Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 01 - "Where Should I start?"

Today is Sunday 08/16/09 the first days of my 365 adventure “weight loss with God.”  One  might be asking why somebody would come up with this idea and put it in practice… Well, actually I can answer it very quickly and easily; I have tried different diets and tips and so far after all these years nothing has worked  out – I have gained around 60 lbs these past 3 years and I’m a pretty strong candidate for  heart disease, diabetes, and physical pain in the future  if I don’t take a hold of my weight problem right now and start changing my food habits to prevent all these serious and most of the time irreversible diseases to happen – so I came up with this “brilliant” idea….  the answer has to be in God. Malachi 3:10 says, “10Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.  In the Old Testament the tithe was set aside to be used to maintain the temple, the priest, and other such matter, applying this to my life, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and everything is God’s therefore to work in surrender to God is to give everything I am to him, and with this passage I am challenging God to open the gates of heaven and pour out the blessings of the weight loss in my life. 

 I am not trying to commercialize any type of diet program but there are good ideas outside that I will be using to reeducate myself and utilizing as a food education to myself. I’m currently going to Weight Watchers and I have lost in a couple of months 7.40 lbs.  One can ask can this program be the answer to all my problem? I will say with all assurance NO, I tried before and it didn’t work. Even though one can say this program is successful in itself without people having to challenge God  and turn their weight problem to Him. In knowing myself, I need more than a simple food program to lose and keep the weight off. I have a food problem.  I’m addicted to it! There is a big difference in between liking and enjoying food or being a glutton. I stuff myself with food when I am anxious, sad and stressed, so why not “stuff” myself with God when I’m feeling down? Would be anything healthier than that? I wouldn’t thing so.

In summary, I know I have to clean myself from inside out. Yes, I can lose all the weight just based on our secular diets but I need more, I need this deep, heatlhy connection with God. I want to surrender all I am and I all I have to him. I have to test him and consequently have a more deep knowledge of who God is, why he created me, and what is my purpose in being here in this earth.  Since, I am an image of God everything I do and accomplish needs to be in communion with God and His purpose for me otherwise it loses the meaning in itself.

I’m ready to start this journey not because I want to enjoy the results of a healthier/thinner me but utmost to enjoy a closer and healthier relationship with my Creator. 

So the journey starts……………………..1 of 365


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