Thursday, October 1, 2009

Self Improvement Starts with a Positive Body Image

As a society, we are constantly bombarded with images depicting perfect bodies. The advent of plastic surgery techniques, and various treatments and injections, have created a society of people who have pinched, tucked, and injected their way into becoming the stereotypical perfect 10. If you are in constant pursuit of physical self-improvement, it is easy to forget positive aspects of your body. This leads to destructive mental and physical behavior. Stop negative thinking, in relationship to body image, and start developing positive thoughts and actions.A positive body image revolves, Food, Health, around the acceptance of all good and bad things about your body. This means looking at your body and making the choice to find something positive. When you are completing this simple self-improvement exercise, think about all the things your body can do. This can include anything from your body’s ability to take a short walk or the ability to play with your children. In addition, reflect on good health. If you are a person who goes to the doctor a handful of times per year recognize this gift. Certainly, a person with a serious illness would gladly trade, your perceived imperfections, for a healthy body. If you are overweight, choose not to obsess about the current state of your body. We tend to obsess unnecessarily, feeding into anything, Food, Health, and everything, in relationship to weight loss. Pack away or give away items related to weight loss that, Food, Health, are not in use and have accumulated over the years. This includes self-improvement books or self-improvement tapes on weight loss. Items collecting dust only increase our feelings of failure. Instead, channel the same energy into finding another worthwhile cause. Take a class in a topic of interest, volunteer, or pick up a book you want to read. All are worthwhile and healthy activities. Self-improvement advice when working on a positive body, Food, Health, image includes looking at regular people. When you are in a large crowd look around. When you look around the crowd how many people have a perfect body? When answering this question, you are likely to say none. Everyone has unique features and flaws that make them wonderfully different. The world would be a boring and uniform place if we all had perfect bodies. Remember to celebrate your individual body type. Wear clothing, Food, Health, that increases your self-esteem. Wear clothes that are comfortable and look nice. Wearing the correct, Food, Health, cut will improve your self-esteem. Get rid of tight clothing or pieces that have, Food, Health, an unflattering fit, and give them to any number of charitable organizations. If you do not own any clothing that fits correctly, purchase inexpensive items and have them altered. Last, eat food which makes you feel good. Eat at least 6 to 7 fruits or vegetables per day and watch your intake of caffeine and sugar. Such foods, Food, Health, make, Food, Health, you feel sluggish and tired. If you are sluggish and tired, it is less, Food, Health, likely you will feel physically motivated. This is not working toward the positive goal of increasing your sense of self-improvement, Food, Health, . Moving around, doing any physical activity, or taking the time to exercise will help you to feel better.

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