Monday, September 7, 2009

Shape Up While You Clean Up!

It’s a holiday weekend.  I actually have clients each day, but it’s not nearly as busy as usual, as everyone wants to be done before it gets hot and before their company gets there.  I’m happy about that! It gives me a chance to catch up on some writing and house cleaning.

I’m not a great housekeeper.  I can cook you a 5 course meal that you’ll remember for years to come….just don’t ask me to clean it up.  I will, but not very well.  Some people love to clean.  I just don’t get that.

Scratch that.  Perhaps I do.  I can see how concentrating on the task at hand can be very theraputic and leaving a sink that gleams very satisfying.  I do that with cooking–having no background noise to disturb me allows me to “be in the NOW” and having people really enjoy my food is very satisfying (and the results last about the same amount of time as a perfectly clean sink!  Half-hour at best!!)

So, I’ve come up with a way to multi-task housecleaning with exercising.  Now, you ARE still burning calories while housecleaning.  The average 135 pound woman will burn about 218 calories doing this as opposed to sitting on the couch watching TV or sleeping.  Both burn around 60 calories an hour.   Can I mention here that the average American woman is just under 5′4″ and weighs 163 pounds?  If this is you, you’ll burn more calories doing these things, but you weigh too much for your height.  Not because I think you should be a size 2, but extra weight puts you in danger of heart disease, Metabolic X syndrome, Diabetes and joint pain.  You should weigh on average…you guessed it…about 135 pounds.  Some will weigh less, depending on bone size and density.

SOOO…if you houseclean AND exercise, you’re toning your muscles AND burning more calories!  Fabulous, no?   Not all of these are of my invention, but they all work very well:

The Fold and Plie:  Place full basket of clean clothes on the floor by your feet.  Feet should be in a wide “second position.”  Bend your knees so that your thighs become parallel with the ground and pick up an item of clothing to be folded.  While folding, pulse in the center of your movement and place in your pile on the couch/table/counter.  Repeat until all items of clothing have been folded.

The Vacuum Walk:  Place right hand on vacuum (or left if you’re so inclined).  As you push the vacuum forward, take a huge “Groucho Marx” step forward with your left leg.  Your back leg (right) should be bent with your knee just about touching the ground.  Your front knee should be no further forward than over your ankle.  Press back to starting position.  As you move a few inches to the side to vacuuma new area of floor/carpet, repeat motion.  Switch sides after 10 sweeps to get both legs.  Repeat the 10 and 10 until floor or carpet is clean!

Beach Towl Abs:  You’re not really cleaning house while doing this, but it’s a good one to do AFTER you vacuum, being that you’re on the floor.  Lay a large beach towel flat on the floor with your head just below the top of the towel.  Grab each cormer of the towel and make  fists around them, so they’re squished in your hands.  Bring your hands to your ears and have your elbows pointing to the ceiling.  Your head should be cradled with the towel right now.  Bend your knees and have your feet flat on the floor or your calves parallel to the floor.  Leading with your elbows, crunch up to your knees, trying to touch your elbows to them.  See how your neck is relaxed and not straining?  Why spend money on those expensive “ab” trainers when this does EXACTLY the same thing.  HEck, do it outside and get a TAN at the same time…wearing SPF 30, of course. 

I have more of these exercises , but lets start with these.  I don’t want to scare you off or anything!  Let me know how you like them.

Talk to you later,



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