Friday, January 8, 2010

Mindful Eating

Here’s a practice I need to adopt.  From

Q: I tell myself the reason I can’t lose weight is that I love food. But in reality, I often find myself eating so fast I barely taste it. I’ve read a little bit about mindful eating. Can you explain more about it? How can it help me lose weight?

  • Monitor hunger and fullness. Pause before eating and ask yourself: How long since I last ate? Am I really hungry? And in the case of between-meal snacking: Why am I eating? What do I really need (for example, a way to reduce stress or to reward myself)?
  • Pay attention to your food. Eliminate unnecessary distractions. Look at the food on your plate and take time to smell it, savor the smell, and notice texture, colors, and portion sizes. Slow down to fully appreciate the experience of preparing to eat as opposed to just racing to consume calories unnoticed.
  • Eat slowly. Take the time to cut up your food or take smaller bites. Chew your food, notice its flavors, and pause between bites. Make eating a complete experience.
  • Monitor hunger and fullness again. Check in with yourself periodically so you will know when to stop eating based on fullness — not “empty-the-plate-ness.”



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