon rind
3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
1 cup thinly sliced fennel bulb
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
3/4 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
8 pitted kalamara olives, halved
1 (15 ounce) can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
1/3 cup chopped walnuts, toasted


Bring water and barley to a boil in a saucepan. Cover, reduce heat, and summer for 25 minutes of until tender and liquid is almost absorbed. Cool to room temperature.

Combine lemon rind, lemon juice, olive oil, and mustard in a bowl; stir well with a shisk. Add barley, fennel, and next 6 ingredients (through beans); toss gently. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Garnish with walnuts just before serving. Yield: 4 servings

Nutrition Information (per serving): 313 calories; 16.1 g. fat (1.9 g. saturated fat; 7.5 g. monounsaturated fat; 6.2 g. polyunsaturated fat); 6.6 g. protein; 38.9 g. carbohydrate; 8.2 g. fiber; 0 mg. cholesterol; 2.9 mg. iron; 643 mg. sodium; 79 mg. calcium

And all ready for lunches this week…


Today’s NNM Topic: Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia

Ideally, we want to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, the 7th leading cause of death in the US.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are diagnosed based on groups of systems which show intellectual and social decline that interfere with their standard living, along with memory loss in most cases.

Risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer’s include many nutrition-related factors, including: alcohol intake, atherosclerosis (heart health), blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, homocysteine levels, and exercise.

Among individuals diagnosed with dementia, a balanced, healthy diet is important to maintain energy and proper nutrition. A high-fiber diet to prevent constipation is also recommended. During meal times, distractions should be eliminated so that the individual can stay focused on their eating. Eating should be at a slow pace with small pieces to chew and swallow for safety reasons.

In my experience, as dementia procresses individuals can disassociate food from eating — they no longer understand that food is to eat and many people need full feeding assistance. For some, swallowing ability declines and a modified texture is required — chopped, pureed, etc. This helps the individual safely swallow foods and prevent aspiration. Most individuals would not expect dementia patients to require extensive nutrition modifications, but it is not the case. Dietitians are in great demand in nursing homes and dementia units.

Looking forward to catching up on everyone’s blogs this week. :) Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA with my weekend travels!

Question #1: What’s for breakfast today? And lunch…? ;)

Question #2: Do you know someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia? What symptoms do they display showing their disease?

Make it a healthy one!

P.S. I’ve received several Q&A questions for this week! Send your questions on over –!! :-D


Friday, March 12, 2010

The first weigh in day without a loss.

Well it was bound to happen, and no doubt I made sure that it did by relying a bit too much on the comfort foods this past week.

I also went out to a buffet but did reasonably well – I was able to eat some seafood and that was a good thing, but most of what I ate were veggies so I felt very proud of myself.

The only thing was how easy it would have been to go back, by the knee jerk reaction I had to some of the foods I used to eat. It went kind of like, “Ooooh! Bourbon chicken! Wait… I can’t eat that.”

So I was good and still following my guidelines (What Would Hal Eat), and even got out for the Art Walk we have here in our town every month for bit of exercise. I also treated myself to that rare sweet treat from the local bakery downtown.

I’m fairly certain those two things did not affect my weigh in as much as my overdosing on comfort foods all this week.

And the bottle of champagne I had on Oscar night.

I refuse to beat myself up about it, though. I can only learn from it and try to find out why I would go so headlong off the program and ensure my failure.

So far, I’m not really sure what motivated this backward step. No doubt it’s emotional, keeping myself guarded and pushing people away.

The immediate and consistent success probably triggered those feelings in a big way – although it didn’t feel that way consciously at the time.


I can’t change what was, only what will be.

It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life.

And I’m feeling good.

(cue Adam Lambert…)


Q&A + garden + renal failure

Gooooooooood morning, Friday!

I have a 7am hair appointment (weird time, I agree) and then I’m off to Houston to see my BFF for the weekend! I’m really excited! I don’t know that we have anything in particular planned other than a day trip to Galvelston. I will bring my beloved laptop and try to check in at some point!! But if you don’t hear from me, I’m enjoying the Houston sun! :-D

But not before a Q&A…!

Heather of Get Healthy with Heather: I used to have big issues with lactose but now it seems to only happen with non fat dairy products. Do you know why that could be?

Prevention RD: Okay, I’m making a deduction here. RD’s chime in if you have any ideas on this! When fat is taken out of products – sugar is put in. For example, whole milk has less “sugar” (carbohydrate) than fat-free milk. This sugar is in the form of lactose in dairy products. All products are going to vary based on the brand, so start checking out the carbohydrate content on your whole fat versus low-fat versus fat-free dairy products. I’ll bet this is the issue! While only a small change, chances are your body has its “happy zone” for lactose tolerance. GREAT question…got me thinkin’! ;)

Bridget: I just discovered your site recently, and I have a topic request: my husband (who had not had a physical for nearly 10 years) and I got back our annual physical results today. It turns out that he has a shockingly high triglycerides count: 574! Our doctor is going to start him on nicotinic acid medication to get his triglycerides down, since she says that it could cause pancreas damage at its current level. She wants to check his blood again in 6 weeks. Obviously I don’t want him to be on medication forever, so I am going to research what we can do from a dietary standpoint. She says to decrease sugar intake in his diet–do you have any other info on what might help him?

Prevention RD: So glad you found me! While 574 is a high value and he does risk pancreatitis with such high levels, I have seen much worse! Like…5,000+!! Crazy, huh? More like scary, really. Triglycerides are largely influenced by the diet because the value represents the lipid (fat) found in the blood. Weight loss, lower calorie intake, limited alcohol intake, and reduced carbohydrate (simple carbohydrates – i.e. sugar, white flour, sodas, juices, sweets, etc.) intake help lower triglycerides. A low saturated and trans fat diet should be implemented and healthy fats (mono and polyunsaturated fats) should be increased (e.g. nuts, seeds, natural nut butters, avocados, canola oil, olive oil, etc.). Additionally, I recommend 3,000 milligrams of omega-3/fish oil supplementation a day. Omega 3’s work beautifully to lower triglycerides. Good luck to your hubby! Great question!

Kenya: Does water maintain its health benefits if I add one of those sugar free sweeteners like Crystal Light or does it really just become more like a ‘kool-aid’ type of drink?

Prevention RD: I am not opposed to these beverages because they encourage calorie-free, caffeine-free beverage choices. Is it preferred to water? Nah (because of the artificial sweeteners and preservatives). But I think it’s WAY better to consume those products to help stay properly hydrated versus not consuming enough liquids each day. I think a good rule of thumb is to have at least half of your water needs each day coming from water and the rest from caffeine-free, calorie-free beverages (i.e. flavored waters, Crystal Light, Fit and Active, etc.), if needed. Good question!!

John of Challenges 2010: I came across something where it’s said green tea can block testosterone and that black tea would be better for males. What do you think?

Prevention RD: I checked with the ADA, MayoClinic, and WebMD which report nothing of the like. I’ve never heard of this before so I also ran it past our medical providers. None of them batted an eye in recognition of this as an issue. A Google search turned up nothing but body building and supplement sites. Sketch! I’m going to suggest an “everything in moderation” approach. :)



I have some growth!!! 4 days later and we’re in gardening business!!! :-D


Today’s NNM Topic: Renal Failure

Today’s topic is renal failure because so much of the renal failure in the US is secondary to uncontrolled diabetes, yesterday’s topic. Elevated blood glucose can cause scarring to the delicate and intricate renal nephrons which comprise the kidneys. During the beginning stages of renal failure, protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus may be limited to help preserve kidney function. These electrolytes are closely monitored to ensure proper fluid and pH balance, among other things.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, 30% of type 1 diabetics and 10-40% of type 2 diabetics develop kidney disease. Once the kidneys fail transplant or dialysis are required to live. When the kidneys can no longer clean the blood of waste and fluid, dialysis must be initiated. Dialysis sessions typically last 3-4 hours and must be completed several times a week.

Kidney failure due to uncontrolled diabetes is a very scary reality.

Question: Where was the last vacation or getaway you took? Any fun weekend plans?

Enjoy the weekend!!


Weight Loss, Ph Balance, Obesity and Alkaline Water Part 2

Obesity Weight Loss

Liver Cleanse

Cell Phone Radiation Protection

What does a pH of 7.36 mean? PH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Is the balance between positively charged ions, which are acid forming and negatively charged ions, which are alkaline forming. The pH scale ranges from 0, being pure acid to 14, being pure alkaline. At a pH of 7 the solution is neutral which means the water contains equal amounts of positive or acid forming ions and negative or alkaline forming ions. If, for example, the pH is 6.2 it would mean the solution is acidic and there are more positive ions (acidic forming ions) than negative ions. Our body pH sits at 7.36, which is slightly alkaline.

Palmdale, California
France, Paris
Namibia, Windhoek
Switzerland, Bern
Cambridge, Massachusetts
City of Bankstown, Australia
Al Usayli, United Arab Emirates, Al Usayli, UAE
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
Denmark, Copenhagen
Perth Albany, Victoria

Heavy Metal Cleanse

Endosterol Prostate Therapy

Portable Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tummy Tuck - The Start.

Ok, so… I have wanted a tummy tuck for almost 3-4 years. Read on…

My history.
I have 2 boys, one 13, the other is almost 5. Both were delivered via c-section, both 9 lbs. I was 138 lbs. prior to my 13 yr old when I was 19 years old. I had my second son in 2005. I was married at the time, I weighed 160 lbs. prior to that pregnancy.
I gained 70 lbs. with my first pregnancy and 50 with my second. In 2008 I had my gall bladder and tonsils removed and found out that I have hypothyroidism. At the time of that surgery, I weighed in at 178 lbs. I now work out at a local gym 4-6 times per week, I also weight lift, not like a body builder, but I wanted to look tone. I never lost a lot of weight, but I went from a size 16 to a small size 12.
I could fit into a size 10 jeans now, if it weren’t for my excess skin from the pregnancies. I weigh myself almost daily. I vary anywhere from 153-160 lbs. I know what I can and cannot eat, I know how much I need to exercise that week to accommodate treats. Regardless of how much exercise, I cannot lose the pooch that I have from having large babies and from not taking care of myself during the pregnancies/marriage (I am divorced now for 3 years).

My decision.
I decided to get a tummy tuck last year, but needed to get the finances in order. That was 2009. This past December (2009) I started my search for my Plastic Surgeon. I have had two consultations.

Consult #1
The first consult was with a surgeon that my sister had referred me to, she had breast augmentation. That surgeon was nice, his staff was nice. He spent 10 minutes with me discussing what he could do. The building looked like an office building. The atmosphere, was nice inside the office, but there were things that were not…update, seemed like stuck in the 90s or so. His cost would be $8500.

Consult #2
The second consult I had with a surgeon in an upscale part of the Twin Cities. I had high expectations with this consultation only cause of the location. I wasn’t let down. I walked into a building across the street from a well-known hospital. (I felt good about that). The colors the ambiance, all set me at ease. This surgeon I met with spent roughly 35 minutes with me, he was funny, charismatic and his humor put me at ease. His cost with pain pump, $7600. Both surgeons included lipo with the tummy tucks. The second surgeon included inner thigh lipo as well, so there would be a more uniform look to the whole lower level makeover.

I scheduled my tummy tuck with the second surgeon after talking to Andrea, his scheduler. She was so nice, all the staff were so nice. I appreciated the care they took to make me feel like I was the only on in the clinic at the time. My T-Date is February 25th, 2010. I am nervous. I have read more than 100 reviews on this site from the good, to the bad, to the absolute unthinkable. I am expecting the worst going into this. I cannot imagine anything, besides death, being worse than what I have been dealt to work with for my body. I am hoping to get into a bikini by maybe July or August. I want better confidence, a fresher more youthful appearance.

My reasons for a Tummy Tuck.
I want to be able to sit in a chair without pulling my shirt down to cover my flab/folds. I want to be able to go to the high impact gym classes without having to worry about my pants falling cause my flab bounces everything out-of-place, even underwear. I’m posting my pre-TT pictures now.

Emotions mount.
I was weighed at the last surgeons office at 164 lbs. (yeah, WHAT! was what I was thinking). I want to be down to 155 lbs before the surgery. If you have a stomach like mine, please respond to me with your results. I know that it’s also the surgeons skill that has a hand in the results, but anything at this time, tips, what to do, what not to do… I would be grateful.  I’m NERVOUS! I don’t want to look worse,
I’m not sure I could handle it, but I know fairy-tales aren’t always possible. I am very confident in the surgeon that I picked, and his skill. He has 20+ years experience. He pictures are remarkable. Everyone heals differently, that is my concern.


Getting started - Day 1

I joined Slimming World last night…something had to be done, life is getting desperate and I despair on a daily basis. From moving home running up and down stairs, I lost weight, but automatically gained it back once that level of activity was done.  With bung knees and wrists even walking far was a challenge..Im only 37 yet feel so bloody old.

The final straw came when after painting for a week, I couldn’t breathe through the night. Now while this is due more to still breathing in paint fumes, my weight doesn’t help and I’m done feeling like I’m the fat failing friend.

So SW….day 1, small bunch of grapes, 2 Weetabix with 250mls of soya milk. I learned last night that the extra cheese I had been eating, along with the copious amounts of chocolate was really ‘putting me out there’ with my syns….and avocadoes unfortunately are counted as syns! damn, love avocadoes!

Something different, listen and learn. The women in the group are all uncomfortable, yet disrespectful of the new leader who didn’t have control of the group. I’m going to stick with it though, time to follow a program that actually has support…which is what I need! I know how to lose weight, but its the support that will make the difference to me.


Pure Hoodia Gordonii A Medically Efficient And Safe Weightloss Pill.

Looking for the right appetite suppressants? Technology is constantly changing and public reticence is advised when taking them. Thank the Lord for the knack of innovative minds for having the ability to come up with such natural and effective ways of taping into nature.

To the minds of the innovative people we must rely, for they will bring us the next efficient way to manage life. In this time lots of people became conscious with their fitness, especially on how to lose weight.

Most people would buy appetite suppressants made of natural ingredients.

Hoodia weight loss is a healthy way to diminish body fats, according to a recent study.

Hoodia weight loss has been widely known in the semi-deserts of S. A. , Botswana, Namibia, and Angola, where Pure Hoodia ( a troublesome succulent cactus that rises to approximately eighteen inches high ) was found. When Hoodia’s pale purple flowers appear, the cactus can be harvested, though you’ve got to wait for approximately 5 years.

The San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert have been using it for a long period of time. They are living explanation that thru aid from Hoodia, health concerns like severe abdominal cramps, haemorrhoids, tuberculosis, indigestion, high blood pressure and diabetes can be healed.

A balanced diet and exercise is what our body needed, and there’s no substitute for that. But when necessary, enhance the diet plan by finding a quality and all natural weight control pill from a botanical food resource. There is very good news that awaits people who are continually hunting for the right choice of dieting pills. Taking the Hoodia diettablet, an appetite suppressant, is areasonable way of having the desired body weight youhave always wanted.

Lets look into the workings of this plant based supplement
Once the Hoodia diet pill is taken it will manage the part of the brain that is in charge of the appetite.

It’ll fool the mind that the body has acceptable food and does not need to eat. In effect, it will block the hunger mechanism. To paraphrase, the Hoodia weight control pill will cause you to feel full although you arenot.

It is just like a pill that will remind you not to eat or drink too much. There are other various benefits of hoodia based pills which will definitely help in maintaining a fit body. To study them, you can research Unique Hoodia on the Net, read journals, books, and other references.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Fish, Mercury and The Brain: high levels of mercury can cause neurodegeneration and brain damage

Article by Michael Gonzalez-Wallace and Nutritionist Olinka Podany MS, RD

(high levels of mercury can cause neurodegeneration and brain damage)
Nearly all fish and shellfish contain traces of mercury. But some contain high levels. Eating large amounts of these fish and shellfish can result in high levels of mercury in the human body. In a fetus or young child, this can damage the brain and nerves (nervous system).
Because of the mercury found in fish, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advise the following people to avoid eating fish high in mercury and to eat limited amounts of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury:

Women who may become pregnant
Pregnant women
Nursing mothers
Young children
If you are concerned about your or your child’s mercury level, talk to your doctor or local health department about testing.

How should you change your eating habits to reduce your exposure to mercury in fish?
The FDA and EPA recommend that women who may become pregnant, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children:1, 2


Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish, because these all contain high levels of mercury.
Eat up to 12oz a week (two average meals) of a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury.
Five of the most commonly eaten fish that are low in mercury are shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish.
Another commonly eaten fish, albacore (“white”) tuna, has more mercury than canned light tuna. So when choosing your two meals of fish and shellfish, you may eat up to 6oz a week (one average meal) of albacore tuna.
Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by family and friends in your local lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. If no advice is available, eat up to 6oz a week (one average meal) of fish caught from local waters, but don’t eat any other fish during that week.


Fitness Book

What is Super Body, Super Brain?

Human performance trainer Michael Gonzalez Wallace has developed SUPER BODY, SUPER BRAIN a progressive exercise program that combines balance, coordination, and strength training with a super-quick circuit of multi-tasking movements that challenge and improve both your muscles and your brain in just 10 minutes a day.

Release Date: December 2010



Cardio - Steady state or high intensity interval training?

Cardio exercises are great for weight loss or to challenge the heart muscle, but what’s the best way to do it? Many cardio machines have a “fat loss” setting, and you may have heard the fitness industry’s latest buzzword: high intensity interval training.

The simplest answer is that both techniques should be used for a well-rounded and comprehensive cardio program. Here’s why:

Steady state training is much easier on the body. In this type of training, you would perform a cardio exercise at a moderate pace, at about 60% of your maximum heart rate. You’ll perform this exercise for 40 minutes to one hour. At a low intensity, your body will use your fat stores as its primary fuel, so you’ll burn more fat cells using this technique. Duration of exercise is important, because the maximum fat-burning benefit begins about 30 minutes into low-intensity exercise.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a much more vigorous training method with short bursts of energy at 90% of your maximum heart rate. This method usually follows a 2:1 ratio of vigorous training to easy training, but the ratio can be altered as you improve. An example of HIIT might be thirty seconds of sprinting followed by a minute of jogging. You’ll perform enough repetitions to fill 20 minutes of time. Because of the high intensity, this type of training can be done in a short period of time and shouldn’t be repeated more often than at least every other day, preferably only a few times a week. At a high intensity, your body will use carbohydrates as its primary fuel, not fat cells as in steady state training. The real fat-burning benefit to this type of training actually occurs after the training is complete. Studies have shown that HIIT increases your resting metabolic rate, allowing you to burn calories at an increased rate, EVEN WHILE AT REST! This effect can last up to 24-hours after your workout.

So, what should your cardio program look like? I’d recommend using both steady state and high intensity methods several times a week to train your heart, your muscles, and for fat loss. Regardless of your fitness goals (whether to lose fat, gain muscle, or maintain) cardio should be performed regularly. I’d also recommend utilizing many methods, including treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, swimming, boxing, in performing cardio exercise. This helps you to balance the muscles used to perform the work while preventing burnout and boredom. Be sure and spend 5 minutes warming up and cooling down for each exercise.

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Warm up, then perform High-Intensity Interval Training on treadmill: Run for one minute at 9 or 10 miles per hour on treadmill, then jog for one minute at 5 miles per hour. Repeat 10 times for a total of 20 minutes. Cool down.

Tuesday: Warm up, then perform steady state training on elliptical: Perform 60 minutes of exercise at resistance level 10. Cool down.

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Warm up, then perform steady state training in swimming pool: Swim long laps at a comfortable pace for 60 minutes. Cool down.

Friday: Warm up, then do a high-intensity interval workout on bike: Do one minute bursts of energy at near-maximum intensity followed by a brisk pace for one minute. Cool down.

Saturday: Organize a couples tennis match with friends for fun and exercise!


Fat Burning Supplements - Find Out If Fat Burners Really Work

fat burning supplements

For the most part, individuals need to find a better method of getting lean and burning calories. At the rate in which we’re gaining weight, nearly forty percent of the American adult population ‘ll be obese within half a decade; this is bad news for their health and their waistline, to become sure, and is something being addressed.

Almost 65% are either obese or overweight, 10 to 30 pounds over a healthy weight. The more obese you are, the likelier it is that you’ll get cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. The health advantages of being lean are too numerous to list and the feeling you have when you are maintaining a fitness lifestyle is a fantastic thing. Fat burning supplements are the very best way to lose weight quickly without having to wait too long.

Grab Your Free Resveratrol Select Pack – Click Here

In the following article, you’ll see the 2 best fat burning supplements out there to obtain your metabolism to the levels it needs being.

Green Tea

Green tea is something that has many positive aspects and is freely available. It is a tea made from the leaves of Camellia Sinesis. It’s been hotly advertised for years as a helpful weight loss agent and has in some studies been shown to increase metabolism by as many as 3%. The antioxidant properties of green tea are what make it so valuable to individuals who want to lose weight. It is full of catechin polyphenols and the 1 you are looking for on the label when purchasing is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Aside from increasing calories burned per day, it can help fight cancer and lower LDL cholesterol levels. With the numerous health advantages, along with reducing oxidative stress and the ability to increase your metabolism, Green Tea is a need to have to maintain within your fitness locker. Most versions contain a small amount of caffeine yet also could be purchased in a decaffeinated version. If you are looking for something with thermogenic properties and can handle caffeine this makes a amazing choice for buffing up the metabolism.

About Resveratrol

Red grapes have this specific supplement, which is also available in concentrated form. Red wine also possesses this content. Studies have found out that this element plays crucial role in treating cancer and heart disease. The SiRT1 gene that you possess ‘ll be stimulated by resveratrol. Once activated, it ‘ll cause our cells to fight unhealthy aspects within them. Research have shown that eating fewer calories causes your SiRT1 to turn itself on and give you more energy by burning calories stored as fat. Therefore, with this fact in our minds, we can just eat what we normally do yet take this supplement, and still lose weight.
Read this Green Tea Diet Pills.

If you have weight loss problems, you may be interested in Resveratrol Select. The properties that make both Green Tea and Resveratrol superb are contained within this efficient supplement for burning calories. Pay 4 dollars S&H, and you can try out this supplement for FREE. This ‘ll minimize your risk in taking on this supplement significantly; in the worst case scenario, you only spend 4 dollars to try it out.
Check this out Lose Weight Really Fast.

Resveratrol Select Advantages and Elements

  • Boost Metabolism
  • Enhance Weight Loss
  • Burn Fat
  • Detoxify Your Body And Cleanse Your System


Friday, March 5, 2010

*Sucks It In*

(Yesterday’s Post – I wrote it and forgot to post it)

168.2 pound girl, say what. What, what! *Chuckle* Yeah, I am pretty pleased with myself. *Grin* And I am going to feel really smiley tonight. The family and I are going to a local bowling alley/arcade for some much-needed fun. I definitely need to spend some time out of the house. I’ve kind of got cabin fever. *Shrug* It’s also an opportunity for me to showcase my slowly thinning body. It has been quite some time since I’ve planned an outfit based on cuteness rather than what best camoflauges my fat. *Snicker* Exciting, huh?

I am thinking of taking the day off from my usual workout. I would like to maybe go shopping for something new to wear tonight and, of course, I will be bowling, which is a strength-building exercise. And I am determined to not be bad on my diet either. *Sigh* I guess I really am addicted to my regimen because, whenever I slack or skip, I am simply overcome with guilt. It’s rough… Let’s just it hope it doesn’t blow up in my face. *Gulp* Wish me luck!! Adios, mi bonitas!

The Damsel

(Today’s Post)

I only lost .2 pounds between yesterday morning and today but, considering that I took it off by not doing really anything, I will take it. *Grin* And we did have a good time last night and are hoping to replicate it tonight. As my fellow geeks know, the new Alice in Wonderland movie comes out tonight and my husband has agreed to take me to see it. I am really excited. Having now lost ten pounds and who knows how many inches, I am always looking for ways to show off. I don’t know how each of you feel about it but I got my nose pierced last night!! I have wanted to have it done for quite some time but I randomly get itches to do something wild. That’s how I ended up with two tattoos and now seven piercings. *Chuckle* Yeah, I look tame on the surface but I am bit crazy underneath. *Wink*

Man, do I feel good. And so does the hubby. He has been dieting in preparation to join the military. He has dropped about ten pounds too and now his libido is through the roof. *Snicker* Men… They’re something else, aren’t they? All right, well I listed Wednesday’s statistics for your enjoyment and I will try to write tomorrow. Adios, mi bonitas!

The Damsel


  • Two Thirty-Minute Elliptical Sessions -> 519.7 calories burned.
  • 3 Sets of 13 Reverse dumbbell Curls.
  • 3 Sets of 35 Hips Sways.
  • 3 Sets of 30 Toe Points.
  • 3 Sets of 10 dumbbell Rows.
  • 3 Sets of 4 Side Planks, Hold for Ten Seconds.
  • 3 Sets of 10 Large Leg Circles.


MetaboliQ Inches are going...going...gone!!!!

Good Morning it’s finally Friday!  Missed a couple of days too busy with work……But……I’m so excited,  yesterday I wore Jeans that I haven’t worn in a very,  very long time……Numbers holding up and down about 2 lbs but the inches are shrinking……Build muscle and eat FAT……love the concept. Thanks Dr. Layman, Qivana, and MetaboliQ for helping so many achieve their goals…..Weight loss and dieting and weight management are so much easier with you. You have to check this out at Until tomorrow…..happy fat loss……


Green Monster Success!

:-D TGIF! :-D

I am pouting for a moment because I have to go in for a meeting today! Boo…!!!! :(

Most of you know I do bi-weekly taste tests for the employees at my work. Employees pay $1 to help cover the expense of groceries and I prepare a healthy recipe to taste along with a copy of the recipe to try at home. I went out on a limb this week and decided to make GREEN MONSTERS! Not gunna lie, I didn’t know how these would go over with our staff…

I used the Designer Whey Protein Powder I won from Heather’s giveaway!

Into the blender went:

vanilla whey protein powder (good stuff!)
skim milk

Rainbow of delicious nutrition!

Green Monsters to taste!

Feedback from taste testers:

I had 2 that weren’t fans, but the other 14 were all pleasantly surprised! I think people REALLY enjoyed the green monsters and I think some will even go on to make them at home. I strongly encouraged employees to give the smoothies a shot, despite their “look” and I am really happy with their willingness to step outside the box!

Taste Test…………………….Success! :-D


Today’s NNM Topic: Nonalcholic Fatty Liver (NAFL)

Simply put, nonalcholic fatty liver disease is the accumulation of fat in the liver in individuals who consume little to no alcohol. Excessive fat accumulation can cause scarring in the liver and lead to liver damage and cirrhosis. There are usually NO signs or symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, but fatigue, weight loss, and abdominal pain may present. There are several risk factors for NAFL including obesity, gastric bypass, rapid weight loss, high cholesterol, certain medications, malnutrition, metabolic syndrome, pesticides, type 2 diabetes, malnutrition, and Wilson’s disease. As you can, NAFL is HIGHLY correlated to proper nutrition.

Ways to treat nonalcoholic fatty liver through nutrition include lowering carbohydrate intake (simple carbohydrates, specifically), limiting fats in the diet, specifically saturated and trans fat, weight loss, and a high plant intake including fruits, vegetables, and legumes.


And lastly….my new favorite snack!!! I RARELY post my daily eats, so you must understand how FABULOUS this snack is!!

They look like roaches or chocolate turtles, don’t they!?

The large date is a Medjool and the smaller dates are Barhi — they are so sweet and creamy!! I’ve heard that they taste like caramel if you freeze them. Must try! So to snack on, just remove the pit and shove a walnut right in! YUMMM!

Question #1: What’s the last snack you ate? Don’t fib!! :)

Question #2: Do you like dates? How do you like to eat them? Any favorite varieties?


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I think it’s been MONTHS since I posted 2x in one day! Whew! So much going on and so little time in which to share and catch up with you all! Forgive me for not being as “active” in the Blogosphere — work is busy and I am continuously striving for a healthy life-work-happiness-blog balance :) Just like my garden should come with a warning, so should blogging — it quickly becomes very time-consuming!! ;)

If you haven’t already checked out my finished garden bed, be sure you do! I am very proud!

On to the Q&A…

Ambre: I’m a new-vegetarian…as of the end of November/beginning of December…Well, technically pescetarian. I’m doing the Susan G Komen 3-Day for the Cure in November (my 2nd time), which is a 60 mile walk over the course of three days. I found this information on their website, and I was wondering if there was anything else you recommend for me?

In order for vegetarian diets to support optimal athletic performance, it is important to incorporate an adequate amount of protein into your daily diet. Many people believe that following a vegetarian diet means they automatically will lose weight. This is not necessarily the case as many vegetarians inadvertently have a high fat intake based on whole-fat dairy products, butter, eggs, cheeses, nuts and seeds. Below are some tips for following a healthy vegetarian diet to help lose weight, maintain an optimal protein intake and support your training walks: 1. Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products or low-fat fortified soy products. 2. Build your protein around legumes, tofu and tempeh. 3. Watch serving sizes on nuts and seeds; they are full of healthy fat but are very concentrated in calories. 4. Avoid fried foods and choose those that are baked, broiled, or steamed. 5. Add protein powder to shakes or cereal if you are not getting enough. 6. Increase your bean intake; they are high in protein and fiber. 7. Add soy products to your diet. 8. Limit snacks that are high in sugar and fat. 9. Flavor foods with salsa, lemon juice and vinegars instead of high-fat condiments like butter, mayonnaise and high-fat dressings. Certain vitamins and minerals such as iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B12, calcium and zinc must be consumed in adequate amounts. These typically are found in animal based foods. Fortified soymilks are great for boosting calcium and vitamin B12. Eggs also are a great source of B12. Outstanding iron sources include fortified breakfast cereals, bread, textured vegetable protein, legumes, dried beans, nuts, dried fruit and green leafy vegetables. Eating rich sources of vitamin C with meats will help enhance iron absorption.

Prevention RD: Great question, Ambre! The suggestions the website made are really helpful. I don’t agree that soy should be added to the diet, however. I think that there are some benefits of soy in moderation, but some research suggests soy intake is related to increased risk of breast cancer. I particularly like that the information fully discloses that a vegetarian diet does not necessarily produce weight loss. When you cut out major foods groups in the diet, intake of other food groups naturally increases. When meat is taken out of the diet, protein intake tends to drop and fat and carbohydrate intake goes up. Thus it is important to get adequate protein (0.8-1 gram per kilogram of body weight) and to ensure fat sources are rich in mono and polyunsaturated fat versus saturated and trans fat and carbohydrate sources are complex and high in fiber. I hope this helps! Feel free to email me any further questions on this and I can help calculate some nutrient goals for you! And thanks for walking the Susan G. Komen 3-Day! You are inspirational!

Also, please consider giving to Ambre’s fund-raising! A little bit will truly make a difference! I always feel so empowered after giving to a great cause!

John of Challenges 2010: When I get my blood checked can you give me an idea of what things to make sure they check. I mean they check for the good/bad cholesterol and blood sugar and really can’t remember what else. Reason I ask is I’m up here in Canada and it sounds like they don’t check out as many things or I just don’t know what other info I should be trying to get off them.

Prevention RD: This is a really great question and my answer may be biased from a nutrition perspective, but I’ll give it a go! I ALWAYS check: total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (the “bad”), HDL-cholesterol (the “good”), triglycerides, GFR (kidney function), plasma glucose, HbA1c (on my diabetics and pre-diabetics), TSH (metabolism), hemoglobin, hematocrit, TIBC (total iron binding capacity), AST and ALT (liver enzymes). For what it’s worth our clinic runs a CMP (complete metabolic panel), lipids (cholesterol), TSH, and CBC (complete metabolic panel) on patients annually. This is going to include everything I look at as a dietitian and then some. Good for you for being an active advocate for your health! We cannot always leave our well-being in the hands of professionals.

John of Challenges 2010: According to SparkPeople I don’t eat enough carbs. I do not try to avoid carbs. I do try and get my macronutrients in a 40:30:30 ratio for carbs, fats and proteins. Is there a minimum number you recommend and can you give me some ideas besides arborio rice :-) that are higher in carbs but still not bad in calories?

Prevention RD: Risotto everyday! Just kidding…that’s a joke for John since he got me hooked on Arborio rice :) I think knowing your body weight would give me a better idea of how many grams you need, but with all of your exercise I would think 50% calories from carbohydrates may be a better fit for your needs. I’m a fan of 40:30:30 for those who are inactive, but that’s not you. Exercise requires a lot of glycogen (carbohydrate stores) and replenishment of the glycogen stores after long workouts. For a 2,000 calorie diet, this would be 250 grams of carbohydrates. I never recommend much below 150-160 grams, and that’s for my diabetics or petite patients. As for sources of carbohydrate: fruits, vegetables, legumes, milk, yogurt, and whole grains (bread, rice, pasta, quinoa, millet, barley, oats, etc.). Of course juice, sugar, candy, pastries, and sweets will contain plentiful amounts of simple carbohydrates, as well. But aim to have at LEAST half your grains as whole each day!

John of Challenges 2010: Green Tea…what are the health benefits and is there a difference between the stuff you brew at home or pick-up bottled?

Prevention RD: Green tea — thumbs up! Green tea with aspartame or loads of sugar — thumbs down! Like many things health-related we can observe the practices of the East where tea (green and otherwise) are staple beverages. There is no denying that green tea offers a zero-calorie, antioxidant-rich, tasty thirst quencher with a MUCH lower caffeine content than most other caffeinated beverages, but what is added TO the green tea is the deciding factor in it’s benefit. Most of the green teas on the market which are bottled and sweetened contain excessive amounts of sugar (64 grams in some!) or aspartame. Additionally, many bottled teas are made from tea powder which lacks the antioxidants of brewed tea. The bottled green teas may also contain preservatives to extend shelf-life which many times add sodium to the tea, as well as making it less “pure” (I will NOT use the word “CLEAN”!). I hope this helps some…another really great question!

Rebecca from France: I’m curious to know your opinion on artificial sweetners/sugar substitutes.  My mother uses Splenda a lot and these types of sweeters are just starting to grow in popularity in France.  But how healthy are they really?  I ask because most people would agree that “processed meat,” for example, isn’t as healthy as a cut of meat.  So why, then, would processed/artificial sweetners be a good choice to put in our bodies (as opposed to “real” sugar)?

Prevention RD: I want to quote Cara from Cara’s Cravings. Last week’s Q&A had a question about sweeteners, and she left a great comment that read:

I don’t think there’s a definitive answer on what the healthiest alternative to sugar is. There are so many ways to be healthy! For some people, it’s really important to limit those extra calories, and I happen to think that some artificial sweetener here and there is not going to kill you, and can certainly help with a weight-loss diet. For some people, keeping it all-natural is a top priority. Personally? I’m somewhere in the middle so I use a variety of sweeteners – Truvia, agave in moderation, a little splenda here and there, and real sugar.

I agree with Cara’s words 100%. Working with a large diabetic population, I know the importance of artificial sweeteners. And for those watching their weight, artificial sweeteners allow a lot more flexibility in their diet. As someone who not only “knows” nutrition, but also struggles with their weight, I too see the value in non-nutritive sweeteners (calorie-free). However, I do believe artificial sweeteners are WAY over-used in our society. I aim to use a variety of sweeteners and ALL of them in moderation — I drink 1 can of Zevia a day (Stevia-sweetened carbonated beverage) and use Splenda, brown sugar, suncant, cane sugar, granular sugar, powdered sugar, agave, honey, molasses, maple syrup, and so on in cooking and baking. As far as artificial sweeteners, I strictly use Splenda and Stevia products and steer clear of aspartame and Sweet ‘n’ Low, Equal, Twin, etc. Bottom line is that there’s no single way to reach “good health” and that one person’s goals and needs are very different from the next person’s. I hope this helps — excellent question! :)

Thanks everyone for submitting wonderful questions! Feel free to send any nutrition questions my way and I will be happy to answer them on the next Q&A!

And an Oklahoma joke for the day…

You know you work in Oklahoma when the doctor on staff leaves at 1 pm to go deliver a calf. But, he’ll be back just as soon as he can!


How to lose 40lbs in 75 days

I never expected to lose that much in such a short time.  It was crazy unexpected so I decided to have myself checked to make sure that everything is okay.  And I’m glad to be A-Ok.

The doctor said that it’s not very ideal to lose that much in such a short time but what I did, in general, was healthy.  She just added that I shouldn’t be eating fruits as my main meal but only as an appetizer, dessert or snacks.

Just to give you an idea on what I did, see below.  Just take note of what the doctor said about the fruits J  And also note that I coupled this diet with my regular yoga session J

…. And buy a weighing scale so you get to monitor your progress (or regress!) on a daily basis!

Good luck!

First week:

I lost 10lbs on my first week.

I didn’t follow any diet plan but I just avoided a lot of things:

1.  softdrinks / iced tea

2.  snacks (huge sacrifice since I’m a big snack eater)

3.  sweets!  cakes, candies, gums, ice cream, desserts….

4.  cut down my rice intake

5.  cut down on my meat intake

But I ate the following:

  1. fruits!  never realized that they taste sooooo good! I love pomelo the most!
  2. gulay! veggies all you want!
  3. water water water… didn’t eat (para sa mga pilosopo hehe) but I mostly drink this liquid…. i love water in all its glory J
  4. boy bawang! my reward! but 1 small pack only every day J I just didn’t want to forget the taste of MSG and I wanted to put variety in what I eat J

Second week:

I lost another 10lbs. And this was the week that I realized that I was no longer a size XL or waist 38! But I had to stick to my available clothes since I felt that I’d be losing more in the next few weeks and it would be a waste to go on a shopping spree.

This time, I had a diet plan and I tried General Motors diet (Maan of JobStreet told me about this).

Read from the ‘net that General Motors (GM) prepared this diet plan for their employees to promote healthy living.  But some said that this was GM’s way of cutting down on their health insurance… you won’t need one if you are healthy, right?

For whatever reason it was designed for, I decided to use it.  If something promises you 10 to 17lbs of weight loss in a weeks’ time, would you refuse it!?!? Not me!

Here it is….

I didn’t drink alcohol for this week and I gulped a lot of water!

Day One All fruits except bananas.

Day Two All vegetables but I started my day with mashed potato (minus the gravy from KFC).

Day Three A mixture of fruits and vegetables.  No banana and potato.

Day Four 8 Bananas and 3 glasses of milk (non-fat). I combined this with Knorr Chicken Soup during lunch.

Day Five I ate beef and tomatoes! And increased my water intake.

Day Six Beef and vegetables.

Day Seven Brown rice and vegetables.  Plus mango juice from Fruitas.

Third to Eight weeks:

Losing weight became slow for the succeeding weeks.  I was mostly losing 1lb per day.  There were even times that I didn’t lose anything at all.  But in the next 6 weeks, I lost a total of 20lbs.

To be honest, I struggled with GM diet.  Thinking about it now, I was very amazed on how in the earth I did it.  So I decided to go back to my first week’s diet plan but replaced my white rice with either brown or red rice.  Also, I continued to avoid the list I mentioned above.  And, yes, boy bawang resurfaced in my daily reward J

All-in-all, I lost a total of 40lbs in 75 days!  And from XL, I am now mostly a Medium (sometimes L) and from size 38, I am mostly size 34 (or 33).

And I look different!  Some people say I look different bad but others say I look different good.  It’s okay.  It’s their opinion.  The most important for me, I think I look different good J And I feel different good.  I don’t get tired easily and I can play 3 sets of badminton without stopping.  Woot woot!

I think the most important lesson here is discipline and determination.  Discipline will keep you focused and determination will be your fuel to reach that objective.

Get fit and stay healthy!


Best Diet Pills For Women

When a person has an extra amount of fat in the body, he said, suffer from obesity. “Overweight” is a term we often hear the appeal to the person who has the condition. This condition is widespread throughout the world with the United States with the largest number of cases. Men and women, the condition is not gender sensitive at all.

Medical workers alone, saying that men with more than 25% body fat are considered obese. For women it is then 30%. Why they differ, you ask. This is because women generally have more body fat than men. But regardless of gender rights is obesity is just as difficult to eradicate.

There are many other ways to put an end to obesity. Representatives of both sexes, but seems to lean to the more traditional way to combat – diet pills. Diet pills to treat obesity wide popularity throughout the world. Different brands as FDA regulated and unregulated continue to grow in the market. We even encounter diet pills that claim to provide miracles when in reality, the problem is that one needs more than these regulations. But, of course, there are brands that are truly reliable, with, of course, talking about the overhaul life.

So these diet pills? In principle, there are two kinds: prescription and non prescription. Examples, of a prescription pill X and X. The former is considered one of the most, if not the most popular of all prescription pills today. These diet pills were thoroughly tested at the FDA and are an effective and safe. With regard to non-prescription pills, examples of X, X. This type of diet pills may be minimal before the FDA. Of course, it is always good to see a doctor so you know which one is good for you.

Another reason why consulting a doctor is needed because the treatment of obesity is different for each person. It depends on your level of obesity. Appropriate treatment, take note of this successful combination of a perfect plan, exercise, healthy nutrition, counseling (obesity causes changes in their behavior), and of course drug, which is just right for you.

The doctor will tell you that diet pills are the quickest way to brush off obesity. These are just some of the most effective ones too. But, as noted earlier, this is not all. You can bet that obesity is a man who takes the more popular diet pills, but did not exercise and continue to make generous food will not get the result that he wants. Conversely, obese person who takes the lesser-known but effective diet pill and should implement the regime and practice of healthy eating is likely to achieve the result he wants. You see, is a key discipline. If you have, you know that are on the right path. You are on the way to a healthier body. But if you do not, better check on the motivation again.

You might be seriously misguided if you expect to find something like the best diet pills on the market. They do not exist. But what is really possible to do is to find the pills that will work as the best diet pills for you, individually. For diet pills for women and reviews of other types of diet pills – check out this site.

Nowadays we live in the world where information makes life easier.

That is why if you are properly armed with the information in your sphere of interest you can rest assured that you will in any case find the way out from any bad situation. So, please make sure to get back to this site on a regular basis or – an ideal solution for you – sign up to its RSS feed. Thus you will have your hand on the pulse of the latest informational updates here. Blogging can be helpful, you just need to know how to use them.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Vacations Are Minefields

Current weight: 282.6 lbs

My wife and I recently went on a vacation to Seattle and points west. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed some nice weather. Remember, this is Seattle in February, so ‘nice weather’ is a relative term and means it only rained part of the time.

One thing we knew would be a challenge would be controlling how we eat – both the amount and the quality/healthiness of the food available to us. It will be a shock to exactly no one to hear that regulating your diet is much easier at home than when you’re on the road. You tend to eat out more and American restaurants tend to server larger portion sizes. This combination is a recipe (ha!) for disaster. Nevertheless, we cannot claim ignorance. We were well aware that we’d face these particular problems. I was, however, caught off-guard by something rather unexpected: longer times between meals.

At home, and especially during the week, my mealtimes are tightly regulated. In addition, I always try to have sensible snacks around for between meals in case I get a bit hungry before lunch or dinner. While on vacation, this became more difficult. I didn’t pack any snacks for those long stretches while traveling (we traveled by car). Rather than fill up on convenience store junk, I chose to wait until we could stop for a meal so that I could try to get better quality food. This seemed like a good idea, but anyone who has worked on weight loss will immediately see the problem. Once I did finally sit down to eat, I tended to eat more than I should have because more time elapsed between meals than I was used to. The other related problem is that I was able to visit some of my favorite old restaurants that I haven’t been to since I was last in Seattle. While I really enjoyed this aspect of the trip, not all of said restaurants had menus conducive to weight loss. C’est la vie, eh?

Bottom line: I was down to 279.6 lbs before leaving on the trip. Now, I’m back up to around 282. So, not as horrible an outcome as it could have been. But a lesson learned at the expense of losing some of the forward progress I’ve made up to this point. Although I plan on making some changes in how I eat on my next vacation, I have no doubt this will continue to be a challenging area for me.


100 Painless Ways to Cut 100+ Calories

Here are 100 painless ways to cut 100 or more calories a day. They all reduce fat or sugar so calorie for calorie, you’re getting more vitamins and minerals.

- Spread 1 tablespoon of all-fruit jam on your toast rather than 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter.
- Replace 1 cup of whole milk with 1/2 cup of nonfat milk.
- Eat 2 poached eggs instead of 2 fried eggs.
- Replace 1/2 cup of granola with 2 cups of Cheerios.
- Instead of using whole milk and eggs to prepare 2 slices of French toast, use nonfat milk and egg whites.
- Snack on an orange and a banana instead of a Snickers candy bar.
- Munch on 35 pretzel sticks instead of 1 ounce of dry-roasted peanuts.
- Replace 1 cup of sweetened applesauce with 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce.
- On your lamb-and-vegetable kabob, replace 2 of the 4 chunks of meat with fresh whole mushrooms.
- Dip an artichoke in 1 tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise instead of 1 1/2 tablespoons of regular mayonnaise.
- Steam your asparagus rather than sauté it in 1 tablespoon of butter or oil.
- Instead of a 5-ounce glass of wine, opt for cherry-flavored sparkling water.
- For a chewy snack, have 1/2 cup of dried fruit rather than 9 caramels.
- Replace 3 slices of bacon with 3 slices of Light & Lean Canadian bacon.
- Eat a Lender’s egg bagel instead of a Sara Lee egg bagel.
- Select 1 cup of home-style baked beans instead of an equal serving of baked beans with franks.
- Replace 2 biscuits with 2 dinner rolls.
- When making a sandwich, use 2 slices of Roman Light 7-grain bread instead of Pepperidge Farm wheat bread.
- Eat 1/2 cup of steamed fresh broccoli instead of 1/2 cup of frozen broccoli in cheese sauce.
- Make a burrito with 1/2 cup of fat-free refried beans and 1 ounce of nonfat cheese instead of the same amount of traditional refried beans and cheese.
- Replace an apple muffin with a high-fiber English muffin.
- Reduce a typical serving of chocolate cake (1/8 of a two-layer cake) by one-third.
- Switch from 1 cup of whole-milk hot chocolate to 1 cup of steamed 1% milk flavored with a dash of almond extract.
- Replace 1 cup of caramel-coated popcorn with 2 1/2 cups of air-popped popcorn.
- Switch from 1/2 cup of yogurt-covered raisins to 1/2 cup of plain raisins.
- Snack on 1 cup of nonfat plain yogurt instead of 1 cup of custard-style yogurt.
- Top your celery sticks with 2 tablespoons of fat-free cream cheese instead of 3 tablespoons of regular cream cheese.
- Replace 2 fried-chicken drumsticks with 2 roasted drumsticks and a cup of peas and carrots.
- Instead of eating 5 chocolate-chip cookies, savor the taste of 2.
- Lighten your 2 cups of coffee with 2 tablespoons of evaporated nonfat milk instead of 2 tablespoons of half-and-half.
- Replace a 12-ounce can of cola with a 12-ounce can of diet cola.
- Thicken your cream sauce with 1 percent milk and corn starch instead of a roux of butter and flour.
- At the appetizer tray, choose 4 fresh raw mushrooms instead of 4 batter-fried mushrooms.
- Use 2 tablespoons of fat-free sour cream instead of regular sour cream (on baked potatoes or in stroganoff). If done twice in the day, 100 calories will be cut.
- Reduce the size of your steak from 4 1/2 ounces to 3 ounces.
- Grill a cheese sandwich with nonstick cooking spray instead of margarine.
- Replace 1 cup of chocolate ice cream with 2/3 cup of nonfat chocolate frozen yogurt.
- Snack on 2 ounces of oven-baked potato chips instead of regular potato chips.
- Instead of topping your salad with an ounce of croutons, get your crunch from 1/4 cup of chopped celery.
- Instead of 1 cup of macaroni salad, eat 3 1/2 cups of spinach salad with 2 tablespoons of low-calorie dressing.
- Cut the peanut butter on your sandwich from 2 tablespoons to 1 tablespoon.
- Serve your turkey with 1/4 cup of cranberry sauce instead of 1/2 cup.
- Order a sandwich on cracked wheat bread instead of a croissant.
- Complement your hamburger with 1 1/4 ounces of oven-baked tortilla chips instead of a side of fries.
- Split an apple Danish with a friend rather than eat the entire thing.
- Order 2 slices of cheese pizza instead of 2 slices of pepperoni pizza.
- Grab a Dole Fresh Lites Cherry frozen fruit bar instead of a Sunkist Coconut frozen fruit bar.
- Snack on 1/2 cup of fruit cocktail canned in water instead of 1 cup of fruit cocktail canned in heavy syrup.
- Switch from 1 cup of fruit punch to 1 cup of sparkling water flavored with 2 teaspoons of concentrated orange juice.
- Instead of eating garlic bread made with butter, spread baked garlic cloves on French bread.
- Rather than snack on 1 cup of grapefruit canned in syrup, peel and section 1 small grapefruit.
- Dip your chips in 1/2 cup of salsa instead of 1/2 cup of guacamole.
- Switch from 1/2 cup of Frusen Gladje butter pecan ice cream to Breyers butter pecan ice cream.
- Use 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise in your tuna salad instead of 2 tablespoons.
- Hold the tartar sauce on your fish sandwich, and squeeze lemon on it instead.
- Replace 3 fish sticks with 3 ounces of grilled halibut.
- In sandwich spreads or salads, use 3 teaspoons of dijonnaise instead of 4 teaspoons of mayonnaise.
- Use 2 tablespoons of light pancake syrup instead of 2 tablespoons of regular syrup.
- Top your pasta with 1 cup of marinara sauce instead of 1/2 cup of alfredo sauce.
- For each serving of pasta salad you make, reduce the oil or mayonnaise by 1 tablespoon.
- Replace 1/2 cup of peaches canned in extra-heavy syrup with 1/2 cup of peaches canned in water.
- Prepare 1/2 cup of steamed peas and cauliflower instead of frozen peas and cauliflower in cream sauce.
- Cut back on sampling during cooking. The following “tastes” have 100 calories: 4 tablespoons of beef stroganoff, 3 tablespoons of homemade chocolate pudding, 2 tablespoons of chocolate-chip cookie dough.
- At an Italian restaurant, snack on a large breadstick instead of a slice of garlic bread.
- Eat a 3/4-cup serving of pudding made with skim milk rather than a 1-cup serving of pudding made with whole milk.
- Choose 1/2 cup of brown rice instead of 1 serving of frozen rice pilaf with green beans or 1 serving of frozen Oriental rice and vegetables.
- Complement your sandwich with 3/4 cup of split-pea soup instead of 1 cup of chunky bean and ham soup.
- Replace 3 tablespoons of strawberry topping on your ice cream with 3/4 pint of fresh strawberries.
- Pass on the second helping of mashed potatoes.
- Eat 3 grilled prawns with cocktail sauce instead of 3 breaded and fried prawns.
- Make a pie crust with 1 cup of Grape-Nuts cereal, 1/4 cup of concentrated apple juice and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, instead of using a traditional graham-cracker crust. You’ll save 100 calories per slice.
- Replace 8 sticks of regular chewing gum with sugar-free chewing gum.
- Snack on a papaya instead of a bag of M&Ms.
- Substitute 3 ounces of scallops for 3 ounce of lean beef in your stir-fry.
- Rather than spread 4 tablespoons of cream cheese on two slices of raisin bread, dip the bread in 1/2 cup nonfat apple-cinnamon yogurt.
- Munch on 1 cup of frozen grapes instead of an ice cream sandwich.
- Rather than drink a strawberry milkshake, make a smoothie of 2/3 cup of low-fat milk, 1/2 cup of strawberries and 1/2 a banana.
- Replace 2 brownies with 2 fig bars.
- Eat 2 meatballs instead of 4 with your spaghetti.
- On a hot day, quench your thirst with a glass of ice water with lemon or mint instead of a can of light beer.
- Eat 1/2 cup of black beans instead of 3 ounces of roast beef.
- Replace 1 1/2 tablespoons of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spread with 1 1/2 tablespoons of Nucoa Smart Beat margarine.
- Choose 1 serving of vegetarian lasagna instead of lasagna with meat.
- Eat 2 Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain bars instead of 2 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts.
- Drizzle 3 tablespoons of low-calorie French dressing on your salad instead of 2 tablespoons of blue cheese dressing.
- Replace 1 large flour tortilla with 1 six-inch corn tortilla.
- Eat a turkey sandwich instead of a chicken salad sandwich.
- Choose 4 1/2 ounces of tuna packed in water instead of 4 1/2 ounces of tuna packed in oil.
- At Burger King, have a Whopper Jr. Sandwich with regular fries instead of a Whopper With Cheese Sandwich.
- At Jack in the Box, eat a regular taco instead of a super taco.
- Fix 1 cup of turkey chili with beans rather than regular chili with no beans.
- Use 1 cup of fat-free cottage cheese instead of regular cottage cheese.
- Order a sandwich with barbecued chicken instead of barbecued pork.
- Replace 1 cup of corn with 1 cup of carrots
- Reduce your helping of turkey stuffing from 1 cup to 2/3 cup.
- Have a single scoop of ice cream instead of a double scoop.
- Replace 2 ounces of corn chips with 2 ounces of SnackWell’s wheat crackers.
- Eat 1 hot dog at the baseball game instead of 2.
- Shred 2 ounces of fat-free cheddar cheese on nachos instead of regular cheddar.

Courtesy of  Free Weight Loss


Friday, February 26, 2010

16. invest in a bread maker.

how owning a bread maker will change your life:

  1. no more wondering/ worrying about someone else’s food preparation using possibly contaminated equipment
  2. stocking up on mixes/ flour is more convenient and takes up less space than stocking up on prebaked loaves
  3. buying a mix is cheaper than buying a prebaked loaf
  4. making bread from scratch (you’ll eventually build up a decent stock of ingredients) is cheaper than buying a mix
  5. spend less time standing in the grocery store reading labels
  6. making your own bread allows you to control the ingredients, especially since store-bought bread is available in limited flavors
  7. create more seasonal/ holiday-themed options of desserts and pastries
  8. freshly baked bread is welcome at any dinner party, particularly by you- there will be at least one thing there you know you can eat
  9. even if you’re making muffins or cinnamon rolls, the machine will stir and knead for you
  10. nothing can compare to warm, freshly baked bread!


Weekday Booze Made Me Want To Hit Snooze

This morning I am really feeling tired for some reason.  I slept for over 7 hours and I’m exhausted.  It’s tough to imagine going to the gym right now and having a great workout, but I’m going to put one foot in front of the other and I will get through it.  It’s funny because I used to get up at 3:45 every morning and now that I’m “sleeping in” until 5, I’m still getting pretty damn tired early.  I guess my body quickly adjusted.  It’s strange though because I woke up before my alarm even went off, but when I stood up out of bed… WHOA, I felt like I was going to fall on the floor and go back to sleep.

Before I cared as much about my health, I was drinking fairly regularly.  I don’t think anyone would classify me as an alcoholic, but I would have a drink or two at night and then I’d be tired the next morning and I’d really want to reach for the snooze button, but I had something to blame it on.  I’ve been very good lately about only drinking alcohol on the weekends, and I would like to eventually eliminate Sunday nights also… maybe this week.  The main reason that I’ve recently given up weekday booze is because of the calories.  It’s pretty shocking how fast you can rack up the calories with a few drinks.  They like to break it down in 2 oz at a time, or in 1.5 oz jiggers but my drinks are a little closer to 3 oz.  3 oz of Vodka is 218 calories.  So 2 drinks = 436 cals.  That’s quite a bit of calories at the end of the day.  When I’ve just had a nice healthy 600-700 calorie dinner and then an hour or two before bedtime I pack in another 436 in a couple drinks.  That was impeding my progress, so I decided to stop doing it and I think it’s really paying off.

So this morning, it’s Friday and I’m feeling quite accomplished for the week.  I did everything I planned on doing.  I ate great, I worked out hard and I didn’t have a single sip of booze.  Now it’s time to head off to the gym with the early bird crowd and step on the scale.  I’m going to keep my expectations low after losing 3 pounds last week.  Even though I feel like I’ve done everything right, I still remember that muscle weighs more than fat.  And as good as I’ve been doing, I don’t believe there’s anyway I added more fat mass, but I do believe I’ve added more muscle mass.  So…… we shall see.


I feel so much better on a diet. I ate chips and salsa the past three days along with various other foods, and I felt like absolute crap waking up. My skins been bad, my stomach’s been hurting. Tea good. Water good. Coca Cola and Mexican spices… T.T

Going to school to finish essay then off to see Eureka!

My breakfast:
1 cup of Raisin Brand with milk (yeah, screw osteoporosis), a glass of water, and a cup of green tea. Mmmm…

Bring money…who knows?

I’m going to stay away from noodles, rice, potatoes, and white bread until my skin gets a little better. There’s no acne, but it’s a little oily. So, inevitably, a pimple or two will show itself. I’m gonna start eating turkey more because it’s enriched with vitamin B which boost metabolism and will give me a damn figure. Also, I will start eating more spinach because I just read something about it, and there are a great deal of health benefits. Jesus, I’m going crazy with this health thing.

To do on bus:
Read Labyrinth until you feel motion sickness. Then, look out window until you can read Labyrinth again.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Borderline diabetes must be attacked fast

Borderline diabetes must be attacked fast because the poison in your bloodstream is spreading. The borderline diabetic has a limited time to stop this before the illness attacks the kidneys or the limbs

This site is different from others in that we give it to you straight, we must tell you the truth. My good friend lost his body to this illness. The key is to act fast. High blood sugar causes a poison glucose to attack the circulation. This eventually shutsdown the kidneys and heart.

The borderline or pre diabetic can lose the ability to use their  fingers or toes. Why?  The answer is that the parts of the body are dying off.  Diabetes spreads through out the body like a cancer. Why do they call diabetes the silent killer? It is because the body is dying on the inside.  The only help for the diabetic is the right borderline diet, the right pre diabetes diet can save the life of the person with high blood sugar. See this diet that has been helping many click here

Please take care and find the right pre diabetes diet fast



wow, the much anticipated arrival of 149 on the scale took place this morning.  146.8 on the new scale, 149 on the old.  i feel great.  even laying in bed this morning, i felt less of my belly, which is wonderful.  i still have a way to go, but there’s something about passing this hurdle.  i was stuck at the 150-152 range for a long time.  even with the holidays, i maintained but then came back down only to about 150 and couldn’t budge lower.  then along came lent.  i really think that is what did it.

giving up junk food and not being specific about only one thing, only chocolate, only french fries, only ice cream.  that would have helped, but being so broad has really had me focused on eating healthy.  i’m already pretty good at watching portion control, but when you are focused on portion control while removing the really calorie-laden nutrient-lacking junk foods, you end up consuming a lot fewer calories.

i had my session with brent this morning.  he had me do the leg press, leg extensions, abduction and lunges in a row.  that was tiring.  then onto upper body.  seated chest press, row, chest press on ball, chest pull down, assisted dips, assisted chin ups, tricep push downs, bicep curls, vibration plate squats, vibration plate plank.  exhausting!


Monday, February 22, 2010

30 day challenge

Ok. So I putting myself on a 30 day challenge. For the next 30 days.. everyday I will do Jillian Micheal’s 30 day Shred. 2 weeks ago I did it for two days. I was in so much pain I couldnt scratch my back and havent popped the DVD since but my friend from high school Nikki posted on her blog that she was going to do the challenge so I decided to join her.

Have any of you done the 30 day Shred? How were your results?
