Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Updates on all that's new...

I have had so much going on the past week and a half that it’s hard to keep track any more!   Let’s see, why not start with workouts…

I’m back to Insanity and loving it.  This time around I’ve been on a prescription dose of Vitamin D (due to a severe deficiency) and I’m not having the pain in my joints that I did the first time around.  I’m also wearing shoes so there is no ankle or back pain either. It’s okay, you can all say “Duh!” together.  My muscles feel sore everyday but in a good way, tender so I know I’ve had a great workout but not so painful that I can’t walk.  I am already FEELING better and seeing improvements in my numbers.  I am able to do far more in my second Plyo Cardio workout than I was in the first.  And, because I don’t have the pain (mostly joint pain) after the workouts, I’m actually enjoying pushing myself through these workouts.  Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t easy but they are do-able, even considering that the only exercise I’ve done in the past 3 months is running, a little Turbo Kick (maybe 1x a week) and next to NO weight training or resistance (I know that’s bad!) 

What I HAVE learned over this past week is that it’s okay to take a break during the workout.  I am not pushing myself any harder than my limits.  I am checking my heart rate frequently and if it is over 190 when I get to the 30 second break, I take a 1 min. break instead.  I’ve even taken a couple of 90 second breaks.   I’m trying to keep it between 175-185 during the intervals which feels good to me yet lets me know I’ve worked out – HARD!

While my eating has still not been perfect it hasn’t been bad either and at Day 5 I am down 4 lbs with my clothes loosening around the waist.  I have lost .5 inches off my waist, 1.5 off my low abs  and .75 off my hips.  Keep in mind these are the places I want most to lose and this is just the first 5 days!!!  I’m pleased with the results (who wouldn’t be in 1 week) BUT won’t let this deter me from making sure that the doctor still refers me to an endocrinologist.  I know that there is more going on inside that needs to be solved.  I am taking my supplements (fish oil, Activit, calcium, and now vitamin D)  and Shakeology.  I won’t say that I always use the P90X Recovery Drink but most days I do have it with a 16 – 32 oz water during the Insanity workout.

On to other news…I got a call yesterday from the Beachbody corporate office.  It seems that Debbie Seibers (creator of Slim in 6) is going to QVC in January and would like to use my before and after pictures when she goes.  Let me see how quickly I can answer YES!  There is also a chance (albeit slim) that she will be asking several people to join her.  Hmmmm, I’ve never been to New York…Just a hint, Debbie, in case you’re reading!

I would love to tell you that I’m so busy lately because I’m working long hours, slaving away as a Beachbody Coach, but I’d be lying. I’m actually spending more time keeping busy playing with the kids.  While I have had several people join my team this week (I’m so excited because all of them are dying to help people become healthier, more fit and earning an income from their own home business) I have actually spent less time “working” this week than since beginning as a coach.  With the launch of The Game Plan last week, Beachbody has simplified the process of showing people what a coach does and what we have to offer that I don’t “work” at all now.  I’ve cut back from 30-40 hours and am now working (full time) about 10-12 hours a week.  Best of all, I’ve had 5 people join my team this week and my sales have doubled!  I’d call that a successful week!   (If you think you might want more info on joining my team or how being a coach might be something you can do to get physically and financially fit, just email me at and I’ll help you out!)

I’m trying to get ready for Austin to leave for Science Camp next Monday.  It will be his first REAL trip away from home and I’m nervous.  He’s not but I am.  Kassie had been to camp several times prior to Science Camp but this is a first for him.  Just another reminder that my babies are growing up.  I even argued with Aidan this week that he was 8 and not 9.  It took the entire family and 20 minutes (plus math…oh how I hate math) to prove that he is, in fact, 9 years old.  (Then why is he still running around our neighborhood wearing a cape and styrofoam crown?!?!)

Okay, I think that should bring everyone pretty close to updated for this past week.  I will be having an Open House on Nov. 14th so if you’re in the area and interested in seeing the Beachbody products, sampling Shakeology or finding out more about the business opportunity, email me and I’ll give you directions.  This is going to be a no-pressure open house and the only “sale” will be to help everyone sign up for a free WOWY profile.  There will be NO product on hand so no need to worry about being “sold” on anything   Just in time, the kids are home so I’m off to help with homework!

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