Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So you have come to the point where you know why you are the weight you are, and you know why you want to lose weight.  So let’s lose weight!  Yeah, okay if only it were that easy right?  How many times have we tried and failed to lose weight?  Kinda gets discouraging after a while but wait…there is a way we can lose weight and keep it off without killing ourselves with these fat diets.  I promise!!  If I can do it anyone can do it!  I know we have heard that before but how many times have people who have told us that took us through the steps they actually honestly took to lose weight?  Not many that I can count.  But I will.  I promise you and so let’s get started!


The first thing I would like to suggest is having a nice new digital scale somewhere where you see it constantly and will step on it.  Now I know some of you say “I never weigh myself” or “weighting myself discourages me.”  But listen to me.  The best motivation you will ever get is seeing the scale show a change..even ounces!  Make the scale you number one fan.  Let’s be honest, if a 150 pound person loses 10 pounds we are going to notice immediately but if a 300 pound person loses 10 pounds who is going to notice?  It isn’t right and it isn’t fair but it is just not enough of a weight loss to get that kind of positive reinforcement you need by having someone notice.  So again, make your scale your friend.  My scale is right next to my desk and I step on it probably 10 to 15 times a day.


There are many diets that tell you not to weigh yourself more than once a week but I totally disagree.  What happens at the end of the week if you have gone up and down a little in your weight but by the time you get on the scale you are back to the same weight?  You will never have known you lost anything.  You will only discourage yourself and give up.  Don’t do it!!


What I recommend is this (if you can):


Weigh yourself when you get up on the morning.

Weigh yourself after breakfast to see what change there is.  If there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

Weigh yourself after lunch.  Again, if there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

Weigh yourself after dinner.  Again, if there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

Weigh yourself before you go to bed.  Again, if there isn’t a change or there is a pound or less change, you are on the right track.

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