Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Fastest Way to Burn Fat - What's The Best Way To Burn Body Fat Fast?

Okay, so you trying to find out what the fastest way to burn fat is. Well, I’m glad you found this article, because this information could really help you.

Exercise First Thing

By exercising in the morning before you’ve even had any breakfast, for between 30 and 60 minutes, you will burn up more fat than if you exercise at any other time. In fact, studies have shown that exercising at this time is up to 3 times more effective at burning fat.


During the night, as you’re sleeping, you body uses up all the energy it got from food the previous day. It needs all that energy from the food for all the repair and maintenance functions that happen during sleep. So, by morning, all the energy from food has been used up. This means that the body must use fat for energy until you eat more food.

Also, your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) is revved up by doing this morning exercise. Your metabolism stays at this revved up state for the rest of the day, and therefore more calories are burned.

Exercise Tip

To burn even more fat, add a second workout later in the day, about 4-6 hours after your early morning one. If you decide to do this, make the morning exercise a cardio workout, and make the second exercise a weight training exercise. Also remember: muscle burns fat.

Always Have Breakfast

After doing your morning exercise workout, you must always eat breakfast. Why is this? Well, the main reason is that it gives an additional boost to your metabolism. It also provides your body with the nutrients and energy it needs.

Think of your metabolism as being like a fire. By adding plenty of fuel to the fire at the beginning of the day, you set it going for burning hot all day long. Eating breakfast also reduces cravings later on in the day.

Extra Nutrition Tip

To help keep your metabolism fire burning all throughout the day, try to eat smaller meals more frequently rather than having 3 large meals a day. Think in terms of spreading the same calories intake of 3 meals across 5 or 6 smaller meals.

Do you want to discover the SECRETS to fat loss that no-one is telling you? Visit to find out how to burn the fat and keep it off forever. Don’t reprint this exact article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.


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