Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Lose 10 Pounds with 5 Simple Steps

You can drop 10 pounds and look great. It does not have to be difficult. Learning how to lose 10 pounds is as simple following 5 simple steps. Stick with them and you will lose weight and feel great.

Step #1: Determine your Weight Loss Goal

First, hop up on a scale and see what your current weight is. If you are going to be checking yourself every few days (which is a good practice to follow), weigh yourself at the same time every day.

Your weight before breakfast will be different than after supper. So make sure you use the weight loss scale at the same time each day.

Once you discover your weight, determine your goal.

If Chris weighs 192 pounds, his goal may be to drop 10 pounds so he weighs 182. A goal needs a time line. Chris decides he plans to lose 10 pounds in six weeks. This means he will need to lose about a 1.5 pounds a week.

Since it is September 1, his goal is to weigh 182 by October 12.

Determine your exact goal with deadline. Go one step further and visualize how you will feel achieving the goal. How will others perceive you. Thinking about these benefits will energize you and give you an intense desire to lose the weight.

Whenever you get discouraged following your fat burning plan, just think about the benefits and get moving!

Step #2: Find some cheerleaders and “Seat of the Pants” Kickers

No, I am not talking about sports cheerleaders. You want to surround yourself with people who will cheer you on and be an encouragement. Find a few friends who also are losing weight or have lost weight. Tell them what you are doing.

Stay away from those who are content being overweight and don’t want to be fit. You’ll need these cheerleaders as you may feel like giving up on your mission to lose 10 pounds.

Also, tell some friends who are true friends and will give you a kick in the seat of the pants when you want to give up or switch from your diet.

With the power of encouragement pulling you and the kicks of your friends driving you, you will easily reach your goal!

Step #3: Start Exercising

Were you temped to skip over this? Exercise brings images of pain, loss of time, and may seem like a burden.

That’s a lie! Exerise is like a magic pill and it should be something you want to do. If you spend 20-30 minutes a day exercising you will gain back almost double that in extra energy, less sleep needed, and having a greater well being. You will feel more fit and look better.

You can actually get addicted to fat burning exercise!

Spend 20-30 minutes exercising every day. If you are doing sprinting, you will not need to exercise as long. Fast walking will require closer to the 30 minute mark.

Doing this will boost your metabolism. Metabolism refers to the rate at which your burn calories. A jog in the morning will actually have your body burning extra calories throughout the day! Cool!

What exercise should you choose to lose 10 pounds? As long as it causes your heart to beat faster (but no too fast), any exercise will work. It can be aerobic walking or anarobic weight lifting. Personaly, I do a lot of sprints.

Step #4: Follow the Less/More Diet

This is a diet I created which is simple and works. You eat less of certain foods and more of others:

Eat less of:

=> Junk Food

=> High fat meats like bacon, sausage, fast food hamburgers, etc

=> Fatty foods

=> Sugar (Sugar makes you feel hungry)

Eat More of:

=> Whole grains

=> Vegetables

=> Fruits

=> Low Fat dairy products, lean fish and meat.

You are replacing calorie and weight gaining foods with filling foods that will help you lose weight.

This fat burning diet will work. The less you eat of the bad foods and the more you eat of the good foods, the faster you will lose your 10 pounds.

Step #5: Take one day at a time for 21 days.

So far you have a goal. You have cheerleaders and people to hold you accountable to your weight loss goals. You are exercising to lose weight and adjusting your diet. Now for a very import fat burning step to losing 10 pounds.

Focus on just one day at a time. Don’t think, “Oh no. I have to exercise for the next 21 days”. Just focus on today.

Take it one meal at a time. Focus on one fat burning session at a time. Losing 10 pounds or any amoutn of weight is as simple as following a series of steps every day.

You can weight and feel great! Now that you know how to lose 10 pounds, just follow these steps and experience true weight loss!

(C) Brian Falls. Best Exercises for Losing 10 Pounds

How to Lose 10 Pounds

How to Lose 10 Pounds


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