Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Truth About Diets

Why Dieting Will Never Work

Do you know that fad diets do not give lasing results. most people myself included struggled with losing weight one time or another, weight loss that last a life time that is, I am sure you, like myself are sick and tired of dieting programs that just don’t work.

Why You Are Fighting a Losing Battle

75% of why we over eat is mental, but diet programs never take this fact into account. Diet programs need to deal with the destructive love affair we have with food, if not we will just keep going back to our “love”. Diets need to first address the unhealthy attachment we have with food. fad diet main objective is to shed fat fast by whatever means necessary and completely disregard the behavioral aspect of the individual

Temporary dieting is just that, temporary. Up to 80% of people that engage in fad diets, gain back all there weight 6 months after the diet has ended and most even put on more weight than when they first started.

The weight loss industry loves this and make a lot of money selling fad diets. It is because people are always looking for the next best thing, the next diet craze or fad, because the last one “failed” to produce lasting results.

. It’s time to change your life, and stop the weight swing from left to right, this is not healthy and you will never achieve lasting results. So decide in your heart that today will be the day you take control of your weight loss. Sure its easy for you to say!

It’s Time For a Mind Transplant

You will not have lasting results unless you alter the way you perceive food and eating. Food addiction is obviously one of the hardest addictions to break, because we need to eat to live, so there is no denying it, you will have to start with small changes at a time. You want great tasting food that looks appealing but the most important factor should be is it healthy for you? Alternatively, am I just eating this because I am depressed?.

Depression and mood imbalance are serious and should never be treated lightly, you think you are suffering from either, then you need to seek professional help. The last thing you want to do is turn to food.

Get rid of all junk food and all other refined, overly processed foods. Do not allow candy bars, snacks or any other non-nutritious foods to cross the threshold of your home or make their way into your drawers at work. Develop a list of dishes you can make yourself, which are wholesome, nourishing and healthy. Cultivate the practice of purchasing fresh foods.

Make This Your New Way of Living and Eating.

Never forget that this is not a fad diet, but a life long change in your eating habits. So, instead of cooking white rice, do brown rice; instead of refined white pasta, do whole-wheat pasta; instead of snacking on a candy bar, reach for fruit; instead of a sugary beverage, drink water; instead of ice cream, have some non-sweetened, chilled applesauce.

After 6 p.m., do not eat anything or hang out in your kitchen. Leave the kitchen and if you get “snackish,” have some fruit or water. Do not be haphazard! You must be consistent if you plan to conquer your bad habits and replace them with good, healthy habits. If you fall off the wagon, just start from where you are and get back on. Do not dwell on the fall! This will make you more depressed and you will eat more, just move on and get back on track.

Limit Eating Portions.

Along with eating healthy foods, you will also want to focus on limiting how much you eat at one time. You should do this gradually and systematically. If you try to “starve” yourself by not eating, or meal skipping, it will be harder for you to lose weight. Our bodies go into famine mode if it perceives that food is being withheld. This is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

To lose weight, you should eat two or three meals a day. Eat your meals at the same time everyday and try never to skip breakfast. To keep your portion sizes under control, you should eat breakfast like a king, between 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. (or earlier), lunch like a queen, around 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and dinner like a pauper, no later than 6 p.m. This approach trains you to eat smaller portions as you get later in the day

When you first get started, get a baseline for the portion sizes by measuring and recording the weight of your food. During the course of 6 weeks, decrease the amount you eat by 40%. You should do this gradually over the 6 weeks. The majority of Americans consume over 100% more than they need, so limit those portion sizes

Don’t forget exercise, this is just as important to your over weight loss plan. We will cover exercise in another article because you have to know how and when exercise is most effective and how to incorporate it into your lifestyle dieting plan.

Proper Nutrition consistent Exercise, adequate Water, Sunshine, Temperance (everything in moderation) fresh Air, enough Rest and most importantly, Trust in God, is your ticket to a NEW START.

To Your Health,

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