Thursday, April 16, 2009, this is what it's like when you...

…work SO VERY HARD, and get rewarded for it!

THIS my friends, is what keeps me going!!! I got measured tonight… and I will every 2 weeks.  Results?  Yeah! See below!  The first number’s are my measurements on 3/30 (my first day with Snap) and the second numbers are my measurements today on 4/15 after TWO weeks of kicking butt… and the third number is the total lost, comparing my last measurement.  All numbers are in inches.


Neck:  16.5 - 16  = -.5 

Shoulder:  44 - 45 = +1

Chest: 50.75 - 49.5 = -.75

Mid: 46.25 - 42.5 = -3.75 (!!!!!)

Waist: 44.5 - 42.5 = -2

Abs: 49 - 46.5 = -2.5

Hips: 47 - 44.5 = -2.5

Thighs: 26.25 - 25 = -1.25 x 2 (for 2 thighs) = -2.5

Knees: 20 - 18.25 = -1.75 x 2 (for 2 knees) = -3.5

Calves: 17.75 - 17.25 = -.5 x 2 (for 2 calves) = -1

Ankle: 10.25 - 10.25 = -0-

Bicep: 15.25 - 14.5 = -.75 x 2 (for 2 biceps) = -1.5

Forearm: 11.5 - 11.25 = -.25 x 2 (for 2 forearms) = -.5

Total Inches Lost for 1st Measurement: 21…TWENTY ONE! TWO-ONE!

Weight: 246.2 - 235.8 = -10.4 in 2 Weeks! 5.2 lb loss per week. Although I LOVE seeing 5.2 loss per week, I don’t want it to continue at this rate, I want it to come off so it STAYS off!

Body Fat %: 40.4 - 40.1 = -.3 loss in BF in 2 weeks!

Fat Weight: 99.4 - 94.5 = -5.0 lb loss of actual fat = 5 pounds of butter!

Lean Weight: 146.8 - 141.3 = -5.0 lb loss of lean weight = With a 10.4 lb loss in the last 2 weeks, this means I have gained +5 lbs in GOOD lean muscle! Yay!

Activity Level: 10 - 11.5 = +1.5 which means, my starting activity level was sedentary (10) and it has now increased to 11.5 which is activity 3-4 nights per week. Ya!

Metabolic Rate: 1468 - 1624 = +156 more calories every day that I’m burning now that I’ve started to be more physical!

I cannot even tell you how thrilled and happy I was with seeing that many inches lost, and lost in every part of my body. That tells me that I am doing something right, I’m losing EVERYWHERE! I also like looking at the Lean Weight Loss/Gain and BodyFat %, etc and the Metabolic Rate. This is all so very interesting, and REWARDING! I am SO proud, and SO happy that I am finally treating my body like it should be treated.

When I had my coaching tonight with Kari, the owner, she mentioned to me that she would like me to be her poster child, with my motivation and dedication, and positive attitude… I could inspire a lot of people. I know what type of inspiration I want to see, or what inspires ME… and I like to take that, turn that around and do my absolute best at inspiring YOU, because that KEEPS me inspired. It’s a thing that just keeps giving, and giving, and giving.

Proud of myself; I cannot even begin to tell you what that word means to me… and how it makes a person feel.

“You have failed only when you quit trying. Until then, you’re still in the act of progression. So, never quit trying and you’ll never be a failure.” ~Tommy Kelley

“My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today.”

“Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

Success is not a race, be patient.

Success leads to success.

Success is always a work in progress.

Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.

Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process.

Some people dream about success… while others wake up and work hard at it.

Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.

Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!

If at first you don’t succeed-try, try again

What’s your excuse? If you have an excuse right now that you cannot lose weight, or that you cannot workout or get physical activity, or you have have no idea to start-so you don’t……but…guess what? NON of your excuses are good enough, notta, none! You know why I know that those excuses aren’t good enough? Because I’ve been there… I’ve been RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! I’ve told myself over and over and over again, ALL of my life… “I’m starting on Monday, I really am starting on Monday this time, I’m serious.” I bet you and I both know what I did, and that wasn’t “starting on Monday”. I’m not hurting annnnnnnyone else but MYSELF… do you like hurting yourself? Do you like every single day abusing your body? I bet you don’t… and you don’t have to. Why keep cheating your body and life out of something so amazing…

So tell me again… what’s your excuse?

“In addition to increased risk of health conditions, nearly 300,000 Americans die unnecessarily each year due to obesity-related health problems and obese people die younger than normal-weight people.” -I found this blurb here.

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