Friday, March 5, 2010

*Sucks It In*

(Yesterday’s Post – I wrote it and forgot to post it)

168.2 pound girl, say what. What, what! *Chuckle* Yeah, I am pretty pleased with myself. *Grin* And I am going to feel really smiley tonight. The family and I are going to a local bowling alley/arcade for some much-needed fun. I definitely need to spend some time out of the house. I’ve kind of got cabin fever. *Shrug* It’s also an opportunity for me to showcase my slowly thinning body. It has been quite some time since I’ve planned an outfit based on cuteness rather than what best camoflauges my fat. *Snicker* Exciting, huh?

I am thinking of taking the day off from my usual workout. I would like to maybe go shopping for something new to wear tonight and, of course, I will be bowling, which is a strength-building exercise. And I am determined to not be bad on my diet either. *Sigh* I guess I really am addicted to my regimen because, whenever I slack or skip, I am simply overcome with guilt. It’s rough… Let’s just it hope it doesn’t blow up in my face. *Gulp* Wish me luck!! Adios, mi bonitas!

The Damsel

(Today’s Post)

I only lost .2 pounds between yesterday morning and today but, considering that I took it off by not doing really anything, I will take it. *Grin* And we did have a good time last night and are hoping to replicate it tonight. As my fellow geeks know, the new Alice in Wonderland movie comes out tonight and my husband has agreed to take me to see it. I am really excited. Having now lost ten pounds and who knows how many inches, I am always looking for ways to show off. I don’t know how each of you feel about it but I got my nose pierced last night!! I have wanted to have it done for quite some time but I randomly get itches to do something wild. That’s how I ended up with two tattoos and now seven piercings. *Chuckle* Yeah, I look tame on the surface but I am bit crazy underneath. *Wink*

Man, do I feel good. And so does the hubby. He has been dieting in preparation to join the military. He has dropped about ten pounds too and now his libido is through the roof. *Snicker* Men… They’re something else, aren’t they? All right, well I listed Wednesday’s statistics for your enjoyment and I will try to write tomorrow. Adios, mi bonitas!

The Damsel


  • Two Thirty-Minute Elliptical Sessions -> 519.7 calories burned.
  • 3 Sets of 13 Reverse dumbbell Curls.
  • 3 Sets of 35 Hips Sways.
  • 3 Sets of 30 Toe Points.
  • 3 Sets of 10 dumbbell Rows.
  • 3 Sets of 4 Side Planks, Hold for Ten Seconds.
  • 3 Sets of 10 Large Leg Circles.


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