Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So much of my life is centered on feelings of shame. I am ashamed of the way my body looks, of wanting to change it, of thinking I can … I am ashamed that I sometimes starve myself, ashamed that I don’t always starve myself. I am ashamed of even having to eat. The day before yesterday I almost had a fucking panic attack, because I had to eat with two people.

I stepped on the scale yesterday morning; 48,8 kilos.

wholly acceptable. I want to be pretty and beautiful and something to envy; not a cautionary tale. I am as close to liking myself and my body as I think I have ever been in my entire life. I thought somehow that when I revised my goal weight, made a conscious decision not to lose more weight, that eating would stop being such a hassle. I thought my fears would have floated out the window by dinnertime, because deciding to maintain is the solution to all my problems.

I was wrong.

I felt horrible yesterday. Just wanted to be alone, to not deal with eating in front of someone all the fucking time. Thought I might relax more if I smoked a joint.I should have known what would happen, but I am not as clever as I would like to believe.

Major binge. Ice cream, popcorn, cashews, crackers … I finally went to bed just to stop eating.

Weight this morning: 49,4.

I am so thankful. I know my punishment will come during the next few days, but I must be strong and at least control the damage. I said no to going to lunch with one of my best friends, just so I could liquid fast till dinner – I have date with a friend who has kids, so when I eat in front of them, I am very aware of how much I eat and how. I want to seem natural and enjoy food when I am around them. The worst thing I could ever do was make them feel like I do.

I’m going to go have a smoke now. I still feel full from yesterday. Full and disgusting.

Starting Again-Again: S-l-o-w-l-y Getting Into the Groove

It’s been a bumpy 2 weeks, but progress has been made. On September 16th, I was 218.4 – and last night I was 210.0 – big difference in 14 days.

Stress is still a big factor – I live on the East Coast – not known for it’s laid-back style – and work in an industry not known for short hours nor laid-back approach to deadlines.

The stress was consuming me about 10 days back – now it’s just chomping on my leg. It’s not pleasant by any means, but within my threshold of manageable.

For example: I held a discussion with my coworkers as to all the different ways a  presentation we need to make last Monday could possibly unravel and become a Turkey-shoot – with us as the turkeys. I estimated a 50%-50% chance.

I can manage that. It went quite well, actually.

I’ve started this iteration of weight loss following the mantra – whatever stress eating you may do – just keep it low carb.

So this casts off the ‘good for you’ requirement – at least for the present – while I get my mojo back. The weight loss is a motivator itself, and if I can keep up the momentum, I can swap out the low carb crap habits with better low carb choices and still not be tempted.

And the temptation is all around me. My kids eat strawberry shortcake off plates in my lap. Fast food chicken nuggets and fries are left next to me on the couch. Abandoned plates of pasta. Home made dumplings offered in a gesture of generosity.

Some of you reading this might say you’re not tempted by these things anymore – good for you.

I am, unfortunately.

Perhaps the miracle of my keeping 50+ pounds off for over 5-years is made amazing not by my strength, but rather by my weakness – despite a seemingly consistent string of dieting failures, combined with no exercise, I’ve kept off a lot of pounds for half a decade.

I attribute it to an ability to shrug off failure and not give up, combined with low carb, which most certainly works for me, though I’ve come to see that, for a number of reasons, it might not be for everyone. I lost large amounts of weight twice before calorie-counting, but I gained it all back, with interest, both times. Calorie-counting isn’t sustainable for me long-term.

So where was I? Oh yeah: what have I been eating if not the high-carb goodies described above?

Bologna. Yep – those nitrates might be bad for you (or maybe not) – I should be eating organic grass-fed beef…but I’m not. Pounds and pounds of bologna. And I lost 10 lbs. this week. Go puzzle that out, you calorie-counters out there.

(Psst: here’s a hint: you excrete calories in certain circumstances. You don’t hear that too often, but it’s true.)

Kentucky Grilled Chicken. Zero carbs per piece, pretty darn tasty. At the moment I can’t think of any other fast food that is so low carb-friendly. KFC did good here.

Low carb bread. Not as much as before, but at least a slice or two a day.

American cheese. I’ll bring a half-pound a week to work and have maybe 2-3 slices during the day.

Atkins Bars. My snack at work.

Atkins Shake – my breakfast. I’m not particularly hungry most mornings, so it’s my way of having breakfast and washing down my vitamins.

Tall glass of fiber therapy. In the evening when I get home.

A pot of coffee. I splurge and drink the organic coffee. Like someone said – if you drink a pot a day, it should be good stuff. I drink caffeinated and now I drink it black: I love cream, but don’t need cream – and while I said above that calories can’t really be counted, it’s true that there’s limits to the number of calories you can intake – so this was an easy way to jettison a few hundred calories a day.

Some stir-fry veggies. Maybe green beans – or eggplant. Or tomatoes and eggs. Tomatoes and eggs make a surprisingly good stir fry – as does celery.

Made a pot of chili – first real cooking in a while – really vegged it up. It was yum – I should post the recipe.

I noticed an odd, headachy feeling the other day, which I thought odd – I don’t usually get headaches – and never take anything for them when I do. I was puzzled as to why – then realized: I bet I’m going into ketosis – which, since Atkins is my core plan, is great.

I screwed up over the weekend, then went back, and while I wouldn’t say that I’m totally in the groove, I am slowly turning the battleship – and it takes a bit of work to turn one of these babies.

I’ll keep plugging away. For me cheating isn’t failure – giving up is failure – and I won’t give up – just too darn stupid and stubborn, I guess.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get The Six Pack You've Always Wanted

Everyone wants nice tight abs, emphasized by a six-pack, yet it seems that people are prone to adding weight to the belly area first. Overeating and drinking excessive amounts of beer will quickly add inches to the waistline and give you a spare tire. Knowing how to burn belly fat will maximize the benefits from your ab workouts and help you shrink those extra inches. However, there is no magic formula or special cream that you can use to instantly transform your midsection. To burn belly fat you need a combination of diet and exercise, with a focus on increasing your metabolism.

Your belly fat might be covering firmed muscles that are lying underneath. If you are overeating and performing sit-ups or other ab workouts regularly, but not seeing the results you intended, the problem is your diet. A layer of fat covers Ab muscles. This means that you can be regularly toning your abs, while increasing the amount of fat that hides them. Reducing the amount of fat will reveal the toned abs you have been working on. Increasing your metabolism will ensure that you continually burn calories and reduce the amount of belly fat in your mid section.

Take both hands, make fists, and put your hands side by side. That is the approximate size of your stomach organ. Next time you eat a meal, look at your hands and remember that if you overeat, you are causing that muscle to stretch to hold large meals. Eating several small meals throughout the day will increase your metabolism without putting unnecessary stress on the stomach organ.

Visceral fat is the fat stored deeply, often in between organs. The stomach is prone to visceral fat, in addition to retro peritoneal and subcutaneous fat comprised the other two of the three types of belly fat. Visceral fat is highly sensitive to increased metabolism and is easy to burn. Once your body’s metabolism increases and you are in fat burning mode, this fat is one of the first types your body will burn. In addition to ab workouts that target the core stomach muscles, you must choose activities that will increase your metabolism, and burn calories through aerobic exercise. Running, interval training and key abdominal workouts is key for targeting the beer belly.

When choosing foods, make certain that the selections you make are those that help regulate metabolism. Foods that cause your blood sugar to spike will have a negative effect on your metabolism and will affect the fat burning process. By choosing the best foods such as whole grains, reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates, and burning calories you will effectively burn belly fat. Food that you want to stay away from, besides from the obvious like candy bars, ice cream, and fast food, are foods with refined sugars like white bread and cereals that are high in sugar. Whole wheat breads and cereals are great for you, but beware of breads that just say wheat. Just because it says wheat does not mean it is whole wheat.

Workouts that are great for focusing on the core are RevAbs and the 10 minute trainer.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Shortest Challenge EVER!

So the ten week weight loss challenge that I have been telling you about, is no more.

I suggested that it be dissolved prematurely and the suggested was eagerly adopted.

One of the participants has been recently told she will need to take a prescription medication for the foreseeable future and one of the side effects of the meds is weight gain. Poor thing.

She would have continued to go along with the challenge but after hearing about it I had to suggest that we call it a day. She agreed. It would have been just too big a burden for her to contend with trying to lose weight while on her meds.

We decided that we won’t be giving up on supporting each other to live healthier, but we won’t be holding each other monetarily accountable anymore.

Oh well.

The good news I feel like I am back in the swing of things and I am very pleased.

Last Monday thinking the challenge was starting I hunkered down and started another weight loss journey. I was doing well with the eating but my activity level was severely curtailed. I was just so exhausted all week, so I rested.

Saturday morning I trekked down to the pool and had a great swim. In fact I felt better than I had all week so I was very happy. Sunday same thing. I had a great swim and except for my continued sinus congestion, I felt pretty good.

I was a little nervous on Sunday because I wasn’t sure how I would approach it food-wise. For months now I had been using Sunday as my “free day”, eating whatever I wanted. That strategy has worked well for me maintaining my weight, but as we all know; weight loss and maintenance are two entirely different animals.

But I needn’t to have worried. My workout went great, I felt great, and hunger was a complete non-issue. YAY!

I got on the scale this morning and was very pleased with what I saw: down 8.4 pounds for the week! Off to a great start. I am very happy to have a week of dieting already behind me. It is making the next 9 weeks look doable.

I’d be happier if this 8.4 pounds came off of my lowest weight but I had been pretty lax in my eating habits for a few weeks before starting the challenge….so I still have about 18 pounds of my 20 pound challenge to go.

But challenge or no, I am thrilled to be on my way again with the scale moving in the right direction. Dropping this “last 20” never seemed so attainable before.

Goal Weight

I read pro ana blogs several hours every day. I used to think it was because they inspired me. Made me want to do better, become a better person. Work harder and lose weight faster, more efficiently.

Yesterday I was reading an Australian girl’s blog. It could have been anyone’s, but this time it was hers. She had reached her goal weight. No surprise; she still wanted to lose more weight. You always end up wanting to lose more. She asked her readers whether anyone actually ever reaches their GW and are satisfied, want to stay there and maintain.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look at the number the scale showed me this morning.

This is me revising my goal weight; not because I don’t think I can reach it, or because I’ve realized it’s not low enough. I’m doing it, because I am as close to being happy about my body as I will ever be without exercise.

When I started out, I didn’t know I had an eating disorder. I was depressed and wanted to kill myself. I remember eating nothing but a packet raisins one weekend – Thursday through Monday – and smoking so many cigarettes my fingers were yellow. But I didn’t decide not to eat. I just couldn’t. I was unhappy with my body, that’s true. It just never occurred to me that I had the power to do something about it.

When I was hospitalized for my depression, anxiety and generally wanting to kill myself, I had lost 6 kilos in about a month. Then I started eating healthy, because they stuck me with a nutritionist, and I started exercising because they gave me physical therapy. I got better. I got out. I forgot all about what made me want to live again.

But sometimes … sometimes I don’t feel so very lost anymore. It feels good to be alone in my apartment. It feels like home. I haven’t felt like I had a home in almost three years. Since I moved out of my parents’ house, I have moved seven times.

I’m not sure why I’m writing this. I’m not particularly happy or sad or wrought with any kind of emotion. I just needed someone to know that sometimes someone does reach a point where they’re at least quasi-happy with themselves. That not everything is lost.

I don’t know any of you reading this, but I love you. I care for you and I hurt when you hurt, and sometimes I cry when you let into your lives with your writing. You are not alone and you do matter.

All the best to everyone.


Rice goes through a variety of processes before it reaches the consumer. After harvesting, the husk of the rice is removed by milling process which gives you the brown rice. The process that produces brown rice removes only the outermost layer, the hull, of the rice kernel and is the least damaging to its nutritional value. The complete milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white rice destroys 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the Vitamin B1, 90% of the Vitamin B6, half of the Manganese, half of the Phosphorus, 60% of the Iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids.


(  Click on the image to expand)


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Sunday, September 27, 2009

I know what I did last summer...

So fall is finally here. And I look back to this spring, when I started Life of the List, and I think of all the things that I wanted to accomplish, all of the things that I wanted to do, and I realize that I have not really been working on the list. I haven’t been blogging and I certainly haven’t been communicating with people the way that I should be. I became an island.

However, I did accomplish some things…

I started getting serious about my magic book, and things are actually getting done…

I finally began my book of short stories, “Why Me” and I am coming up with ideas daily.

I saved someones life using the Heimlich maneuver. (I’m not so sure, but she insists that if I wasn’t there, she’d be dead…)

I decided that I wanted to move away from Elizabethtown, and I took steps to do so.

I got into the world of cloud computing, and now I have almost everything online. (which means when a computer crashes, i’ve lost almost nothing as far a data is concerned)

I deleted all of my stolen music, started purchasing albums and loading those onto my computer.

I tried playing with a church worship team, though I decided that it just wasn’t the one for me.

I auditioned for a magic competition, although I lost. Twice.

I was the best man at my brother’s wedding.

I started picking up magic again, after blowing it off for so long (how can I write a book on magic if I’m not doing magic?)

I have maintained my weight at about 200 lbs (though now it’s time to start losing it again and toning up)

I posted some music videos. (Almost time for a magic vid!)

I made a couple of new friends that I consider good friends now.

I’m going out more, doing more, not sitting in my room doing nothing.

All these are things that I intend to hold on to. Hopefully, by December 21st I will be telling you all of the wonderful things that I accomplished this autumn. But for now, I’m okay with the summer. It’s a good thing that there is so much left to accomplish. So much left.

Day 54 and 15 pounds later

I’m feeling good.

Of course I still get a craving here and there. Always will.

I am still avoiding dinners with old co-workers and the like. I am not ready for that much temptation nor am I ready to tell everyone I know that I am an alcoholic.

We got the KISS tickets. *woo hoo*

I had thought about inviting one of my old co-workers to the KISS concert with Us.  They are both huge fans as well. BUT… Well, again I can’t have that temptation around me to drink. I know with just hubby and I there is no reason to even be tempted.

We have also planned our final campout for the year for the weekend of the 10th. We will be meeting up with my Dad and Stepmom for an overnight stay at a nearby lake.

I’m nervous about it. Campouts in the past with them consisted of Bloody Mary’s in the morning, Beer in the afternoons and Wine in the evening. They both know about me being an Alcoholic.

I hope they will have enough respect NOT to bring any Alcohol that weekend. But, we shall see.

And, today… Day 54. I got on the scale and am officially 15lbs lighter then from when I started out on this new life.

I knew Alcohol was packing on the pounds, but my God.

Only 6 more days until Day 60. I never imagined making it this far.

Second Phase Starts Tomorrow ...

Well, I’ve decided now that I will be embarking on the second phase of Cura Romana tomorrow … so this will be the second time I go through the complete process. I’m not certain whether I will be doing the 21 days or the 41 days, haven’t quite decided.

I just want to see how things go. I do have a target weight in mind, but I am also aware that my ideal weight when I was in my late 20’s may not be the ideal weight for me now that I am in my mid-forties. I may actually be better off having more weight. I’m sure that as the weight comes off again, I’ll know when my body feels right.

I have to confess though, that since losing 3 stone, I feel so, so much better … a lot more comfortable within my body, I’m enjoying wearing my clothes, don’t have nearly so many aches and pains and even went boogying for the first time in years with my brother and his girlfriend when I visited them. We had such a lot of fun!

I wanted to add a beautiful picture for this post and thought you may like this one by Dante Gabriel Rosetti called “The Beloved”. The richness of Dante’s work and the colours he use always lift my spirits and I have a particular fondness for this painting …. I just think it’s stunning!

"The Beloved" ~ Dante Gabriel Rosetti

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Keep ABreast 5K

Today LC and I participated in the HERS Breast Cancer Foundation Keep ABreast 5K, in support of Breast Cancer research.

I found out about this worthy event through, and I knew I wanted to take part in it.  I sent an email out to a bunch of friends, but LC was the only one who could make it.  Since she was there when I had a bit of a mental breakdown during the Mermaid 5K, I thought it was appropriate that we were going to do this one together.  I feel so much stronger and healthier now than I did at that 5K, and I wanted to have a good 5K experience with my sister.  She’s so kind and caring, and even though I know she didn’t mind being there for me when I needed her the last time, I really wanted to share a fun walk with her, too.

When I called LC on Wednesday to finalize our plans for meeting up today, she said the walk started at 9:30, which I thought was rather late, but was glad for the extra time, since Quarry Lakes in Fremont is about 30 minutes from each of our houses.  We got there and told them we’d arrived, got our t-shirts (which you see in the photo above), and kind of hung out for a bit.  We snapped some photos (which you can see in the Picasa album, below), hit the restroom, and were enjoying the atmosphere.

Then, the 10K runners were starting to arrive at the finish line and it was a bit after 9:30 and I began wondering what time our 5K Walk was going to start, since it was a little after 9:30.  We asked a volunteer and she said that it had already started.  WTF?  We walked back to the registration desk and asked them, and they said that yes, it had started at 9am.  It turns out that the website where we registered for the event ( had the incorrect information.  Wouldn’t you know it?!  LC got peeved, which is so out of character for her, but I told her that it was over with now, so we should just move on from here.  She asked if I wanted to do the 5K anyway, and I said I did, but part of me didn’t want to be the very last ones to finish and have everyone think we’d taken FOREVER to complete the 5K.  (There I go worrying about what other people think again!).  LC convinced me that it didn’t matter, and that we should just get on with it so that we could start our 5K.

So we headed out along the same route that everyone else had taken.  It was 9:48 when we started, and it was already getting HOT!  Still, the views were so beautiful and we were ready to get started.  One nice thing was that I wasn’t feeling pressure to walk really fast because no one was around us.  We started out at a fairly slow pace, which is the thing that both Jimmy and the people at TNT told me to do.  It’s better to warm your muscles up slowly and then build your pace, rather than going like gangbusters from the beginning, as I usually like to do.  I think I just get so excited with the start of these walks that I want to go as fast as possible, but that ends up hurting me in the end.  So, we continued along at our steady pace.

After about 1/2 a mile (there weren’t markers up, so I’m not positive how far we’d gone), we saw our first group of volunteers cheering us on.  Of course, I had to explain to them that we just started the race about an hour late, which is why we were so far behind.  My ego just doesn’t quit.  LOL.  I also wanted to let them know that they didn’t have to wait for us to finish, since we were so late, and they said they wouldn’t.  LC and I just kept walking and talking and enjoying the day.  Soon enough, we arrived at another volunteer who started cheering us on (literally.  She must have been a cheerleader).  As we approached a large hill, I increased my stride and really got a faster pace going.  LC mentioned that she noticed that whenever we were near the volunteers cheering us on, I picked up my pace.  I guess the positive reinforcement really did help me move a bit faster!

We hit mile 2 and knew that we were almost finished.  We couldn’t believe how fast we were going!  I checked my watch and saw that we were making really good time.  Plus, I didn’t have ANY numbness in my feet at all.  I can’t tell you how encouraging that is! I guess losing this weight and becoming much more active really has helped whatever was causing the numbness.  It’s still a mystery, but at least I know I’m better.

We finished the 5K in 45 minutes, which is a new personal best for both LC and me!!!!  That means we were doing 15 minute miles, which is literally faster than I’ve every gone before!!!!!!  I am smiling wide as I type that right now, because I am so happy with myself and my progress.  I’m proud of all of the strides I’ve made in terms of my health, and this is just one more indication that I’m getting stronger and healthier.

To top it off, I burned 495 calories during the 5K, according to my BodyBugg, which is fantastic!  That’s about the same amount I burn when I’m working out for an hour with Jimmy.

I will say that right before we finished the 5K, I was experiencing a slight bit of numbness in my feet, but nothing compared to the complete numbness that I used to feel.  This was a complete turnaround from where I was less than 6 months ago, which is terrific progress.

I feel so great about today’s 5K, that I found another one that I’m going to walk in: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K.  It’s on October 31st in San Jose right near my house, which is so convenient.

You can click on the thumbnail below to see photos of the 5K:

HERS Foundation Keep ABreast 5K

Weight Loss and Nutrition

An important and often neglected part of any weight loss fitness program is your nutrition.

When you are going through a high energy fitness program like Beachbody P90X you need to eat right and at the right time.

In the Plyometrics DVD you’re reminded that it’s best not to exercise for at least an hour after eating a meal.  That’s the timing part.

Then there’s the question of what you eat. Eating right.

I had got into a habit of eating out because it’s more convenient than cooking. Even though I know I was eating more processed food and fried food than I should I still did it.

Even though my doctor kept reminding me of choosing nutritious ingredients I still reverted to my old habits.

Then I started Beachbody P90X!

The weekend before I started I did my usual supermarket shop with a keen eye to healthier food selection. More salad greens, fish and chicken protein and plenty of fruits and some healthy snacks.

The great thing about P90X is you can join the fitness club at any of 3 different levels – including for free!  Youn get nutritional support in the program itself and online.

So its great for the beginner and the more experienced person who’s looking for more recipes and more advanced guidance. For weight loss, Shakeology helps you achieve optimal health, increase energy, become more regular, and lose weight. Cool huh?

Day 12

Last night we prepared food together.  My son Jared was the presenter showing how to cut an avocado, an easy way to cut a pepper so that the stem and seeds are intact.  That was new to me I didn’t know how to do the pepper. We also discussed that by cutting a vegetable in the direction that it grows you maintain more water in the vegetable and more nutrients and enzymes.  It also slows the process of decay down if most of the water and the cells of the fruit or vegetable are still intact. Our dinner consisted of nori rolls, with avocado, beets, carrots, asparagus, cucumber, and red peppers. We also prepared a spinach salad with jicama and mushrooms,  and lastly we had turkey breast from Duerkson turkey farm in Mancelona.  The turkey is grass feed and locally processed right on the farm.  It was so tender, my husband Mike slow roasted it for 1.5 hours.  We had just to of the members that were not thrilled with the nori rolls. Now nori comes from seaweed. which is pressed into a sheet that you roll around vegetables, and rice, and meat if you choose.  I love them and they are very filling.  Our total meal last night approximately 450 calories.  200 for the nori roll 50 for our salad, and 200 for the turkey not bad not bad.

There was no workout for me took Friday as a day of rest.  Saturday will be another story.  I need to hit it all hard this weekend the scales are fast approaching Monday will be here and the end of our second week.

Till tomorrow keep moving.


Friday, September 25, 2009

What is more essential: Carbohydrates or Proteins?

Here is a recent question that was placed on out blog:

“I just recently was told that I need to loose some weight…
but I am not sure how to modify my diet.
Are carbohydrates or proteins more important to watch???”

Carbohydrates vs. Proteins

This is an interesting argument and every few years a change in stance appears to take place.

Let’s take a closer look!!!

Both Carbohydrates and Proteins are used for energy and are essential in good health. In addition to protein and carbohydrates, fats is an important source of energy. For many years, loss of weight and good health have been viewed as joined together. Diets have tried to find the right balance of both carbohydrates and proteins. But nutritionally – what occurs if we load up on one or the other?

Is there one that is specifically more healthy and benefical then the others ????


Are not an essential food source for survival but organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys are dependant on this food source for energy. Without this food source for quick breakdown, certain organs are unable to function to their capacity. Muscle mass will decrease and brain function will slow, along with an increase risk and often occurence of infection. These results are related to a decrease of carbohydrate as a food source.

When carbohydrates are absent from from the diet, then the body must find energy from another source. Carbohydrates are found in muscles, organs, and other tissues as proteins. These carbohydrates or glucose molecules will be taken out for energy use.

“The food source for the brain outweighs the need of other organs and tissues.”

Therefore, the breakdown of tissue and muscle when carbohydrates are withheld or unavailable can cause serious harm and strain on many organs.

Good vs Bad Carbohydrates: Certain carbohydrates in simple sugars such as chips and cookies and candies are a type of carbohydrates that can cause weight gain when eating in excess and sometimes even in moderation. But other carbohydrates such as grain products, brown rice, vegetables and some fruits are better sources of carbohydrates.


Are compounds that are comprised of amino acids that are metabolised from breakdown.

The “pieces” or chains of amino acids become the building blocks for muscles, organs, tissues such as skin, and other areas.

Proteins, through a complicated process, are broken down into carbohydrates and essential amino acids.

There are 20 standard amino acids and in most plants all 20 can be made within the plant. Animals and humans are unable to make all the 20 and therefore must get some from their diet.

Once the protein has been digested it can be broken down in the liver by a process called gluconeogenesis. The protein through this process is broken down to glucose. This is the same end product of breakdown of carbohydrates.

Dietary sources of protein include: meats, fish, seeds, nuts, vegetables, eggs, milk, cheese, and some grains.


“The key to weight loss is calories in and calories out.”

The body does not care if those calories come from carbs or proteins.

When you eat more calories through protein and/or carbs then you burn during the day – the result is weight gain.

High-Carb diets and High-protein diets are options and their opportunity to allow for a larger amount of weight loss has been argued.

Several keys to weight loss include:

1.) Eating good carbs in moderation: 40%-60%

2.) Eat protein in moderation

3.) Replacement of bad fats with good carbs or proteins

4.) Exercise

End result of Protein vs. Carbohydrates

Obviously both are quite important and essential. The question to answer regarding which one is more important is quite difficult. The obvious answer is both.

But more specifically:

– Children: Protein is essential for muscle growth and should be consumed in greater quanities during this period

– Pregnancy: Increased amounts of protein is also consumed during pregnancy

– Recovering from injury: Increase amounts of protein

– High exercise diet: may require increase Carbohydrates during that period and to replenish calories lost or used

– Percentage of Carbohydrates is often greater in the average person than is protein

*** Remember fats are another energy source – when consumed they are ready for use….when not used though, they will then be stored in adipose tissues. Again there is a good source and a bad source of fats!!!!

Often if you are truly seeking to loose weight, you need to meet with a proper nutritionist and an exercise trainer that can tailor a menu and an exercise schedule to meet your needs!!!

CHEAT: New "Attack" Weight loss supplement; is it really good for you?

CHEAT is a food additive that reduces a whopping 25 % of the calories by just sprinkling it on your food. It is tasteless and yet very effective. Although, according to the video, this is FDA approved – I’m always skepitcal of supplements like this. It again teaches individuals that they can cut corners when it comes to changing one’s lifestyle and/or losing weight. Well, perhaps this supplement will cut the calories BUT with you still eating hamburgers, french fries, sodas, etc – are you really doing the right thing – yeah the calories are cut -but the grease that clogs your arteries still exist. Therefore, I have to pass on such a “CHEAT” supplement.

The oldest man alive eats one two meals a day !! Rawfit Personal Training / Trainer (Sydney Lower North Shore, Mosman, Cremorne, Neutral Bay, Cammeray)

By Sydne George, Great Falls (Mont.) Tribune

“I think you should push back from the table when you’re still hungry,” Breuning said.Walter Breuning, who turned 113 on Monday, eats just two meals a day and has done so for the past 35 years.

At 5 foot 8, (”I shrunk a little,” he admitted) and 125 pounds, Breuning limits himself to a big breakfast and lunch every day and no supper.

“I have weighed the same for about 35 years,” Breuning said. “Well, that’s the way it should be.”

“You get in the habit of not eating at night, and you realize how good you feel. If you could just tell people not to eat so darn much.”

His practice of skipping supper began when he first moved to Great Falls from Minneapolis in 1978. He lived in the Yellowstone Apartments at the time and would walk downtown to Schell’s in the Johnson Hotel or the Albon Club on the second floor for lunch.

In 1980, the Albon Club moved to the Rainbow Hotel, and the owners asked Breuning to be manager, which he did for 15 years.

“I never started eating supper again,” Breuning said.

He gets up at 6:15 a.m. and has a big breakfast every day at 7:30 a.m. Usually it’s eggs, toast or pancakes.

“You can order anything you want, just like a restaurant,” he said.

“I eat a lot of fruit every day.”

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer sent Breuning a fruit basket after a recent visit.

“Boy, I tell you that was good fruit. I ate the whole darn thing,” Breuning said. “Peaches, pears, everything, it sure was good.”

In addition to eating fruit every day, Breuning also takes a baby aspirin.

“Just one baby aspirin,” he said, “but everybody gets that for their heart. That’s the only pill I ever take, no other medicine.”

And he drinks plenty of water.

“I drink water all the time,” he said, and just a bit of coffee. “I drink a cup and a half of coffee for breakfast and a cup with lunch.”

Breuning said he has been healthy all of his life and believes diet has a lot to do with it.

“If people could cut back on their normal weight, it wouldn’t be quite so bad,” he commented. “They just eat too much!”

Breuning remembers his family having a cow, pigs, chickens and a big garden when he was growing up, like most people did in those days.

“Everybody was poor years ago,” he said. “When we were kids, we ate what was on the table. Crusts of bread or whatever it was. You ate what they put on your plate, and that’s all you got,” Breuning said.

Breuning recalls his mother being a good cook, though she died when she was 46 after an operation in Minneapolis. His wife was a good cook, too. They met when they worked in Butte for the railroad.

“Everything she made was good,” Breuning said. “We used to have lots of card parties, and they would always say what a good cook she was.”

While diet has contributed to his longevity, Breuning also believes that working hard was good for him.

“Work doesn’t hurt anybody,” he said, mentioning that he had two jobs, one working for the Great Northern Railway until he was 66 and the other as manager/secretary for the local Shriner’s Club until he was 99.

These days, Breuning keeps busy talking with all of the people who visit the Rainbow Retirement Center interested in meeting the world’s oldest man.

Though his vision doesn’t allow him to read anymore, Breuning keeps his mind active by listening to the radio.

“My eyes are gone,” he said, “but I listen to the radio. I get all my news on KMON.”

Breuning started eating out 35 years ago, but said he doesn’t anymore.

“Once you get used to not eating in restaurants, you don’t want to anymore,” he said. Besides, he’d rather eat at home, at the Rainbow Retirement Center.

“They have a lot of good food right here,” he said, “and good cooks.”

Breuning celebrated his 113th birthday with not one, but two cakes, one chocolate and one vanilla. And for his birthday lunch he got his favorite: liver and onions.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to Select the Weight-Loss Program Right For You Project

How to Select the Weight-Loss Program Right For You Project

Author: Stefano Grossi
Category: Health & Fitness | Weight Loss
Keyword: weight loss,weight loss program,weight reduction, physician assisted weight loss, doctor weight loss
Post Data: 22/09/2009 14:37:03
Word: 472

Weight loss plans are in plenty and almost everyday one experiences weight loss regimes, supplements, or work outs being thrust at them from every form of media or advertisement. Hence, selecting the ideal weight loss plan is a task by itself. One has to take one’s health into consideration while choosing a weight loss program, since that is of the utmost priority for any individual.We live in a world that is getting more and more obese and unwholesome. On account of our traumatic lifestyle we tend to attract all kinds of health problems such as heart diseases and cancer to state some. Most people want to maintain good health and the ideal weight but the challenge lies is choosing the right weight reduction program since there are too many to choose from. Any ignorant decision can lead to a threat to one’s health. Approximately any of the marketable programs can work, Project, but only if they support you passably to lessen the amount of calories you devour or augment the quantity of calories you burn through daily exercise.While making the decision on what weight reduction plan to opt for, one needs to be very cautious and choose the plans that are time tested have had a decent amount of success. There are few aspects in a program that you must not compromise on, come what may. Firstly, ensure it is safe. Irrespective of you’re creating your own program or using a popular one, make sure it is safe. A safe diet should comprise of all the optional daily allowances for vitamins, minerals, and protein. The weight reduction diet must contain less in, Project, terms of calories (energy) only, and never in crucial vitamins or minerals. Generally, a diet having one thousand to thousand two hundred calories a day should be chosen for majority of the women; a diet involving a twelve hundred kcal/day and a sixteen hundred kcal/day must be selected for men. The weight loss should be slow and steady. The program should be directed towards a steady loss of weight unless your doctor feels that your health condition would benefit from a more rapid weight loss. Weight reduction of one pound a week for the first week or first fortnight is the ideal weight that one must lose. Initially there is a quick loss of weight, over the first two weeks or so but this is mostly fluid loss. While questioning about a viable weight reduction program, make sure to be given a thorough report of price and expenses of extra objects like dietary supplements or food. Ideally, let yourself get examined by a doctor before starting any weight reduction program.If you’re still wondering what would be “the best weight loss plan for me”; then visit Atlanta Weight Loss Clinic where you can get some expert advice on physician assisted weight loss.

Stefano Grossi

First time to a restaurant!

Well, the inevitable happened today. I had an abbreviated breakfast this morning — just one cup of oatmeal, a little milk, some “butter” and two teaspoons of sugar.

After I got to work, my boss wanted to go have breakfast. So, off I went to have my one cup of oatmeal again and a two cups of mixed fruit. Then I skipped my mid-morning snack since I’d already had more to eat and was ready for lunch.

No sooner had a finished my three ounces of chicken (prepared with some olive bruschetta) and a slice of oat bread, I was eating my second square of graham crackers when the phone rang. My boss wanted to go have lunch. So, then we went off to a restaurant where I faced a menu with no healthy choices on the list.

The best I could come up with was the fish tacos with grilled snapper in them served with mixed vegetables and a glass of water. I ate one of the tacos and the vegetables. I’ll keep the other taco for dinner tonight. So, that means no snack for the afternoon despite having everything ready to go. The upshot is that I’ll have less to prepare for tomorrow though.

It was difficult looking over all of the wonderful menu items, which used to make me salivate (and still do) and have to pass them by even though they were crying out to me. Oh, the injustice of it all. I’m still on the high though from the visit to the doctor and seeing that I’ve already lost five pounds already. That puts me half-way toward my short-term weight loss goal.

Plans are still to visit Dr. Rustveld in mid-October, so at the rate I’m going I’ll be right on track. In the meantime, last night I enjoyed a very pleasant walk in some rather nippy weather, but it was very pleasant and enjoyable compared to what it’s been recently. This is putting me on track for having exercised four days consecutively with doing so again tonight. I think this is also going to be of great help as well in getting those pounds off of me.

Other than that, it’s steady as she goes. I need to continue to remember to keep everything in check as I continue to move forward and go along. This is easier said than done, especially now as I begin to start yawning since my energy level is going down again.

It’s going to happen and happen soon. That’s my hope, ardent wish and desire. Everyone tells me that I’m going to waste away to nothing if I get down to 175 pounds — they say I need to stop at 200 pounds. I’m not sure I agree with them. It’s funny though — for this next year, I’m going to be micro-focused on losing all of this weight, but I’m already beginning to wonder what it’s going to be like to switch over to “maintenance mode” where the challenge will be to keep the weight off and from returning. First things first though.

So, here we are — one more day until my fiancee returns and the challenges of balancing her needs and eating habits with mine. It’s been easier since she’s been away because it’s just been myself and me vs. my desires. It’s different when you have someone else in the picture. I hope we can continue to move forward together without her giving up on me or thinking this is an exercise in frustration. The good thing is that we’re saving all kinds of money by not eating out anymore. It certainly adds up, that’s for sure.

Well, enough rants for the day. See you back tomorrow — same time, same station. Until then,

Be well and eat healthy!

Robert M.

More Talk Less Action..or wait..

So today is the day. Yesterday was the wake up call. Yesterday was the ‘oh my god how have these got so tight’ wake up call. Today is the ‘right, no crisps, or crackers, or yummy toast with lots of salty butter’ day.
Every woman knows what I’m talking’s terrible and we don’t often like to admit it but after a particularly bleugh day, a co-worker asking ‘when is it due?’, a holiday pic where you thought you looked fabulous and actually just look a bit jet lagged and pale (although very happy!) we all go to sleep thinking..tomorrow is a new day. A clean slate.

I realise right about now that I may be coming across as rather predictable and to be honest I don’t care. Today is my day. I am starting this blog so that I can mark my progress into the world of healthy action.

Today I walked to work and ate a bowl of cereal. Maybe not life changing to you but for me, it was just the start I needed.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Do You Want More Than Anything?

Do you want to lose weight? Be able to run and play with your kids? Quit taking prescriptions for all of your health relisted weight problems? Or would you just like to drop 30 pounds and be back to high school shape again?

We all have things we would like to improve about our lives, our bodies, our characters. Some people makes changes, others don’t. Why? Part of it is attached to your belief system. I talk to people every day that “would give anything” to lose weight and be healthier and happier. But they don’t want to make the necessary changes to achieve it. Making changes means taking action. You can’t achieve results like people on The Biggest Loser by sitting on the couch watching. You have to get up and join them.

Many people become overwhelmed by all the change it would take to achieve their goals. They’re defeated before they ever start because they get caught in overwhelm and don’t believe they can make a change. People often tell me they don’t believe they can lose weight and keep it off. They have tried and failed so many times and can’t handle another round of hope followed by frustration and failure.

Mindset is critical in reaching your goals whatever they are. If you want to lose weight, improve your health and enjoy life start small. Look through your cupboards and remove all the foods that you know aren’t good for you. Foods that trigger and entice you to overeat. Replace those foods with something healthy. So you might swap the Doritos for apples. Or butter flavored microwave popcorn for real popcorn you make in a pan, or low-fat microwave popcorn. Take two steps forward. Stick your toe in the water and get started. You’ll be glad you did!

In peace, balance and health,

Lori Hanson
Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Life Balance Consultant
Founder & CEO, Learn2Balance
For more information visit:

P.S. For a FREE video to learn about the Top 10 Foods and Body Imbalances that Trigger Binge Eating visit:

Workout Wednesday- "Changing with the Seasons"

As the seasons change, be aware of how you feel and change with them. We too, change with the seasons.

Hey everyone. How are you doing this week? I know I’ve been hearing a lot of people say they are a little low energy or feeling a bit off emotionally. I am experiencing something similar, but I do believe it’s all a part of the Summer ending and the Fall beginning. As the seasons change, so do we, and I think many of us are feeling the shift internally. Instead of sitting around moping, I think it’s a good time to get even more active. Throw yourself into your workout routine and really push the envelope.

For example, I have been really craving the gym lately, even more than usual, so I am going to capitalize on that. I am also eating quite a bit more, so I have some extra calories I need to burn, LOL. They have actually turned out to be a great source of fuel for my workouts. However, today it hit me. I’ve been doing the same amount of sets of my full body circuit, for about 4 months now. Even when I make the exercises harder, it only challenges me a little bit more. So in order for me to really crank it up, and make the most of where I am internally, I am going to add an extra set or two of my full body circuit. So on the days I do 2 sets, I’ll do 3 and on the days I do 3 sets, I’ll do 4!!! Yep, this should be interesting to see what happens. My body, mind and spirit seem to be really craving more of everything, so I am just going to trust that and go with it.

Where are you internally? Do you feel the shift of the seasons inside of you? Are you feeling a bit like you need to shift things in your life as a result? If so, let me know! I’d love to help you figure out a good way to compliment your life with a few good fitness tips. Please leave your questions and comments here for me on the blog! Here’s To Your Health!!!

Week 7 Weigh In- 2lb off!

Start weight: 315 lbs (22 st 7 lb)

Last weeks weight: 293 lbs (20st 13 lb)

This weeks weight: 291 lbs (20st 11 lb)

Week 7 weight loss: 2lbs

TOTAL weight loss to date: 24lb (1 st 10 lb)

I seriously can’t believe that I’ve lost weight this week but am obviously pleasantly surprised..

Have enjoyed Fish & Chips and Rock Buns!

BUT I have changed my way of eating and I think that is a very important step in the right direction for me..

When I look back to when I was SLIM, I ate 3 to 4 good sized meals a day, strictly ate nothing inbetween meals except the occasional piece of fruit, ate little junk food and was quite active!

This is soooooo encouraging… I am on my way to wearing smaller knickers!

C xx

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weight Loss With Mesotherapy Tea

This weight loss alternative provides benefits to the well being while being delicious and increasing your energy. Mesotherapy tea can be bought from an esthetics equipment shop and it eliminates fat and toxins through natural bodily functions like sweat, urine, and bowel movements.

The tea is made in Europe by a FDA-approved lab and is typically taken in the morning without food, once a day. It contains L-Carnitine, Artichoke and Garcinia to promote weight loss and maintain weight without any health risks. It also helps your immune system, digestion, reduce fat levels in your blood, and lower your cholesterol level.

There have been tests showing people losing up to 35 pounds in 12 weeks with the only thing changing their lifestyle was drinking the mesotherapy tea. It improves the function of the liver by helping to avoid the accumulation of unnecessary sugar reserves. It also raises your metabolic rate to burn calories faster.

Tea has used for centuries for health benefits and continues to be a health remedy today. Mesotherapy specifically targets fat. The results are different for everyone so you need to try it yourself to see what it does for you. Mesotherapy tea can be bought at True Esthetics.

The 3 Day Rapid Weight Loss Strategy

Wondering what this all the rage 3 day speedy weight loss plan is all about? I can shed light on this diet plan in 3 words:

Take. Water. Excusively.

Indeed, the 3 day fast weight loss plan is all about fasting. You ought to entirely desist from eating all through this period. Each time your stomach growls, you ought to just drink water. Never forget, only water.

These 3 days will be hellish. You will want to give up at some stage in this time. These 3 days will extremely test your character.

After this diet plan is over, you ought to be able to shake off 3 to 5 pounds.

This 3 day rapid weight loss plan will likewise function as a detoxification cure. The 3 days of fasting will cleanse the body of the poisons that could have been collected in your system during the past years.

A few warnings about this 3 day rapid weight loss plan however:

* It’s not for everybody. People who are suffering from a number of illnesses should not subject themselves to fasting. Women who are pregnant are very much forbidden from undergoing this speedy weight loss plan.

* This isn’t a real answer to being fat. You can’t refuse to eat all the time. When you begin eating, your system’s inclination is to make up for the things that it was prevented from taking during those 3 days.

* At best, you ought to only observe this 3 day rapid weight loss plan once every 6 months. Anything more regular that that can be hazardous to your welfare.

Many doctors advise anti this diet plan. According to them, it’s just a fast fix, which may be adequate for that formal function and the black dress you’re planning to wear, but it’s not something that will provide that sexy, healthy body that will go on for many years.

The finest way to lose weight is still the observance of a appropriate diet complemented by frequent exercise. No amount of fasting will be able to beat this.

Jan has written many article about weight loss and has just launched
her latest site on Get Acai Berry Supplements which gives a mass of information about Acai Berry weight Loss

Get Control of Your "Diet" With Intuitive Eating

How much fun do you have when you eat? If it sounds like an “odd” question then the answer is obvious – very little. Most dieters eat what they think they “should” or what some diet plan tells them to eat because it’s the obvious solution to reaching their goal weight. But one thing all dieters have in common is the “dieter’s mentality” – restrict, skip, and avoid.

These negative words give dieting a negative connotation. And what is pleasurable about negativity? Absolutely nothing. So what’s a desperate dieter to do? I say “get over it” – the diet that is. Get over dieting and embrace the idea that you can lose weight, nourish yourself, and be healthier for a long time if you just let go.  Are ‘ya with me?

Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach to eating that brings you back to a sense of self-efficacy that you know when you are physically hungry and full. You aren’t afraid to choose “bad for you” foods, and when you do you aren’t afraid to leave more than half on the plate because you feel satisfied. You are in total control. If you want a slice of pizza for breakfast you go for it, but then lunch rolls around and you feel like having sushi. You get full after six pieces. A few hours later, you crave something sweet so you go for some cold melon and a couple bites of dark chocolate. After a workout, you are really hungry in the car so you pull over and get a fast food double cheeseburger, but you only eat about half and you feel satisfied. When you get home, you don’t feel like eating that much so you have some chopped veggies and a small bowl of oatmeal.

Sounds totally backwards, doesn’t it? Pizza at breakfast and oatmeal at dinner? Pizza and cheeseburgers in the same day?! But why not if that’s what you wanted. Notice how in this scenario a heavy meal is followed by something really light? Think of a “heavy” food that you can’t live without, but you avoid like the plague because it “makes you fat.” Now, imagine eating that food whenever you want when you feel hungry and stopping when you feel full. Doesn’t that sound FUN? I bet after a while the allure of the banned foods fade and you replace it with other healthier foods.

So, what do you think… sound too risky for you or does it sound liberating? Let me know in the comments.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Blue Skys

Brown rice cakes, peanut butter for breakfast! Very creamy and delicious. I really enjoy variety’s of carbohydrates. Instead of bread and oats all the time its nice to mix some rice, fruit, or even some veggies for some energy.

On the way to school I looked at the sky practically the whole drive. The sky looked like a water color picture you’d see in art museums Blue with golden tints that look like lava or something. A very unique picture the sky presented with us today.

I made a chicken salad for lunch today. Very healthy and loaded with protein! I made it at Giant Eagles market districts salad bar. They have so much yummy things to add. I was tempted to add the organic tofu, but I thought that would clash with the chicken salad typo. When making a salad think “colors”, the more different colors the better the salads nutritionally for you. I added some spinach for green, onions for purple, chicken for white, carrots for orange, and mushrooms for gray.

  • Lots of Chicken
  • 2  Handful’s of spinach
  • 1/3 cup onions
  • 1/3 cup carrots
  • 1/3 cup mushrooms
  • 2tbs red wine vinegar

The calories from the salad are mostly from the chicken, which is a good thing. I like red wine vinegar on my salads because its 0 calories compared to 100-200 that salad dressing has. Its a great alternative, and tastes exactly like balsamic only a little more sour.
Pre-workout snacks a purefit bar. The bars really good because it has 18g of protein, and is 100% natural and low GI. The taste however is pretty bad in my opinion, at least the almond crunch is. Very dry texture, kinda like a powerbar performance bar, it even looks like a performance bar! . Its not the worst and not the best though, Clif builders bar better in flavor but a little higher in fat. Same protein, calorie content.

Dinner was 2 palm sized chickens, brown rice, and green beans. I didnt post a picture because I used dinner as my post-workout meal, and I was way to hungry to take pictures .

My workout I did today was really good, I made it myself! called “The Count Down” .


Step 1
bodybar curl 2mins
squat jumps 1min
bodybar curl 1min
squat jumps 30 seconds
bodybar curl 30 seconds
Step 2
Dumbbell curl 10 reps
rest 10 seconds
Dumbbell curl 10 reps
rest 10 seconds
Dumbbell curl 10 reps


dumbbell kick back 2mins
bike 1min
dumbbell kick back 1min
bike 30 seconds
dumbbell kick back 30 seconds
Dumbbell kick back 10 reps
rest 10 seconds
Dumbbell kick back 10 reps
rest 10 seconds
Dumbbell kick back 10 reps


Step 1
pushups 1min
Sumo squat jumps 1min
pushups 30 seconds
Sumo squat jumps 30 seconds
push ups 10 seconds
bar pushups 10
rest 10 seconds
bar pushups 10
rest 10 seconds
bar pushups 10


Duel Dumbbell row 1min
Split Squats
Duel Dumbbell row 30 seconds
Split Squats
Duel dumbbell row 20 seconds
Duel dumbbell row 10
rest 10 seconds
Duel dumbbell row 10
rest 10 seconds
Duel dumbbell row 10


Bodybar V ups 2mins
Mountain Climbers 1min
Bodybar V ups 1min
Mountain Climbers 30 seconds
Bodybar v ups 30 seconds
Crunch to side 30
rest 10 seconds
Crunch to side 30
rest 10 seconds
Crunch to side 30


Bodybar overhead press 1min
Calf Raises 1min
Bodybar overhead press 30 seconds
Calf Raises 30 seconds
Bodybar overhead press 10 seconds
Dumbbell overhead press 10
rest 10 seconds
Dumbbell overhead press 10
rest 10 seconds
Dumbbell overhead press 10

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Body Detox At Home - Your Solution To Weight-Loss Issues!

There are a lot of attention to weight and with a large mass in those days. Most of us, no matter what we weigh, probably think we could stand to lose a few pounds. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has found that two thirds of adults and nearly one fifth of young people who are overweight or obese. If you ever tried to diet, you know how frustrating it can get rid of the Add or will be a few pounds. The truth is that most diets do not work because they are not from the root of the problem – poorHabits, and dangerous to your health.

Were born Since the day we have, our bodies accumulate toxins. And in today's world we are bombarded with them. Not only are we overwhelmed by fast-food meals and processed, our environment is impacted by air and water pollution and a range of modern chemicals. And lately, the genetic modification of food preservation of health is an even greater mystery.

But the number of the perpetrator is the diet. Our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins andMaintain the health balance of temperature, pH and biological processes. There are three ways in which we recover naturally eliminate toxins: through alkaline (as acid) diet, by biological processes, the health of balance internally and through the elimination of waste through the digestive system. If our diet excessively acidic, are overstated, the normal processes, and we begin to suffer symptoms such as fatigue, muscle and tissue pain, weight gain, and eventually more serious Diseases (including cancer).

If you experience these symptoms, or if you are in general less the feeling that healthy, you need to detoxify your body. Many scientists and health care workers think of home body detox is a practical and reasonable solution for the restoration of healthy chemical balance in the body.

A successful detox program can help you lose weight, restore your energy, reduce symptoms of asthma and diabetes, and slow the aging process. Home> Body Detox is an attractive alternative to the popular diets, because they will initially focus on your health and others on your weight. Improving health is the best way to achieve long term weight loss, and it may be cheaper that the diet you see advertised on the market today. And while you lose weight, is the home body detox cleanse program, you improve your 'body s natural ability to himself, brings it back to a healthy balance.

It is easy to practiceHer body detox program at home, since most of its aspects include diet and personal habits. You can detoxify your body without any special provisions or medicines, if you want to speed add up to a certain base of water or vitamin mineral supplements for detoxification. Effective Home Body Detox programs can be made in less than two to three weeks.

The objectives of a home body detox program will help you lose weight, improve blood circulation,Increase toxin removal, cleanse the colon and provide nutrients to the liver. Your liver is the main organ for the natural detoxification and liver health should be one of your priorities.

People who have followed home body detox programs reported that they were able to lose weight more quickly than they would with other diets and weight loss products. She also reported clearer skin, better digestion, more energy, and regular bowel movements.

By practicing at homeBody Detox, you will learn which foods to support health. Fresh fruits and vegetables are highly recommended for weight loss and bring your pH to a normal, healthy alkaline state. Fresh fruit with low sugar content, green leafy vegetables, alkalized water, extra virgin oil, stone-ground whole-grain products, lemon water, not caffeinated, non-carbonated beverages should be the old processed food, canned goods, meat and dairy products to replace heavy meals and alcohol. And be sure to drink moreWater. While a home body detox program, experts recommend at least 4 liters of water per day. After detoxification, you should still be safe to drink at least two liters daily. A short one-and two-day fast is also speeding up the body detox process.

Another reason to get a home body detox program is carried out-that you are new, healthy habits that include extended learning your weight-loss period. It is important to know that if you return your old eating habits, youBody begins to retain toxins, and you will eventually find themselves with unwanted symptoms such as weight gain. Maintaining a proper diet will support your body process and eliminate toxins naturally and effectively, without supplements or drugs. You have a choice. Live healthy and have a healthy life. Live would be unhealthy and unhealthy lifestyle, and you are back to their homeland Body Detox Program.

You did not start at all these changes at once.You can slowly start by eating some now and others later. Start increasing regular exercise, by short walks, leading eventually to a more aggressive exercise program. Detox your mind, too. Schedule private time every day to keep a healthy mental and emotional balance, to reduce the burdens that add to health.

A final word of advice: Before you make a diet or at home body detox program, see your doctor certainly at the outset that you do not have aserious problem that his company should be treated medically before home body detox. Your doctor may be able to have additional instructions that cause the body to help detoxify and improve, you will have a new healthy, happy lifestyle.

Hey, kids.

It’s been an interesting few weeks in the FatGirlEats world. Unfortunately, I haven’t been sharing that with you.

But I’m coming back.

And with a few changes.


One thing that happened while I was away: I fell. In Minute Maid Park in Houston, TX. When I got back home, my leg was swollen to about 1.5x its normal size. I went to the ER, and they admitted me under suspicion that I had a DVT (deep vein thrombosis), or, in other words, a blood clot.

Contributing factors for DVTs:

  • obesity (check)
  • high blood pressure (check)
  • sedentary lifestyle (check)
  • hormonal birth control (check)

Fortunately, I’m okay. I spent less than 24 hours in the hospital, and I was released with no sign of a blood clot.

But I’ve realized that some things about my lifestyle must change. Those things will obviously have an impact on the way I eat, and therefore the way I blog.

Do I still like being a FatGirl? Sure. And I can still be one. I just need to work on getting some health things under control.

So… I’m back tomorrow with a new focus on healthy eating and (perhaps, as much as I hate it) exercise.

(Not that I can really exercise much right now, anyway. My leg is still swollen, bruised, and painful. But I need to at least give it some thought.)

Okay, kids. You enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sensible eating:11 lbs gone in 5 weeks

Today is day 35 of my 20 lb. struggle. After 5 weeks I am pleased to report that I have lost 10.9 lbs, lowered my cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose blood levels and feel more energized than I have in years. My progress has amazed myself, my family and my doctor. Would you like to know how I did it?

Instead of following a “diet” I made the decision to make sensible eating choices. This means eating protein which helps me to control hunger. It also means eliminating sugars and starches as much as possible because, for me, they are the “forbidden fruit.”  Once I start to indulge in these delicacies it is very difficult for me to stop.

It also means eating lots of veggies, drinking lots of water, , and reducing the amount and changing the type of fat in my diet. For example, I use olive oil instead of butter for cooking.

Protein is: fish, eggs, poultry, beef, and cheese. I allow myself poultry and fish whenever I feel like it, but I limit the amount of eggs, cheese and beef that I will consume in a week. I use all kinds of seasonings to perk up the taste, but I avoid sauces. I use ketchup and mustard, but I have avoided mayonnaise.

I look at the number of calories in what I eat but I do not set a particular goal for the amount of calories I should consume in a day. The reason for this is that I have learned from past diets that some days I feel the need to eat more than others. I ALWAYS strive to eat as little as possible.  But honestly, with the high protein low carb regime described above my appetite has been waaay down. So I have not really had to struggle with portion control.

I cut out all candy, cake and bread, EXCEPT  for small bits when I simply can’t resist. Last night, my daughter Laura, made a feast that made it difficult  for me to say “no.”  Yet, I was able to eat the turkey and avoid the stuffing. I ate the green beans and had just a small amount of sweet potato soufflé. I indulged in a small piece of home-made bread. I didn’t overeat, but it was much more sugar and starch than I am used to.  The result?  I loved every bite, savoring the deliciousness as much as possible and trying to implant the memory forever in my brain because I knew that food such as this was not likely to come my way again anytime soon. It did make me feel tired and a little bloated, though.

I was really scared to get on the scale for my official weigh-in this morning.  I was already thinking about how I would write in this blog that it “was Laura’s fault” because she serves food that is just too delicious, when I heard her voice behind me saying, “You’d better not blame me if you haven’t lost any weight this week!”

So with great trepidation I stepped onto the scale.  As you can see, I have now lost a total of 10.9 lbs! I’m sure that the meal last night has slowed down my weight loss, but as I have said before: I can do it fast or I can do it slow, as long as I do it!

A little indulgence can slow weight loss. In this case, I'm ok with that.

Am I sorry I broke protocol? Not at all.  Enjoying a wonderful meal with family and friends is a pleasure I don’twant to have to deny myself.  Maybe the important lesson here is that almost anything is ok as long as you are willing to do it in moderation and accept the consequences.

Lose weight while you sleep (for real)!

Image via Wikipedia

Much has been made recently of the connection between insufficient sleep and weight gain, and this has been explained by changes in the hormones which govern hunger and satiety, leptin and ghrelin. However, this study presents a tantalizing new possibility: that one’s metabolism is increased during sleep, leading to more calories burned, and weight loss.

Why would this be? It seems so very counter intuitive at first glance. After all, while sleeping, we seem to be doing less than at any other point in our waking lives. And yet, there are a number of possible explanations.

Read the whole article: Lose weight while you sleep (for real)! | Psychology Today.

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  • Beauty Tip: Sleep Slim-Down (

Weight loss is good for the kidneys, too

Image via Wikipedia

… weight loss attained through diet and exercise reduces proteinuria (excess excretion of protein in the urine — a hallmark of kidney damage) and may prevent additional decline in kidney function in obese patients with kidney disease.

Read the rest of the article: Weight loss is good for the kidneys | Science Blog.

Related articles by Zemanta
  • Give Your Kidneys a Break: Lose Some Weight (
  • Losing excess weight helps improve kidney function: study (

Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Lose Ten Pounds in 2 Weeks - The Secrets Other People Do Not Want You To Know About

Can I lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? Definitely! It is definitely possible for an individual to lose that much in just a short amount of time. However, this requires a ton of hard work and willpower. If you think you are up to it, then use these tricks to attain your weight loss goals.

Do incline walking for 30 minutes, every day, and you will burn a lot of calories. This is best done on a modern treadmill in your nearest gym. It is much more difficult than it seems.

Another exercise is to jump up and down. Perform a star jump, but on the way down you touch the floor with your fingertips. Do this exercise non-stop for around half an hour. You would want to get your heart racing during the period.

Those are some of the best exercises for weight loss. Perform them every single day and you will lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. However, it will work only if you have a diet meal plan in place as well.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How To Have The Greatest Birthday Ever!

It really, really amazes be that when I ask this question the answers I that I get back.  The question is:

“What are you doing for your birthday?”

The usual answers I get are as follows:

  • “Nothing”
  • “I don’t celebrate my birthday”
  • “My birthday?”
  • “Oh, I hadn’t really thought about it”
  • “I dunno”

But  why are we like that?  Why do we discount the most important day of our lives.  If it was not for that day we would not be here! We should celebrate that day. So why do we feel so ho hum about our birthday, when we can and do get excited about other peoples birthday? (You are probably thinking what does this have to do with motivation or low carb? It has everything to do with both!)  Is it because:

  1. We do not have anyone to celebrate our birthday with?
  2. People don’t remember our birthdays so whats the use?
  3. It reminds us that we are getting older so we “forget” or “don’t” celebrate our birthdays? Meaning birthdays are not a happy time for us?




First off forget everything you have ever heard about the “you must exercise an hour a day to lose weight.”  If you are anything like me you can’t exercise that much because hello our bodies are too heavy to push like that without hurting ourselves and then giving up exercise. 


So here is what I recommend. 


Any exercise is better than what you were getting before.  If you do not have a treadmill and cannot buy one like I couldn’t borrow one.  Most of us know someone who has one and is not regularly using it.  Ask to borrow it and get comfortable using it before making the purchase yourself.  When you start using the treadmill, make sure there is no incline so you do not hurt yourself.

 Of course if you cannot get your hands on a treadmill you can obviously go for walks.  I just know from experience that I never make the time to “go for a walk” but, with the treadmill conveniently located in my living room in front of the TV and I literally have to walk around it to go to the other room, I am motivated to get on it.  Find whatever works for you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Snapshot 53

We return home to Sydney. I stumble my way through years 11 and 12. The science teachers question why I am studying Physics and Chemistry when my heart is so obviously not in it. They advise me to study the humanities and arts because it is well known at school that these are what I excel at. My maths teacher quizzes why I struggle on with advanced maths. Why am I killing myself? I want to scream: ASK MY PARENTS! I am studying these subjects because my parents want me to. These subjects are my magical path into medicine…if I can manage to pass them well enough!

And I do manage to pass my Higher School Certificate. My Grand Pa dies on the day that my final result comes out. Somehow it doesn’t impact me like Grand Ma’s death did. A war starts in the Gulf on the day my result comes out. It all drives home the point that the world keeps spinning regardless of my results. People are born and die. Wars start and end. My life has the same significance on this Earth as an ant has in a zoo.

But off to University I go.

I start in pre-med. My parents are relieved. They can hold their heads high. I am the good daughter.

Uni is fine. For the first couple of years, I am not involved in anything that is not directly related to my education. I go to Uni. I attend lectures and practicals. I go home or go to work in the newspaper shop. At home I pretend to be preoccupied with my Uni work and spend all my time in my room. On weekends I work in the newspaper shop and keep putting my money away.

Then I suddenly re-notice how ugly I really am. I am round and black and ugly. I am so repulsive that I want to beat myself with a hairbrush all over again. Grand Ma was right in her assessment of me: Fat. Black. Ugly. Why does this hit now…who knows?

So I start dieting. I stick a photo of Kate Moss on my wall. It has her vital stats: 5’7”; 45 kg; tiny bust, waist and hips. I compare my own stats: 5’4”; 60 kg; round bust, waist and hips. Round Thighs. Yuk.

Dieting is wonderful. It gives me focus. It eats up all my spare energy. I know the caloric content of every morsel of food that passes my lips, or even crosses my path. I guzzle Diet Coke to keep my hunger pangs under control. It doesn’t work.

When I am really good, I can manage to get through a whole day on one apple and a few black coffees. No sugar. No milk. 2 calories per cup and enough caffeine to burn off my giant ass. Only it never seems to.

I join the gym and spend at least 3-4 hours there – daily. 2 hours before Uni and 1-2 hour after – every single day. And I start to shrink. 5 kilos fall off in a blink. But then my body goes into starvation mode. It thinks it is in a famine situation and refuses to lose weight. I add an hour of walking to my daily exercise regime…but I stay stuck at 55 kg. The expert books assure me that this is because I am losing fat and increasing muscle – and muscle is supposedly heavier than fat.

I start to expunge my body of any foods I put in. Every time I eat an apple, I swallow 60 laxative pills. I know it is 60 because I buy a pack of 120 that says “Take 2 with water when required. Do not exceed 8 pills a day.” I take half a bottle a day. It clears out my insides completely. The difficulty is that I am awake all night in the bathroom with terrible stomach cramps. This disturbs my parents and often when I emerge from the bathroom, my mother is waiting outside to tell me that I am disturbing my father’s sleep. I am sorry. And angry. And sad. I try to make no noise at all. If I could die I would be perfectly silent.

The laxatives are effective. They break the famine barrier and another 3 kilos fall off. Then I get stuck at 52kg. At around this time I am studying biochemistry. I learn how to ‘trick’ my body into losing weight rapidly. I apply the basic rules and pretty quickly, I am down to 46kg. My ass is still huge though. When I see myself in the mirror, I see a small dark head, reasonable arms and upper torso and a HUGE backside and thunder thighs. Kind of like a turkey.

I look at Kate Moss’s body with great yearning. I want to be as slim as she is. But what do I do with my giant butt and thighs? I also determine that if Ms Moss is 45kg at 5’7”, then I should be considerably less at my shorter height of 5’4”. Maybe 42kg? Maybe 40 kg? Maybe less? 30 kg would be perfect.

I am so obsessed with my weight that nothing else matters. The scales become my hourly companion when I am at home – which is most of the time when I am not at Uni or working. I have the perfect excuse for not seeing my few friends – meeting them will affect my diet because they always seem to be eating. So I do not meet them. It has nothing to do with my parents’ restrictions on my social activities. It is all my choice.

If the scales register an extra 10 grams, I panic and become inwardly hysterical. I swallow entire bottles of laxative pills. I become very ill. With no substance in my gut to act on, the pills lead to horrific cramps, nausea and intestinal bleeding. I am fascinated by this. I can feel the pain in my body, but it has started to feel like it is someone else’s body. I am watching myself from the outside. A fat pig. I yearn for this body to fade away. It would be so much easier.

On good days, when I eat nothing and drink only black coffee, I have little physical energy but plenty of caffeine buzz. It makes me terribly irritable and my ears ring, but I feel virtuous and I applaud my will power over my body. On days when I succumb and eat something – even one piece of bread, I bash my head and scream at myself internally.

But soon the hair brush doesn’t hurt enough anymore. I cannot cry. I cannot feel anything. I want to feel something. Anything. I remember my Uni surgical set and marvel at how sharp the scalpel blades are. They slice through flesh so cleanly and before I can even feel the pain, the blood starts to flow. And it is real. I watch myself slice through my wrists and up to my elbows in rapt fascination. Not deep enough to actually kill myself – I am a coward – but enough to antagonise the nerve endings and get tiny rivulets of blood flowing. I chide myself for not being brave enough to do it properly and finish off this mess that is my body. And when the clean sharp sting of pain takes over and my tears start to flow. I watch myself crying. I cry silently because I do not want to disturb my parents. After I have cried for several hours, I fall asleep.

I watch myself do all of this. Crying is exhausting. It helps me to relax and then I can sleep for 24 hours without waking. My parents don’t seem to be bothered with my sleeping episodes. At least I am at home –under their watchful eyes – abiding by their rules.

After one of these cutting episodes, I always wear long sleeves for the next few weeks. I don’t want people to think I am crazy because of my cut arms. I need to wear long sleeves anyway because I am so cold all the time.

I get to 40 kg, but my damn ass will not shrink. My nose looks huge on my face. And my ass looks huge on my body. At night I like to caress my clavicles and rib cage. I can feel all my ribs. It comforts me to count them. Each one is perfect in its shape and position. I think about cracking one and pushing it into the soft lung tissue underneath. It would be so easy. But I don’t have the guts for that kind of pain.

My vision starts to flicker sometimes. One day I as walk home after work, I realise the whole world has gone blue. Having studied in the subject area, I understand that my retinal cones are playing up. It seems the red and yellow cones are not working so well. Perhaps they need more energy than the blue ones. Or maybe all the cones have stopped working and my rods are trying to pick up the slack. Surely then the world would be black and white. Who knows?

I find that a few blocks from home I am not able to stay upright any longer. I sink to my hands and knees and kind of crawl / drag myself along the footpath to get home. Luckily no one walks past to see me in this state. A few cars driving by slow down to look, but they probably think that I am a junkie, having a bad drug episode or something. I do not care what anyone thinks right now. I seem to have an infinite will to survive, because otherwise I would just lie down and die right now. Maybe I just don’t want to be found lying on the street.

I pull myself into the house after overcoming the challenge of putting the key in the lock and actually turning the damn thing. My parents do not notice me entering. I crawl into my bed and fall asleep. In my sleep, I wake for a few seconds at a time and am aware of my mother standing over me, checking my breathing or stroking my head. I register that she is worried and I return to my coma-like sleep. I try to wave my hand at her to convey that I am fine but I do not have the energy. If only I could sleep forever. It would be so peaceful.

Week 6 weigh in - my pants are falling down!

Start weight: 315 lbs (22 st 7 lb)

Last weeks weight: 296 lbs (21st 2 lb)

This weeks weight: 293 lbs (20st 13 lb)

Week 6 weight loss: 3lbs

TOTAL weight loss to date: 22lb (1 st 8 lb)

This week my pants (trousers) are seriously loose. So loose infact that I worry if I forget to hike them up on every sixth step that an embarrassing incident may well occur..

I have lots of smaller pants (trousers) in my cupboard but I am about another 20 lb away from fitting into those- this means I have to spend more money and buy more pants..

Normally I’d be annoyed at this but this time I don’t mind one little bit!

C xxx

Weight Loss Wednesday! Week Four

After the rain.

Well, they’re looking a little leaner.  We can definitely see a difference in their appearance this week which bodes well for the actual weigh-in stats. But as any scale junkie can tell you (I confess to being one of them), being thinner and weighing thinner are not necessarily the same thing!  And even though the most important goal of this weight-loss plan is to improve their health and well-being, it is really hard to ignore the numbers game.

Once again, we have stuck to the plan with a vengeance. There was one brief, wobbly moment the other night when D. silently watched me prepare their meagre dinner.  The look on his face spoke volumes, and I suspected that we were about to debate the merits of the plan. When he finally spoke, though, his only comment was “No wonder they’re so hungry”.

It IS hard to scale back, both for them and for me. I understand why people overindulge their pets – and their children – when so many of our emotions are tied up in the food we prepare and serve.  Feeding someone is one of the ways we show we care, and it is so easy to confuse the size of the serving with the quantity of love. Breaking that association is hard, and I have to constantly remind myself that in this instance LESS food = MORE love.

On the exercise front, well, we didn’t get out as much as last week because of the incessant rain. It’s been raining for DAYS, folks, a steady, unrelenting pour that would do justice to Seattle and environs. Living in Texas, where we pretty much always need rain, it is unseemly to complain….but ENOUGH already! Over six inches of the wet stuff, and we have fungus sprouting in the lawns. We really need a break, and even my couch potato dogs are desperate to get out.

So the lack of exercise may have some effect on the results. And here they are:


  • Last week: 59.6 pounds.   This week: 57.8 pounds.  Net loss: 1.8 pounds


  • Last week: 55.2 pounds.   This week: 54.4 pounds.  Net loss:  .8 pounds


  • Last week:  51.6 pounds.  This week: 50.6 pounds.  Net loss: 1.0 pound

So!  Success all around! Everyone lost weight and this week’s winner is Quinn. We are finally on the right track here.

Now I think it may be time for us to take a second look at our own diet. We haven’t gained weight yet (we train too hard), but a steady diet of these

is bound to have consequences eventually.  Or maybe I’ll just be like Scarlett O’Hara and think about it tomorrow……

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

VITAMINS + WATER (and sugar, but we don't want you to see that) = ALL YOU NEED and then some...

By now most of you know that I have a few pet peeves.  The biggest by far is people taking advantage of us unfit people by trying to sell us products that have NO possibility of working.  I am thinking the ab exercisers here for one.

Another of my pet peeves is the people who try to package up something that is clearly unhealthy as healthy.  I am not suggesting that people shouldn’t market their product in the best possible light, highlighting the good parts of what they are producing.  To quote ‘You Are Not A Fit Person’:

Otherwise, don’t get conned.  These people don’t care if you get fit, they just care that they sell more of whatever it is they manufacture.  Think about it.  When a company learns that what it manufactures is bad for peoples health, they don’t stop making it.  Instead they sit around a boardroom table and talk about how they can get around this and still sell their product.  The first thing they do is find out what are good nutritional spins they can put on their product and then they hire a graphics company to make those jump out.  In their defense, a lot of these nutrition scares turn out to be hyped up half truths and errors, so companies shouldn’t close the doors when they hear their product isn’t healthy.  As well, just because something isn’t healthy, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to buy it.  Feasts, parties and festivals are all feasts, parties and festivals because we can go crazy and eat some things that wouldn’t be healthy to eat every day.  Without companies selling donuts and cinnamon buns and cakes and pastries, the world would be a drab place.
So, don’t be angry with them for doing business the way they do, just don’t listen to their advice and IGNORE ALL OF THE STATEMENTS OF GOOD NUTRIENTS ON THE OUTSIDE OF A PACKAGE.  Use only the list of ingredients in determining whether to eat something or not.

What I am complaining about here is products that try to appear out and out HEALTHY.  Sure you can put a huge image on your box of Apple Jacks that says, NOW PROVIDES FIBER.  That is fine, what I can’t abide by is things like Special K making absurd claims that they are an integral part of a healthy weight loss program.  They aren’t.  Seriously, don’t listen to any claim that they are.  I will take on the Special K diet claims in a future blog, but they aren’t the ones I am going after right now.

I am going after the new Vitamin Water and related products.  This product is packaged up as if it is some healing liquid, some healthy drinking choice.  It isn’t.  It is fruit juice.  Fruit juice is bad for you.  It is bad for you when it is straight fruit juice, but it is worse when they ADD SUGAR.

The package includes the following attempts to sound like a health product:

  • Recommended dose: Take one 591ml bottle per day as needed.
  • It breaks ingredients down into medicinal and non-medicinal
  • Nutrient enhanced water beverage

Drinking this to get your vitamins is the equivalent of eating vegetable flavored cheese crackers just to get 1/3 of your daily serving of vegetables.  Don’t bother going to the website to find the ingredients by the way.  You can find them, but you have a better chance of finding the free odds square on a craps table (neither of them is actually listed, try clicking to the left of the full bottle to find the ingredients).  The bottle says, contains less than 1% juice.  The second ingredient is sugar, with a cleverly disguised name (on the bottle on the web it says crystalline fructose, which would literally translate into crystallized sugar extracted from fruits).  NEVER EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING THAT HAS SUGAR IN THE FIRST 3 INGREDIENTS.  The bottle I am holding has cane sugar as the second ingredient instead.  At least that sounds like sugar.

To get to the point though, it has 120 calories per bottle.  That is about half as bad as coke or pepsi.  So, if you were picking the worst of the 2 to choose, this is better than coke.  Still, diet pop would be a much better choice.  According to the website there is a Vitamin Water 10, which has only 10 calories per serving  (the same size bottle of Vitamin Water has 2.5 servings).  Still, I can’t believe that they try to sell their product as being a health food product.  They have a drawing of a scientist looking woman in the upper corner of their website.  THE BOTTLE ACTUALLY SAYS VITAMINS + WATER = ALL YOU NEED…  What about the sugar,  isn’t that something that you need?  I can’t believe that people knowingly market fruit juice with sugar as medicinal. Seriously when will the greed stop.  Either people in business have to start caring about what they sell and advertise (which is never going to happen-see the funny cartoon here), or we are going to have to smarten up to the many ways in which we are being hoodwinked for a quick buck.  If you are trying to lose weight, drinking fruit juice won’t help.

If you think Vitamin Water is the worst, think again.  One of the employees in this office drinks these things and she bought a bottle of ‘Purity Organic’.  There main issue is organic fruit juices.  I have no problem with that.  I like organic as much as the next guy, but my problem comes from their packaging.  Their Pomegranate Blueberry juice also has the medicinal ingredients, non-medicinal ingredients crap on it, it breaks one bottle down into 2 servings and states in big numbers everywhere you look, the calories per serving,  and it has the recommended use (by whom?!!), which says: Helps to improve mood and various aspects of memory in healthy middle-aged individuals (it contains Ginko of course).  This is juice not medicine…. Seriously…

The most egregious thing about this product though is how they label their sugar on the package.  Again sugar comes in as the SECOND ingredient, but the sugar here is labeled as ‘Organic Evaporated Cane Juice’.  They don’t have their ingredients or nutritional breakdown online either, but in the FAQ you find this:

Much of the sugar content in Purity.Organic™ juices and functional drinks comes from the fruit itself. We add organic evaporated cane juice – a clean, natural, and unrefined sugar to some of our juice and functional drinks.

The way they describe it, you will get healthy just by consuming their sugar…  Some regulators should step in and stop this from continuing.  In the meantime please be smart and know what you are consuming and please, please, please, don’t give this stuff to kids.  It is harder to kick the sugar habit later in life when you are raised on fruit juices.


So you have come to the point where you know why you are the weight you are, and you know why you want to lose weight.  So let’s lose weight!  Yeah, okay if only it were that easy right?  How many times have we tried and failed to lose weight?  Kinda gets discouraging after a while but wait…there is a way we can lose weight and keep it off without killing ourselves with these fat diets.  I promise!!  If I can do it anyone can do it!  I know we have heard that before but how many times have people who have told us that took us through the steps they actually honestly took to lose weight?  Not many that I can count.  But I will.  I promise you and so let’s get started!


The first thing I would like to suggest is having a nice new digital scale somewhere where you see it constantly and will step on it.  Now I know some of you say “I never weigh myself” or “weighting myself discourages me.”  But listen to me.  The best motivation you will ever get is seeing the scale show a change..even ounces!  Make the scale you number one fan.  Let’s be honest, if a 150 pound person loses 10 pounds we are going to notice immediately but if a 300 pound person loses 10 pounds who is going to notice?  It isn’t right and it isn’t fair but it is just not enough of a weight loss to get that kind of positive reinforcement you need by having someone notice.  So again, make your scale your friend.  My scale is right next to my desk and I step on it probably 10 to 15 times a day.


There are many diets that tell you not to weigh yourself more than once a week but I totally disagree.  What happens at the end of the week if you have gone up and down a little in your weight but by the time you get on the scale you are back to the same weight?  You will never have known you lost anything.  You will only discourage yourself and give up.  Don’t do it!!


What I recommend is this (if you can):


Weigh yourself when you get up on the morning.

Weigh yourself after breakfast to see what change there is.  If there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

Weigh yourself after lunch.  Again, if there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

Weigh yourself after dinner.  Again, if there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

Weigh yourself before you go to bed.  Again, if there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

Moving in

I was finally able to move in to the heralded new apartment this weekend. I hate moving because I have like zero muscle, but luckily I have Mr Strong Daddy and Sir Strong BigBrother to help me. It was all done with in about three hours. Very efficient.

I went grocery shopping yesterday. I had forgotten how much it costs to buy your own food! Good I don’t need much, but I still ended up spending more than I had anticipated. Now my kitchen is like a safe haven. I can eat anything in there without having my conscience killing me. I also got mah pillz! ABCDE-vitamin supplements, ginger pills, silica (because I’m so worried that I’ll start losing hair at some point – damage control) and Omega 3. I should be all set now.

I’ve also started my ana journal. It’s actually more motivating than I thought it would be, and I had high expectations. Blogging motivates me as well, but it also demands more of me. I’m sure every other blogger feels the same way: they don’t want their blog to be boring. On the other hand I find it incredibly thinspirational to read about other people with ED’s day to day life. I don’t necessarily need drama and excitement. I’m easily excitable anyway – I’m fully content to read meal plans and stuff like that. I love it!

I still don’t have a scale which annoys the hell out of me. I don’t have a lot of money, but I want a dependable one and I don’t trust the cheap ones. I need digital, because it’s more precise, but if I want quality I guess I’ll have to pay for it. Can anyone recommend a brand? I have no clue what to look for.

My intake so far today consists of four pills (above mentioned supplements), a small glass of juice, and I’ve just made myself a cup of coffee. I’m thinking it’s going to be a good day.

I’m also making some money by the way! The guy I’m leasing the apartment from has another house, he’s trying to sell. Well, now he has a buyer and she’s moving in tomorrow. The house has to be spotless and he’s apparently too lazy to clean himself, so now he’s paying me an obscene amount of money under the table to clean it for him. I spent four hours cleaning yesterday, but had to stop before I was done because I had a date. I’m being picked up at one to do the rest in the house. The lady who bought it is coming buy to pick up keys at five, so I have to be done today. No worries, the rest of the house work should take no more than an hour, maybe an hour and a half.

It feels good to write again. Much love to everyone out there.