Sunday, June 28, 2009

What You Need to Know About Caralluma Fimbriata

Caralluma fimbriata is a succulent plant, in the cactus family, that has been used as a natural appetite suppressant in India for centuries. It’s a new arrival in the family of cactii and succulent plants that are becoming increasingly popular for their appetite suppressant, and weight loss properties, as well as their ability to lower blood sugar. Supplements made from the popular hoodia gordonii cactus from the Kalahari Desert in Africa, are, for example, growing in popularity and usage in the U.S. and Europe. Like hoodia, caralluma fimbriata has been used to suppress appetite, and as a portable food for hunting. It is used to suppress hunger and appetite, and enhance endurance throughout India. It is also sometimes considered a “famine food,” used during periods of famine to suppress appetite. For centuries, people in rural areas of India have eaten Caralluma fimbriata, which grows wild over various parts of the country. Caralluma fimbriata is cooked as a vegetable, used in preserves like chutneys and pickles, or eaten raw. Caralluma fimbriata is believed to block the activity of several enzymes, which then blocks the formation of fat, forcing fat reserves to be burned. Caralluma fimbriata is also believed to have an effect on the appetite control mechanism of the brain. Ayurvedic (traditional Indian medicine) experts have noted that there are no adverse effects when using Caralluma fimbriata, and the plant has no known toxicity. A patented, tested extract of Caralluma fimbriata has been developed and standardized by a company called Gencor. Known as “Slimaluma,” the extract delivers the plant in a concentrated form. One of the only products available in the U.S. that uses the Slimaluma formula is Country Life’s GenaSlim supplement, which combines the patented Slimaluma extract of Caralluma fimbriata with EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) from green tea. Together they reportedly have a synergistic effect on appetite control and weight loss. In several clinical trials Slimaluma was shown to be effective in reducing body fat through appetite control. If you’re interested in trying this product for weight control, you can compare prices now from various online vendors. SourcesKhan B, et. al. “Hypogylcemic activity of aqueous extract of some indigenous plants.” Pak J Pharm Sci., 2005 Jan;18(1):62-4.

For more information visit:

Saturday, June 27, 2009

5 Tips To Help You Burn The Fat

One of the best ways to burn the fat and get a six-pack tummy is to do cardio workouts. But not all cardio is similar. Some workouts are far better at burning fat fast than others. The better your workouts, the faster you will get lean and firm.

So, which are the best belly fat burning cardio workouts? In my mind, it is the following:

1. Running – My all time favorite. Running is a glorious way to consume fat from all over your body because it’s in depth and incorporates all the major muscle groups (and a lot of the minor ones too ). Make sure to run at changing speeds to truly push your body to the edge of its endurance. This will allow you to make the maximum of your workout time.

2. Rowing – the explanation I love rowing is that it is a strength workout and a cardio workout. This gives you a double benefit : you are adding muscle tissue which helps to burn energy quicker, and you’re shedding fat with the cardiovascular kick you are getting. You will also tone your arms in the method which is always a great thing.

3. Walking – Walking isn’t as intensive as running, but it is a brilliant cardio workout to burn belly fat if you make sure to do it right. Try and walk fast, walk at an incline, consider walking with ankle weights or dumbbells to add to the intensity.

4. Kickboxing – My coordination isn’t great so I don’t do well at these classes, except for people who hate same pace cardiovascular, this is an excellent way to get your whole body into shape and to burn some stomach fat in the method. You won’t even feel the time go by in these classes. They end too soon.

5. Basketball – I adore this sport because it incorporates a lot of jumping. When you jump, your body is always pushed to the limit. Also, basketball is a good team sport and a lot of fun. For the majority, ball games are lot more fascinating cardiovascular workouts then running or rowing, or any traditional cardio. If you play a good game, you may burn a lot of calories and also have a heap of fun in the process.

5 Tips To Help You Burn The Fat

PH Diet
Intermittent Fasting


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

DAY 11

Phwoooar it is HOT today in the south west!

Clean + Lean programme still going well, have found I am really uninterested in carbohydrate based foods such as potatoes and bread which is a refreshing change!

I thought I should mention a couple of tips about this programme for anyone thinking of doing this or something similar.

Please Make sure you are always properly hydrated – if you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated!

This programme is designed to educate you in healthy living for life – so even though the first stage is very strict this is not a “fad” diet, you need to be serious about making a change in your life for good.

If you wish to purchase the clean + lean or find out more information on the company and its products please click here

Till tomorrow!

Jessica x

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Benefits Of Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations (surya namaskar) are a very effective series of 12 postures to build strenght and flexibility for the body.

Performed in a single graceful flow, each movement is coordinated with the breath, Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract.

Different styles of yoga perform the Sun Saluation with their own variations. However, the flow presented below covers core steps used in most styles.

Benefits of Sun Salutations

*Tones up the digestive system by alternately stretching and contracting the abdominal organs.
*Thoroughly ventilates the lungs and oxygenates the blood.
*Clears elimination channels helping to expel toxins.
*Normalizes the endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland.
*Improves muscle strength and flexibility.
*Enhances mobility of the back and shoulders.
*Reduces stiffness by lubricating the joints.
*Increases mental focus and concentration.
*Helps reduce depression, anxiety and stress.
*Improves mind-body coordination.

For the series below, a single round consists of two complete sequences: one for the right side of the body and the other for the left.

On days when you think you have no time for yoga, try and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation. You’ll feel the difference.

Step 1

Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.

Step 2

Inhale and raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.

Step 3

Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet, head touching knees.

Step 4

Inhale and move the right leg back away from the body in a wide backward step. Keep the hands and feet firmly on the ground, with the left foot between the hands. Raise the head.

Step 5

While exhaling, bring the left foot together with the right. Keep arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an upward arch.

Step 6

Exhale and lower the body to the floor until the the feet, knees, hands, chest, and forehead are touching the ground.

Step 7

Inhale and slowly raise the head and bend backward as much as possible, bending the spine to the maximum (as in the naga-asana).

Step 8

While exhaling, bring the left foot together with the right. Keep arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an upward arch.

Step 9

Inhale and move the right leg back away from the body in a wide backward step. Keep the hands and feet firmly on the ground, with the left foot between the hands. Raise the head.

Step 10

Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet, head touching knees.

Step 11

Inhale and raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.

Step 12

Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.

Here is a Video variation to help you with the poses:

Sun Salutation Instructions – Click here for the funniest movie of the week

Monday, June 22, 2009

PreFathers Day Workout

I’m not going to lie, it probably was one of my toughest workouts.

At about 7:30 or so I believe I heard my phone alarm ringing….
then I either shut my phone off or simply ignored it. What ever it
was that I did I was completely knocked out and slept right through it.

Ha, I’ll admit, I slept right through what I had originally planned.

I actually didn’t even wake up until I heard my daughter calling my
name at about 8:45. I already knew I was going to play some flag football
later on, but I still wanted to make sure I got a good workout in before hand.

My plan was to take a quick protein shake with fruit, workout early
and then finish a bigger sized breakfast of eggs, loaded with veggies,
chicken, and a slice of wheat & gluten free bread.

Even though the plan was to workout early, I didn’t actually “DO” or take
the steps to make it happen. Slept through my alarm, turned if off whatever…

I wonder why I didn’t get up? Maybe it was much needed rest?
How come I didn’t wake up automatically?

After all when I REALLY want to do something I sure will pop right up….

I guess my bed was just too comfy.

There’s a couple of things that can be learned here:

Sometimes just sometimes even if you have good
intentions to workout, they may not always be good enough.

You may tell yourself that you’re going to workout, but are you
taking the necessary actions to do so?

Make a plan. Schedule it like an appointment. Write it down.
Set an reminder on your phone/calender.

That’s a good place to start.

Now, back to me and my missed workout, before you begin to grin
as if all hope was lost. I didn’t just pack it in.

I went and played football. It was scorching out. So I went
home to cool off a bit and hopped in the pool.

I can be creative when it comes to exercise and I don’t need much
equipment nor that much space. I can sneak total body workouts
anywhere, anytime even here at the house with a busy 21month yr old.

Later on in the day, I decided to do a Tabata Circuit for my core and an
amazing 20min cardio workout right at my place. All I did was grab my
ipod dock and mat and went to work right back in the heat. Not sure if
I’ll here some complaints from the HOA but who cares
(I can barely sneeze in this community without someone saying something).

You can follow this same format/sequence of exercises if you like.

I gave myself 12 minutes to keep my Rock Hard Abs nice and tight.

3 moves is all it took to jack my core up!

Extended Pillar (dynamic)
Side Piller with Body weight row and push up (both sides)
Extended Pillar

After that I hit this cardio program using a slightly graded hill. And allowed full recover
as I came back down. Once I reached the bottom it was time to go again.

Hill sprints
Broad Jumps
Bear Crawls
Back Pedaling

Try the above circuit and workout and let me know you think.

For your FREE 2-Week Trial Membershio to Atlanta’s # 1 Fat Burning
Boot Camp please visit

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Richard Hackworth discovers the Real Breakfast of Champions

The Real Breakfast of Champions

I recently chased down bodybuilding champion Flex Lewis and during the interview for the Action Radio Network and World Martial Arts Magazine I got him to share one of his biggest secrets. What to have for breakfast to jumpstart your day full of energy. Here is his secret breakfast mix for you to try.

2 1/2 scoops of whey protein
1/2 cup dry rolled oats
1 small box raisins
1 tablespoon all natural peanut butter
1 splash of sugar free caramel
1 dash cinnamon
18 ounces purified water
4 ice cubes

Put all of this into a blender. Blend on high for 30 seconds. Pour it into a large cup and enjoy!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cooking healthy with the ResultsBy chef-Italian style

Tim Trost in Ravello

The first time I went to Italy, I remember driving from the French Riviera to a little town called Cinque Teerre, where my friend John Carlo lived. I was a little over the heavy foods in France and ready for a nice light meal. John Carlo introduced me to this dish and for the rest of my stay in Italy I would stop off at every market and get bresaola and burrata. I was on a budget — it was cheap and delicious. On my second visit to Italy I went to a little town called Ravello, this time I wasn’t on a budget so I treated myself to the restaurants this time. Again every time I saw this dish on the menu, I would get it and was never disappointed. The presentation was exquisite with the taste to match! I hope you enjoy it.

Tim Trost in Positano

This one is simple, all you need is a knife, cutting board and a food processor that is it!

What you’ll need:

One half pound of  Bresaola (Go to an italian deli, they should have both Bresaola & Burrata ask them to cut the Besaola thin.)

8 oz of burrata

Olive oil

Balsamic vinaigrette


2 heirloom tomatoes

Let's get prepped

Lets get prepped now:

Cut the tomatoes into medium slices long ways and then again into halves. Cut the avocado into half  and then slice long ways. Now the art of it is in the presentation, find your inner artist and design the plate how you want or just look at the pictures and follow my guide.

Homemade pesto What you ‘ll need: Ingredients
  • 2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/3 cup pine nuts
  • 3 medium sized garlic cloves, minced
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

    Let's cut'em up

  • Special equipment needed: A food processor (Check’s sale on Cuisinart food processors.)

1 Combine the basil in with the pine nuts, pulse a few times in a food processor. (If you are using walnuts instead of pine nuts and they are not already chopped, pulse them a few times first, before adding the basil.) Add the garlic, pulse a few times more.

2 Slowly add the olive oil in a constant stream while the food processor is on. Stop to scrape down the sides of the food processor with a rubber spatula. Add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Makes 1 cup.

This is a great lunch or light dinner. The smells and tastes bring me right back to beautiful Italy, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.


hmmm, beautiful & yummy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dear Diary

June 14, 2009

Dear Diary,

I had a wonderful weekend with family.  Kept busy phsyically, tennis, badminton, gardening, running, and I did Week 4 Day 3 of the challenges and they were a breeze.  I did the challenges fresh in the AM and I guess my problem is that I usually do them in the evening after biking, work, workout, stairs, etc….

I ate mostly healthy, had a few desserts and gravy once and bacon, but kept mostly healthy and made a lot of the food for others to eat.

I did get some complements on looking healthy and tighter.  Was completements on good genes! Ha!  Not really!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gym Etiquette

Gym etiquettes important when you lift at a health club with lots of people. Its important to follow these simple rules as close as possible to ensure that your fellow gym members are having as good of a workout as you are. Its also very polite to the gym owners because it is there business. and every business should be respected with proper etiquette.

You should always…

Put the weights back where you got them.

Whip off equiptment after use.. expecially cardio equiptment, they can get gross.

Dont hog equipment, and ask people if they are using them before you jump on em.

When its snowy where different shoes in the gym so the equipment isn’t a salty mess.

Whip your sweat with a towel so it doesn’t get on people, or bring an extra shirt when yours gets gross.

Where deodorant! cant stress this enough.. no one wants to workout next to someone with rank pits! lol

Dry off after using the showers, the wet can harm the floor and cause accidents.

Dont talk to people when they are doing cardio, unless its urgent or they don’t care.

Have a good attitude. Having a bad one isnt good for you or the people around you.

Try your best, using effort is key to getting fit and it shows a good example.

Listen to your trainer, do what they tell you to and you’ll see results. Its your money and there time!

Be respectful to your trainer. Its important to respect your trainer. It makes your trainers time, and your time more enjoyable. And you may even make a new friend!

Dont sit inactive on equiptment. This isnt really a big one, but its nice to be mobile. Sitting on equiptment makes people wait if its a crowded gym.

Be respectful of people around you. Its not a compitition. Stick to your own training program.

Dont be late for a trainer. Its your trainers time as well as yours. If you need to cancel a training session contact them at least 24 hours before the lesson.

Place water bottles to the side of they gym, so people dont trip or half to climb over them.

As you can see, Gym Etiquette is very important to make friends and have a good gym experiance. There are many more but you just have to find them. If you think something is right for yourself and the people around you than your using proper Gym Etiquette.

Friday, June 12, 2009

7 Ways to Make Weight Loss Stick

Weight loss….sometimes it just doesn’t stick. Finding the right diet would make all the difference, right? Finally you could achieve your goal and fit into that fly summer dress you bought a few sizes too small on purpose last year. The sad truth is that weight loss diets, for the most part, don’t work and are becoming a thing of the past. Most dieters regain any weight they’ve lost within 3-5 years. Diets only provide a general guideline of what to eat and how much, rarely ever do they help us make better food choices after the diet is over. So typically we revert to our old nutritional habits and as a result our weight yo-yos.

The key to succeeding at weight loss following a diet is change to eating nutrient rich foods and enjoying celebratory or junk foods in moderation. The end result will be natural and gradual weight loss. You will also discover that if you exercise regularly and eat in moderation you will not necessarily have to give up the foods you enjoy.

7 ways to succeed in reaching weight loss goals are:

1. Learn nutrition principles that are effective.
2. Do not use food as a coping mechanism for emotional times or to deal with stress.
3. If you fall off the bandwagon don’t beat yourself up. Get back on course.
4. Find someone to support you so that you stay motivated.
5. Focus not on just “looking good” but on honoring your health and well-being.
6. Change eating habits for the long-term instead of just to lose weight.
7. Adapt to portion control or make your activity level exceed your caloric intake.

Choosing to pursue a higher level of health means being committed, getting the right support, and becoming educated. The great news is that you will become equip with the right means of keeping the weight off for a lifetime.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Turbulence Training 21 Day Trial Offer

I have been talking about Turbulence Training and how I have been using it.  Just got word that Craig is offering all access to his member site for 21 days.  For 21-days you’ll get to try the Turbulence Training workouts and all you pay is $4.95 during that time. You can spend that much in a Starbucks just for a coffee!

This program usually costs $39.95, but you can start a 21-day trial for only $4.95. If you like it, you’ll be billed the remaining $35.00 investment at the end of your 21-day trial period.

And nothing will be held back. You’ll get access to the entire Turbulence Training for Fat Loss system, plus you’ll still get your free membership into the TT Member’s area where you can ask him any question you want about your fat loss workouts and nutrition program.

You have nothing to lose. If you don’t like the program, you can ask for your money back. So there is no risk to you. Instead, you can get started on the world’s most popular home-gym fat burning workout program that you can do with minimal equipment and in minimum time to help you burn belly fat.

Say goodbye to long, slow, boring cardio workouts that don’t burn anything but your time away. Instead, you’ll get proven fat burning workouts used by over 8,771 men and women to lose over 41,000 pounds of disgusting body fat.

Turbulence Training Nutrition Guide

Plus, you’ll get Dr. Chris Mohr’s Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines, and all of the bonus workouts that come in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package.

Check it out:


You’ll uncover the entire top-secret Turbulence Training for Fat Loss System that has been featured in Men’s Health and Oxygen magazines, used by thousands of men and women all over the world, and that has helped thousands of men and women to lose over 41,000 pounds of body fat according to Men’s Health.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lose Weight, Lose Fat - You Need Be Determined

Apart from proper adjusting to your life style, another one of the important factors that affecting your success in losing weight or fat is your determination.

So, are you determined enough to lose your excessive weight or fat? Are you sure you won’t give up easily in your path?

If you’re sure of this then I must congrats you because you would be 80% closer to your success; otherwise, you would be  80% a loser then.

Once you’re firmed with your determination, you must persist on working out what the rest simple steps to get yourself fit again! Indeed, once you can decide to do something, you will be succeed in that! Same applies to the other way round.

As I have mentioned in my earlier articles on this lose weight topic, the ways to actually make you get fit again are indeed not as hard as you are always thinking. The key here is whether you can keep your right minds and persistency. Once you can stick to them, no matter what methods you are going to use on keeping fit, I bet you will soon see your desire result.

Remember: Quitter = Loser ; Keep On = Winner

So, don’t ever let yourself give up too easily and too early!

By the way, don’t let yourself easily believe on those commercial ads claiming that you could get fit again in very unreasonable short time or over easy. Although most would make you see some effect soon but indeed all of them are simply short-term effect and they would not last long. Should you do follow these ads, you’ll be sure wasting your time and money.

=> Be realistic. Getting fit is a time-taking activity.

Think, would you get overweight or fat in overnight? No, sure you won’t. The fact is you will only be becoming fat gradually and unnoticeably when you had started eating more and meanwhile you had also started doing less exercises.

=> So, to get yourself fit again, the concept is not difficult indeed: just “reverse” the process!

That is, you must start to build up a proper eating manner and meanwhile perform enough exercises regularly so that to burn out any excessive fat stored in your body! When you can get used to these good habits, your fit body will last long for years!

Again, like becoming fat takes time, get back to fit does take time as well!

So stop allowing yourself to believe any miracle to happen overnight! Be realistic. As long as you can persist, you will be succeed!

Remember: Quitter = Loser ; Keep On = Winner

[Filed under Category: Beauty & Fit ]


Fat Loss For Idiots – If you simply want to lose weight or fat, this is an easier one to get you start up as it uses a breakthrough way to guide you eat. They named this method as the Calorie Shifting. You will soon find yourself becoming slim and that’s why my daughter loves this product very much.

The Truth About Abs – I like it more than the Fat Loss For Idiots as it not only helps me in building up my good eating habit, it also guides me very thoroughly how to build my body with more muscular look – be strong – all men’s underlying wish? I also like very much the 5 most major keeping fit mistakes it tells.


Anyway, with their pretty knowledgeabe and informative contents, both of these do adopt a well systematic way to help you get your fit body back.

Sunday, June 7, 2009 - My Health Tracker

Since finding this amazing FREE tool on – I’ve really started to look carefully about what I am eating.

You track weight, measurements, calories, exercise, moods and more!

I’ve been amazed about what I’ve been consuming – my calories are bang on – around 1400 per day – but it’s what makes up the calories that’s unsettling. 

Around 32% of my calories have come from fat, a staggering 44% from carbs and only a rubbish 24% from protein sources. So even though I’m eating the right amount – the type of food I’m putting in my mouth is way off! – Something to work on!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Your Diet Solution - 3 Healthy Meal Plans

Your Diet Solution 3 Simple, Healthy Meal Plans You Can Start Right Now

Is it possible to put together a simple and healthy meal plan?  One that is not going to be complicated and hard to follow?  Yes.  It is possible and I will show you how.   The healthy meal plans below will help you achieve your health goals while simultaneously shedding fat off your body.

Here are 3 healthy meal plans you can get started on right now.


Protein should be included in every meal throughout the day and breakfast is no exception.  Make sure to include organic eggs, cottage cheese, raw nut butter or smoked fish as one component of your healthy breakfast.  Carbohydrates should also be included in the form of oatmeal, sprouted grain bread, fruit and/or vegetables.

3 great sample breakfasts are:

Oatmeal with almond butter, topped with fresh berries and a bit of Stevia to sweeten.

2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice sprouted grain toast and ½ grapefruit

Smoked salmon over sliced tomato and 1 green apple


The same rules apply as breakfast.  An easy way to ensure that you always have a healthy protein available for lunch is to pack leftovers from dinner the night before.  Leftover hamburger, chicken legs or wild fish are all great to include in a salad or over vegetables.

3 great sample lunches are:

Baked Tilapia over sautéed spinach, green salad with chick peas (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by  ½ cup of pineapple.

Leftover chicken legs with ½ sweet potato and broccoli.

Lean hamburger over portabella mushroom and brown rice.  Cooked vegetables or a green salad.  1 orange.


You can really be creative with dinner.  Look for recipes that are quick and easy and modify them with your own healthy ingredients as needed.  Again, always remember to include protein and carbohydrates.

3 great sample dinners are:

Mexican salad: Ground beef over shredded lettuce and tomato, guacamole and brown rice.

Grilled Salmon over asparagus, green salad (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by a  fresh fruit salad.

Buffalo meat balls over rice pasta with sautéed broccoli.


You never want to let your body get too hungry.  Hunger often leads to binge eating of unhealthy food and makes sticking to a healthy eating regimen much more difficult.  It’s important to keep snacks handy so you never experience hunger or a blood sugar low without having a healthy option nearby.

3 great snacks are:

2 Tbsp almond butter on ½ apple

Trail mix made up of walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and dried fruit (no sugar added)

Cottage cheese and pineapple

Incorporate just a few of these meals into your daily eating regimen and you will see an incredible difference in your weight loss results.  Following simple and healthy meal plans like these is the first step in achieving your health and fitness goals.

 To get started right away on your own fat loss goals and get more great meal plans check out  Your Diet Solution

Friday, June 5, 2009

Keeping Fit Should Be A Life Long Goal

How to Make Proper Diet and Exercise a Permanent Part of Your Life

Before they tie their sneakers, many people simply abandon perfectly sound fitness programs and weight loss routines. Why are so many people like this?

Because we live in a society filled with fast food, instant messaging, and a five-second disease-tracking device, anything without a quick payoff flows against the grain of the average American instant gratification mind set. Sure. It would be great to melt inches in just a few days as most ‘miracle’ ads claim. But the reality is that managing weight and losing weight through physical fitness is a slow and steady process requiring both your time and commitment.

Setting weight management goals can be a fantastic motivator, but keep in mind that gradual weight loss is the safest method.

Lifetime fitness programs are best because they teach you how to get and keep a physically fit body, enjoy and live a happy, contented life. They also help you strike a balance between exercise and diet, while making exercise, be it team sports, cycling, or walking, something you will truly enjoy.

Hence, lifetime fitness embodies the concept that making a long term, healthy lifestyle change, is essential to keeping those pounds off once they are gone.

For more information about the advantages and benefits of lifetime fitness programs, here are some facts you need to know:

1. Lifetime fitness programs offer you the most comprehensive and wide-ranging fitness and health encounter with quality services to gratify the customers.

Lifetime fitness programs provide you with the right way of maintaining health for you and taking care of your family’s physical fitness as well.

2. Because the goal of lifetime fitness programs is to provide you with long term physical fitness, they utilize many exercise equipment that will tone the different parts of your body and manage your health.

Lifetime fitness programs can also offer products such as food supplements and other nutritional items that will help your body produce healthy blood cells and tissue.

Indeed, staying fit and healthy is not a fad, but a life long commitment. Although there may be brief moments when your commitment is tested, with a comprehensive lifetime fitness plan however, you can stay on the right track to a healthier you.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Interval Fat Loss Training For The Busy Woman

Busy Woman Workout     By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

You can get an incredible weight loss workout at home without any equipment. That’s right, with interval fat loss training you can burn fat and lose fat in the comfort of your own home. Your a busy woman, you don’t need fancy machines or expensive mega-gym memberships, and you don’t have to deal with line-ups or sweaty, stinky fellow gym-members. Ewww!

Okay, here’s the first thing you need. About a 8×8 open area. And your bodyweight. That’s it. Don’t rest between any of these exercises.

First exercise: Prisoner Squat

Place your hands behind your head, keep your elbows back, and squat down halfway to the ground. Keep your shoulder blades together to work your upper back and push your hips back as you squat to work your back of your legs.

Do that 10-20 times depending on your strength levels.

Second exercise: Push-up Plus

Do a regular pushup, but at the top, add a little extra push to round your upper back and make your shoulder blades move away from one another. Do 4-12 reps depending on your strength.

Third exercise: Plank

Support yourself on your forearms and toes and keep your body in a straight line from ankles to shoulders. You’ll be “hovering” just above the ground. Keep your abs braced and hold for 10-60 seconds depending on your endurance.

Fourth exercise: Split squat

Stand with one foot 2 feet in front of your body and the other foot 1 foot behind your body. This is a stationary lunge position. Bend your back knee and drop your hips to the floor. Then push up using the muscles of the lead leg. Use a wall for balance or support if needed. Do 5-12 reps per side depending on strength.

Rest 1 minute then repeat the circuit up to 4 times.

Have fun, and burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Interval Fat Loss Training

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Truth About Diets

Why Dieting Will Never Work

Do you know that fad diets do not give lasing results. most people myself included struggled with losing weight one time or another, weight loss that last a life time that is, I am sure you, like myself are sick and tired of dieting programs that just don’t work.

Why You Are Fighting a Losing Battle

75% of why we over eat is mental, but diet programs never take this fact into account. Diet programs need to deal with the destructive love affair we have with food, if not we will just keep going back to our “love”. Diets need to first address the unhealthy attachment we have with food. fad diet main objective is to shed fat fast by whatever means necessary and completely disregard the behavioral aspect of the individual

Temporary dieting is just that, temporary. Up to 80% of people that engage in fad diets, gain back all there weight 6 months after the diet has ended and most even put on more weight than when they first started.

The weight loss industry loves this and make a lot of money selling fad diets. It is because people are always looking for the next best thing, the next diet craze or fad, because the last one “failed” to produce lasting results.

. It’s time to change your life, and stop the weight swing from left to right, this is not healthy and you will never achieve lasting results. So decide in your heart that today will be the day you take control of your weight loss. Sure its easy for you to say!

It’s Time For a Mind Transplant

You will not have lasting results unless you alter the way you perceive food and eating. Food addiction is obviously one of the hardest addictions to break, because we need to eat to live, so there is no denying it, you will have to start with small changes at a time. You want great tasting food that looks appealing but the most important factor should be is it healthy for you? Alternatively, am I just eating this because I am depressed?.

Depression and mood imbalance are serious and should never be treated lightly, you think you are suffering from either, then you need to seek professional help. The last thing you want to do is turn to food.

Get rid of all junk food and all other refined, overly processed foods. Do not allow candy bars, snacks or any other non-nutritious foods to cross the threshold of your home or make their way into your drawers at work. Develop a list of dishes you can make yourself, which are wholesome, nourishing and healthy. Cultivate the practice of purchasing fresh foods.

Make This Your New Way of Living and Eating.

Never forget that this is not a fad diet, but a life long change in your eating habits. So, instead of cooking white rice, do brown rice; instead of refined white pasta, do whole-wheat pasta; instead of snacking on a candy bar, reach for fruit; instead of a sugary beverage, drink water; instead of ice cream, have some non-sweetened, chilled applesauce.

After 6 p.m., do not eat anything or hang out in your kitchen. Leave the kitchen and if you get “snackish,” have some fruit or water. Do not be haphazard! You must be consistent if you plan to conquer your bad habits and replace them with good, healthy habits. If you fall off the wagon, just start from where you are and get back on. Do not dwell on the fall! This will make you more depressed and you will eat more, just move on and get back on track.

Limit Eating Portions.

Along with eating healthy foods, you will also want to focus on limiting how much you eat at one time. You should do this gradually and systematically. If you try to “starve” yourself by not eating, or meal skipping, it will be harder for you to lose weight. Our bodies go into famine mode if it perceives that food is being withheld. This is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

To lose weight, you should eat two or three meals a day. Eat your meals at the same time everyday and try never to skip breakfast. To keep your portion sizes under control, you should eat breakfast like a king, between 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. (or earlier), lunch like a queen, around 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and dinner like a pauper, no later than 6 p.m. This approach trains you to eat smaller portions as you get later in the day

When you first get started, get a baseline for the portion sizes by measuring and recording the weight of your food. During the course of 6 weeks, decrease the amount you eat by 40%. You should do this gradually over the 6 weeks. The majority of Americans consume over 100% more than they need, so limit those portion sizes

Don’t forget exercise, this is just as important to your over weight loss plan. We will cover exercise in another article because you have to know how and when exercise is most effective and how to incorporate it into your lifestyle dieting plan.

Proper Nutrition consistent Exercise, adequate Water, Sunshine, Temperance (everything in moderation) fresh Air, enough Rest and most importantly, Trust in God, is your ticket to a NEW START.

To Your Health,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Your Diet And Nutrition Are You An Emotional Eater?

Many people suffer from the same eating problems, but among those eating issues, there is on that stands out. Emotional eating. For most people, it is the leading cause of abnormal weight gain, as you end up compensating for your emotional distress by sitting down for a large snack. Once and a while this is fine, but do it too often and you will find it hard to lose any weight.


Every time you eat anything, you need to write down your state of mind in your food journal. Were you feeling tired, upset, depressed, happy or energetic? Just writing a few words about how you felt at the time you decided to eat can make a world of difference when it comes time to analyze your eating behaviors.


While your emotions are a good starting point, if you want to get even more in depth in your journal, you should go ahead and make that extra effort. At the end of each day, make a note about what happened during that day. Were the events good or bad? Did they lead to you eating more than you normally would have?


Once you analyze your emotions in regard to your hunger levels and how often you eat your meals, you may be able to find a pattern which you can use to become a more proper eater. Maybe you’ll find that you eat more when you’re depressed, even if you do not feel that hungry. Or perhaps you will find that you bolster happy days with food to make you feel even better.


The ultimate goal of any food journal you create is to be able to track your dietary patterns to see what needs to be changed if you hope to lose weight. While the core of your food notebook should be based on what you eat and how much of it you ate, you should also take the time to write about your state of mind, how often you eat, and where you have your meals. While these facts may seem useless at first, they can provide you with a number of interesting observations about what you need to change if you hope to lose weight.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 4 Menu/Sneaky early weigh-in

Yesterday was just nutty but eating was a snap. I didn’t crave and had lots of energy that lasted through an incredibly long and busy day. I think it’s working!! I got on the scale this morning and it’s going down… yippee!!


2 Scrambled eggs / .5 tblsp butter


large roasted portabello mushroom cap with a little melted shredded jack cheese on top, yummmmm

Lunch -very limited choices at a sit-down post-communion luncheon

small garden salad with mysterious creamy dressing. it wasn’t heavily dressed and had good stuff in it.

6oz steak (guessing the size) with gravy on it

green bean (sitting in the same gravy lol)

didn’t eat the fancifully swirly-piped mashed potatoes

drank lots of water

experienced much stress and anxiety over the kiddy-table, must be good for a few extra calories burned

more calories burned: walked around amusement park for 4 hours with family, kids had ice cream, i did not


Salad w/tuna, romaine, baby spinach, scallions, radish, mushrooms, shredded red cabbage & carrot, sliced almonds, olive oil & red wine vinegar and a little parmesan cheese