Sunday, August 9, 2009

Water, Water Everywhere...Are You Drinking Enough?

Water is essential to weight loss. One of the biggest discoveries for most of my clients is that they do not drink enough water. Oh, they think they are drinking enough water because they drink a lot of liquid during the day. The truth is that teas, coffees, colas are not water. I’m talking pure, H2O here, nothing less than what comes directly from Mother Nature, herself.

To determine your proper hydration needs, take your body weight in pounds, divide it by two and drink that many ounces of water each day. So, if you presently weigh 200 lbs, you would need to consume 100 ounces or 12.5 8 oz. glasses of water a day, maybe a little bit more if you were exercising in hot climates. Drinking less than this can dehydrate your body. A dehydrated system does not function properly.

Consider that 83% of our blood content is water; 85% of our brain matter consists of water; 75% of our muscle is made of water; and 22% of our bone is composed of water. When we fail to properly replace the water we lose, these systems suffer. We will die of dehydration before we will die of starvation.

Drinking adequate amounts of water is important if you are trying to lose weight. Many times our body is actually thirsty and we mistake the thirst for hunger. If one doesn’t drink enough water, they could subconsciously crave food because most real foods contain water. Studies show there thurst and hunger senstaions are triggered together. Make it your goal to drink adequate amounts of water this week. It’s a tiny step on the road to proper weight management.


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