Saturday, April 11, 2009

Back in the saddle

My foot is finally starting to feel better.  I went to a chiropractor on Wednesday and he said my back was out of alignment which may be pinching a nerve that was causing pain in my foot.  I don’t know how much good he did because my foot was already not as bad but I really liked it that he told me to take a long walk that night.  I walked a slow pace for an hour that night.  Thursday morning I woke up and went a little bit faster with a little incline to it and tonight I stepped it up a little more.  Don’t know when I’m going to try to run but at least I got a good sweat tonight.  I don’t expect that I lost any weight this week and maybe gained a pound or two.  But I’m still on the right track and will keep striving for my goals at a healthy pace. 

Tonight I had a chance to go bowling with a few friends right after work and really thought out how I was going to handle the eating part of it.  I back a few extra graham crackers and a 100 cal snack to eat right before we left from work and then I knew that would hold me over til I could come home to have a yogurt.  The bowling was fun.  First time in 5 years and I got a 140.  It was a going away get together for a guy who is leaving our department.  Great to do a quasi-physical activity.  

On the way home I drove by a gas station and took in my feelings of that moment.  Gas stations used to have a powerful hold on me.  There were different times in my life when I would make numerous stops there during the week to grab a pop or two, a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, and a bag of M&M’s.  They were a comfort food to hide me from my insecurities and hurt that I would feel.  I saw that gas station tonight and that hold is gone.  The temptation is still there but the hold is gone.  I’ve gained more confidence in myself through my job, through my relationships, through the building of our house, through my exercising, and through my family.  The things in that gas station are now what they are.  Unhealthy foods that get in the way of where I want to be physically in my life.  No more messing around with them.


Bowl of Cheerios and green tea

Early lunch

Tuna sandwich, carrots, celery, an apple, one graham cracker, a few soy nuts and almonds

Late lunch

Tuna sandwich, carrots, celery, one 100 calorie fudge covered graham crackers, a few soy nuts and almonds


3 graham crackers, a bowl of cheerios, 100 calorie ritz mix snack


yogurt with granola

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