Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Airbrushing not the issue

There has been a lot of debate over the past few months with regard to photo-shopping pictures of models and actresses.

Everywhere from the silly debacle of Demi Moore’s missing hip-

Aaaand.. it's back.

To the not so silly editing of Ralph Lauren Model Filippa Hamilton-

Aaaand... she's gone.

The question now is: is photo editing appropriate?

This to me is a no brainer.

Of course it’s okay, so long as the intentions are to fix minor flaws (weight, sorry Uncle Karl, is not one of those things). Photos of anyone are prettier and easier on the eyes if acne is cleaned up, cellulite smoothed over and  eyes a little whiter.

The problem Westernized countries seem to have is that we equate beauty with thin.

thin= beautiful.

anything else=average or down right ugly

Women ARE beautiful, in all shapes and sizes. Of course we have flaws that are better covered up, but our body shape is not one of them. Thick, thin, average, big, or small, women are just beautiful.

So it’s frustrating that everyone is getting up in arms over just editing of photos and not really focusing on the fact that thin is not a qualifier for beauty.

Who gives a fuck about airbrushing away blemishes. I on the other hand do give a fuck when they make a size 4 model look like a a zombie (as much as I love my zombies, I just prefer them to be actually be dead and trying to eat Mila Jovovich)- That for some reason, that’s what people think women should look like or that that’s what people want to look at!

Women have a right to feel sexy no matter what, because by default, just by being a woman they are SEXY.

Does that mean I condone stuffing your face with food and saying “oh well, I don’t care what I look like”, no. That’s just as disgusting because you’re still disrespecting your body.

There needs to be a shift in thinking here about weight to health. It’s not what you look like, but about taking care of yourself- eating more balanced diets. Balanced and healthy.

It is sheer idiocy to think that all bodies can be thin and lean…but they can be meatier or radically less fatty.

Of course that shift won’t happen anytime soon. There are far too many things preventing it, not just the media’s image of women, but people’s misconception of health all together.

I find myself being a little harsher on those who eat whatever the hell they want then whine when they’re realize they’re fat than I am about the too thin thing (one might try to argue that it’s because I fall into the latter category…to that I have two words “you wish”)

To be fare, it’s all the same. It’s treating yourself and your body poorly. Giving into unhealthy urges that are detrimental to your health and even that of your children, born or unborn, is bad. Bad bad bad.

These debates over these photos opens the door for a lot of discussion but no one is really taking the opportunity.

The photo-editing is only a symptom of a bigger problem. Fixing that doesn’t actually solve anything.



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