Friday, April 3, 2009

Bernstein Wrap-Up

Where to begin, where TO begin, WHERE to BEgin?

Prolly at the beginnin’, I’d venture.

Here’s the thing about Bernstein: I like it. It’s easy for me to do, I’m constantly eating, and I like the food choices. Plus, as I’ve mentioned, because of my size I get 33% more food than the menu dictates as standard. Like, I’m constantly eating. Non-stop, morning to night. It’s really quite good, truthfully.

Now, here’s the bad-side: YOU CAN NEVER, EVER, EVER GO OFF IT.

You know those 5 pounds I lost? They all came back after my day off. Maybe it’s just water-weight, but near as I can tell this is NOT a diet that you attempt leisurely. Or, at least, not for a week. Maybe three months, minimum, but not a week.

“But Dan,” you say, “How do we know you didn’t overeat like a maniac on your day off? Also, DAMN you’re looking SO FINE.”

Yes, I am, it’s true. Thank you. And I didn’t “overeat like a maniac,” but I suppose you’ll have to take my word for it. No caloric drinks were drank, I had a single piece of cake, I had a burger, a few fries, and a bit of spinach dip. Not much else crossed my tummy’s path, but it all seemed to settle quite nicely on, I’m guessing, my thighs.

Further, at a lighter weight, I’m certain this diet would be insanely hard to follow. While I got 33% more food, I reckon that 33% less would just leave me hungry for the longest time. That’s merely an assumption as, despite all evidence to the contrary, I’m not crazy enough to try that.

Oh, and this week there were cravings, oh yes. Bread. Very bready cravy. I wanted to grab a bag of bread and just wolf it down, Cookie Monster-style. It would’ve been amusing and oh-so carbalicious. *drool*

Other than that, though, this was an easy diet for me to stick to, but due to the nature of the diet, the specifics, the strictness and the IMMEDIATE WEIGHT GAIN, I’d have to give it a thumbs down.

However, as far as “food to eat when I’m hungry and just need to be filled up” I’m glad I got to enjoy the wonder that is the Egg White Omelette again. LE SIGH.

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