Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can You Use A Guide For Losing 10 Pounds?

A huge number of us have attempted to lose 10, 20, 30, 100 pounds. No pun intended there. Let’s start with 10 pounds at a time because even a 10 pound loss will help your body against certain diseases. The motivation you will feel from just a measly 10 pound weight loss will be medicine for the psyche. Believe it or not for those with weight to lose it really isn’t all that difficult. There are several ways to accomplish this very difficult, but very doable task.

1. Tell Others You Are On a Diet

When you tell friends and family that you are on a diet is going to make them helpful towards your plight. There is no reason to not make your diet known to all. Doing so will help in your overall weight loss dream. When you let them know then you will be able to receive some morale support from them.

2. Stay Motivated

Staying Motivated will be an enormous key to a losing weight. Motivation will come from within, but remember that we let everyone know so they will help keep you motivated. You may hear things that may make you come down from that high you are feeling because of your weight loss because of some rude comment that you hear from a friend or family. Say the heck with them and keep going on your road to better health.

3. Drink Lots of Water

Water is essential for the body and it can help when you are attempting to lose weight. Water gets rid of toxins and it also helps to eliminate cravings. When you make that decision to lose weight and your eating routine changes then you will have cravings. Water will help you feel full and some of the cravings will subside. A glass of water can stop your cravings even if it is short lived. If you feel like you’re hungry when it is not time to eat then drink a nice cold glass of water and ride out the storm.

4. Buy a Quality Scale

Get a scale that you can trust to be accurate. At least it will show you your weight loss on that scale. Hopefully it is accurate so you don’t get that big punch in the face when the doctor’s scale tells you something different. That is a real non motivating moment when the scale at the clinic doesn’t match yours.  At least you know how much you lost because you used your scale at the beginning and it shows you your new leaner, meaner weight.

You can either opt for a simple weighing scale that only has the basic ability to tell you how much you weight or something that has extra options like weight logging and comparison programs. The latter type of weighing scale is very helpful in telling you just how you are developing through the diet.

Make a Habit of Weighing Yourself Everyday

Against the weight loss gurus’ wisdom, go ahead and weigh yourself every day. Put the scale where it will be in the way. That way you cannot avoid stepping on it. A lot of people will weigh themselves once a week and that is a good way for some or most. You are looking for a motivator or a kick in the …. Don’t forget a half a pound loss is a loss. A gain is also a gain and a way to re-think what you did wrong if anything at all. You won’t lose every day, just keep working at it.


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