Monday, September 28, 2009

Shortest Challenge EVER!

So the ten week weight loss challenge that I have been telling you about, is no more.

I suggested that it be dissolved prematurely and the suggested was eagerly adopted.

One of the participants has been recently told she will need to take a prescription medication for the foreseeable future and one of the side effects of the meds is weight gain. Poor thing.

She would have continued to go along with the challenge but after hearing about it I had to suggest that we call it a day. She agreed. It would have been just too big a burden for her to contend with trying to lose weight while on her meds.

We decided that we won’t be giving up on supporting each other to live healthier, but we won’t be holding each other monetarily accountable anymore.

Oh well.

The good news I feel like I am back in the swing of things and I am very pleased.

Last Monday thinking the challenge was starting I hunkered down and started another weight loss journey. I was doing well with the eating but my activity level was severely curtailed. I was just so exhausted all week, so I rested.

Saturday morning I trekked down to the pool and had a great swim. In fact I felt better than I had all week so I was very happy. Sunday same thing. I had a great swim and except for my continued sinus congestion, I felt pretty good.

I was a little nervous on Sunday because I wasn’t sure how I would approach it food-wise. For months now I had been using Sunday as my “free day”, eating whatever I wanted. That strategy has worked well for me maintaining my weight, but as we all know; weight loss and maintenance are two entirely different animals.

But I needn’t to have worried. My workout went great, I felt great, and hunger was a complete non-issue. YAY!

I got on the scale this morning and was very pleased with what I saw: down 8.4 pounds for the week! Off to a great start. I am very happy to have a week of dieting already behind me. It is making the next 9 weeks look doable.

I’d be happier if this 8.4 pounds came off of my lowest weight but I had been pretty lax in my eating habits for a few weeks before starting the challenge….so I still have about 18 pounds of my 20 pound challenge to go.

But challenge or no, I am thrilled to be on my way again with the scale moving in the right direction. Dropping this “last 20” never seemed so attainable before.

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